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Appendix B: Attachmate Personal Client v6.1 and v6.2

Note: Screen snapshots are copyright Attachmate Corporation

Important Bulletin Regarding Support For Attachmate EXTRA! Personal Client

This document provides views of a sample installation for Attachmate Personal Client 6.2 for Windows 95/NT over an 802.2 DLC connection. The configuration for Attachmate Personal Client 6.1 is very similar and this document can be used as a guide for both versions. We have validated the CCIAPPC component against Attachmate Personal Client version 6.1 and 6.2. This document is arranged in a logical sequence for an new installation of the Attachmate product.

B.1 Installing DLC for Windows '95

The Rumba product requires the Microsoft 32-bit DLC protocol to provide support for a connection over 802.2. You should already have installed the 32-bit DLC driver for Windows '95 or Windows NT. If you have not yet done this, please follow the instructions for installing this driver in Configuring DLC over 802.2 on Windows 95 or Configuring DLC over 802.2 on Windows NT.

B.2 Installing Attachmate Personal Client

You should have already installed Attachmate Personal Client. We suggest that you confirm that the CPI-C interface is installed before continuing, the 3270 display portion of this product will be fully functional without CPI-C, but CCIAPPC will not be able to access APPC.

B.3 Configuring Attachmate Personal Client

After successfully installing the Attachmate Personal Client product, you can start to configure your APPC connection. You should have a VTAM definition of the connection you are attempting to configure available to you during the configuration. Select Start from the Taskbar, then Programs, then EXTRA! Personal Client 32-bit, then APPN Configurator. The APPN Configurator window will be displayed. A sample window with a full configuration is displayed below for reference.

B.4 Step 1: Creating a New Configuration

The first screen presented in the configuration tool allows you to enter a new configuration by choosing File from the action bar and selecting New to create a new configuration.

B.5 Step 2: Local Node Definition

Select Node Definition from the Sections window and then click the Add button. The Local Node Configuration window will appear.

  1. Enter the Network ID for this SNA network. This should be obtained from the network administrator of the host system.
  2. Enter the Control Point (CP) name assigned to this machine. This should be obtained from the network administrator of the host system. The CP Name should match the Physical Unit (PU) name assigned to this machine as specified in the PU definition in VTAM for this machine.
  3. Enter the CP Alias, This should duplicate the CP Name.
  4. Enter the Default Node ID (Block ID, PU ID) This is the 8 digit hexadecimal number which is used to identify this local system on the SNA network.. The first 3 digits is the block (IDBLK) number followed by the last 5 digits of the node (IDNUM) number. These numbers usually correspond with the IDBLK and IDNUM fields of the PU definition for this machine as defined in VTAM on the host system, however EXTRA requires that the PU ID be set to FFFFF.
  5. The Maximum locates and Locate timeout parameters can be left to the default values.
  6. The Start attach manager check box should be unselected. This does not need to be selected if only running CCIAPPC clients (e.g. Fileshare clients). The attach manager is only needed for incoming APPC requests, for example if running CCIAPPC servers.
  7. The Request discontact check box can be left unselected.

B.6 Step 3: Data Link Control Definition

Select Data Link Control from the Sections window and then click the Add button. The Data Link Control Window will appear.

  1. Enter the DLC Name, a name to describe the DLC definition which will be unique within this node. For example, LANDLC since this is going to be a LAN connection.
  2. Enter the DLC Type, select Network (802.2) for a LAN connection. If an SDLC or COAX connection is required the corresponding option would be selected here.
  3. You may skip over the SDLC specific entry fields.
  4. In the 802.2 and NCIA specific entry fields enter the adapter number which will be used for this connection in Board number. If there is only one network adapter configured in this machine then select 0. To determine the network adapters installed double-click the Network icon in the Control Panel. The adapters are listed in ascending adapter number starting at zero.
  5. Select the appropriate Adapter type for the LAN network adapter, either Tokenring or Ethernet.
  6. You may allow the Buffer size in kilobytes to default to 64.
  7. You may skip over the Twinax specific fields.
  8. The Negotiable links check box should already be selected by default.
  9. The Activate on startup checkbox, we suggest initially be left unselected so that the DLC is tested by starting manually. Once this is tested this option can then be selected.

B.7 Step 4: Configuring the NCIA Template (Data Link Control)

Select the NCIA template by clicking on the tab labeled NCIA.

  1. Enter the Workstation MAC Address as 00000000000. It is not necessary to provide the MAC address in most installations.
  2. Allow Ring to default to 0.
  3. Allow Bridge to default to 0.
  4. It is not necessary to enter any information under MPTN for this configuration.

B.8 Step 5: Port Definition

Select Port from the Sections window and then click the Add button. The Port Window will appear.

