Analyst Report

KuppingerCole Leadership Compass Report: Access Management

NetIQ by OpenText is a leader in KuppingerCole’s Leadership Compass for Access Management

Report insights include:

  • Information about access management and the options organizations have to choose from as it continues to evolve beyond traditional capabilities seen in the past
  • How access management plays a key role in securing data and compliance
  • The impact of Covid-19 and how it’s accelerated innovation, rapid cloud adoption, and remote work
  • Introduction of passwordless authentication solutions and decentralized identities will continue to drive innovation in the access management space.

KuppingerCole Leadership Compass Report: Access Management

Provides up to date insights to the leaders in innovation, product features, and market reach for Access Management.

NetIQ Access Management is a mature and widely deployed product on the market and was the first solution in the market to integrate identity federation capabilities with WAM.

NetIQ Access Management is one of the leading products in the Access Management market segment. They remain in the leadership categories for the product, market, and innovation segments, as well as in the overall leadership category.

The NetIQ Access Management Solution is a tightly coupled, loosely integrated set of products that can be purchased individually or as a full suite.

release-rel-2024-6-1-9448 | Thu Jun 6 00:35:56 PDT 2024
Thu Jun 6 00:35:56 PDT 2024