  1. Enter the Port Name to describe the Port definition which will be unique within this node. For example, LANPORT since this is going to be a LAN connection.
  2. Select the Port Type, select SATF (shared access transport facility), the appropriate choice for a LAN connection. Note: select Switched for SDLC over a dialup line, Nonswitched for leased line SLDC or DFT.
  3. Enter the BTU size, select the maximum size of packet that the port can receive without segmentation. You must specify a value that is less than or equal to the value of the MAXDATA parameter of the PU definition in VTAM for this machine. For a 4 Mbs Token Ring specify a BTU value of 4195 or less. For a 16 Mbs Token Ring specify a value of 16393 or less. For an Ethernet LAN specify a BTU value of 1493 or less.
  4. Select the DLC section name, the definition to associate with this port, that is, the DLC definition configured above.
  5. Select Link station role, choose the default, Negotiable.
  6. Select Transmit/receive capability, choose the default, Half.
  7. Enter Target pacing count, allow this field to default to 7.
  8. Enter Maximum I-frames received, allow this field to default to 7.
  9. You may leave the TG characteristics section name blank.
  10. Enter Active Links. These parameters define the maximum number of connections or links which can be active using this port. This will define the maximum number of SNA connections to other nodes using this port, i.e. how many mainframes or peer systems you want to connect to using this port. We suggest you set both the Inbound and Outbound parameters to 2.
  11. The Implicit limited resource check box should be unselected.
  12. The Implicit CP-CP session check box should default to selected.

B.9 Step 6: Configuring the 802.2/NCIA Template (Port Definition)

Select the 802.2/NCIA template by clicking on the tab labeled 802.2/NCIA.

  1. Enter the Local SAP, allow this field to default to 4.
  2. Enter Test Timeout and Retry, these values determine the time waited (in milliseconds) for the remote node to respond to a test frame and the number of times a test frame is transmitted if no response is received. A test frame is sent when you attempt to establish the SNA connection with the host. If you find that the connection fails to activate or fails to activate on an intermittent basis increase these values (defaults are 10 and 6).
  3. Enter the XID Timeout and Retry, these values determine the time waited (in milliseconds) for the remote node to respond to an XID frame and the number of times an XID frame is transmitted if no response is received. A NULL XID frame is sent following the response to a test frame when you attempt to establish the SNA connection with the host. If you find that the connection fails to activate or fails to activate on an intermittent basis increase these values (defaults are 10 and 6).
  4. It is not necessary to enter any information under SDLC or DFT for this configuration.

B.10 Step 7: Link Definition

Select Link from the Sections window and then click the Add button.

  1. Enter the Link Name, enter a name to describe the Link definition which will be unique within this node. For example, use a name which will describe the remote node, i.e. the host system, which this Link is used to communicate with.
  2. Select Adjacent CP type, select Learn.
  3. Select Port section name, select the Port definition to associate with this Link, that is, the Port definition configured above.
  4. Enter PU Name, enter a name which will act as an internal PU name which will be uniquely associated with this Link. For example duplicate the Link Name for the PU Name.
  5. Enter Adjacent net ID, leave this field blank.
  6. Enter Adjacent CP name, leave blank.
  7. Enter the Block ID, PU ID, this is the 8 digit hexadecimal number which is used to identify this local system on the SNA network.. The first 3 digits is the block (IDBLK) number followed by the last 5 digits of the node (IDNUM) number. These numbers correspond with the IDBLK and IDNUM fields of the PU definition for this machine as defined in VTAM on the host system.
  8. Select Back level XID, choose the default, No.
  9. Enter Target pacing count, allow this field to default to 7.
  10. Enter Maximum send BTU size, select the maximum size of packet than the Link can send without segmentation. You must specify a value that is less than or equal to the value of the MAXDATA parameter of the PU definition in VTAM for this machine. For a 4 Mbs Token Ring specify a BTU value of 4195 or less. For a 16 Mbs Token Ring specify a value of 16393 or less. For an Ethernet LAN specify a BTU value of 1493 or less.
  11. Select Default TG chars check box.
  12. TG characteristics, leave blank.
  13. Activate on startup check box, we suggest that initially this be left unselected so that the Link is tested by starting manually. Once this is tested this option can then be selected.
  14. Limited resource check box, do not select.
  15. Select Host connection check box.
  16. CP-CP session check box, do not select.

B.11 Step 8: Configuring the 802.2/NCIA Template (Link Definition)

Select the 802.2/NCIA template by clicking on the tab labeled 802.2/NCIA.

  1. Enter the Remote Network Address, the 12 digit hexadecimal adapter address of the network controller attached to the remote host system. This should be obtained from the network administrator of the host system.
  2. Select the Remote SAP, allow this field to default to 4.
  3. Select the Address format, select the format which corresponds to type of adapter installed in the network controller attached to the remote host system. This is likely to be Tokenring but could be Ethernet.
  4. Enter the Test Timeout and Retry, these values determine the time waited (in milliseconds) for the remote node to respond to a test frame and the number of times a test frame is transmitted if no response is received. A test frame is sent when you attempt to establish the SNA connection with the host. If you find that the connection fails to activate or fails to activate on an intermittent basis increase these values (defaults are 1000 and 1).
  5. Enter the XID Timeout and Retry, these values determine the time waited (in milliseconds) for the remote node to respond to an XID frame and the number of times an XID frame is transmitted if no response is received. A NULL XID frame is sent following the response to a test frame when you attempt to establish the SNA connection with the host. If you find that the connection fails to activate or fails to activate on an intermittent basis increase these values (defaults are 1000 and 1).
  6. Router's TCP/IP Address, leave blank.
  7. Virtual Ring, leave blank.
  8. Local Ack leave unselected.
  9. It is not necessary to enter any information under SDLC for this configuration.
  10. The configuration of the SNA LAN connection to the remote host is now complete. In the File menu select Save As and specify the name DEFAULT as the configuration file name.

B.12 Step 9: Configuring a 3270 LU Pool

Select 3270 LU Pool from the Sections window and then click the Add button.

  1. Select the PU name, select the PU name associated with the Link to be used.
  2. Enter the Base name, enter a name to describe the Base terminal name which will be unique within this node. For example, use a name such as, TERM.
  3. Enter a Pool name, enter a name to describe the 3270 LU Pool which will be unique within this node. For example, use a name such as, POOL1.
  4. Select Priority, Allow this field to default to High.
  5. Select LU Type, allow this field to default to Unknown.
  6. The Network address units may be left at their default values.

B.13 Step 10: Configuring LU's for APPC

Before attempting to communicate using CCIAPPC you must define the local and remote LUs which will be used to communicate over the SNA connection you have configured. In this section we will describe the configuration of Independent LUs to be used to communicate over the host connection configured in section 1. When communicating with Host systems running VTAM (or NCP) the Remote LU is known as the APPLID (pronounced 'apple-id').

B.14 Step 11: Configuring the Local LU

Select Local LU (LU 6.2) from the Sections window and then click the Add button.

  1. Enter the Local LU Name as defined in the list of LUs defined for this PU in VTAM on the host system.
  2. Enter the LU Alias, duplicate the LU name.
  3. Enter the NAU Address, this value should correspond to the value of the LOCADDR parameter of this LU definition in VTAM on the host system. For independent LUs this value should be zero, whereas dependent LUs have a non-zero address.
  4. Select the PU Name, choose the PU Name associated with the Link to be used.
  5. Session limit For independent LUs specify the maximum number of parallel sessions which will be supported. Set the Session limit according to the number of CCIAPPC clients which are to communicate using this Local LU name. If the clients all specify the same LU Name in the machinename parameter of CCI-INITCLIENT (or the /MA parameter in FHREDIR.CFG for Fileshare clients) then the session limit should reflect this number of clients. If a different Local LU name is specified for each client, meaning that multiple Local LUs will need to be defined the session limit can remain at 1. Hence, a value of 8 is recommended for flexibility. Dependent LUs must have a maximum session limit of 1, that is, they are single session only.
  6. Repeat this section until all required Local LUs have been added.

B.15 Step 12: Configuring the Remote LU

Select Partner LU (LU 6.2) from the Sections window and then click the Add button.

  1. Enter the Network ID, the network name for SNA network which includes the host system as defined in VTAM on the host system. This should be obtained from the network administrator of the host system.
  2. Enter the LU Name, the name of the VTAM APPL ID on the host system which is specified by the CCIAPPC server in the publicname parameter (or in the /S parameter of the Fileshare Server).
  3. Enter the PLU Alias, duplicate the LU Name.
  4. Enter the Maximum logical record size, allow this field to default to 32767.
  5. PLU unqualified name, leave blank.
  6. You do not need to enter any information in the MPTN area or the Owning control point area.
  7. Conversion security verification check box, leave unselected.
  8. Parallel session support check box, leave default selected.
  9. Repeat this section until all required Partner LUs have been added.

B.16 Step 13: Adjacent Link Definition

Select Adjacent Link from the Sections window and then click the Add button.

  1. Enter the Network ID, enter the network name for SNA network which includes the host system as defined in VTAM on the host system. This should be obtained from the network administrator of the host system.
  2. Enter the CP name, enter the PU name of the host system as defined in VTAM on the host system. This should be obtained from the network administrator of the host system.
  3. Enter the Partner LU names to be associated with the host system (up to 8 names, separated by commas). Specify the Partner LUs, also known as APPLIDs defined in VTAM on the host system, which will be used by Fileshare servers running on the host system.
  4. Use as a wildcard check box, leave this unselected.

B.17 Step 14: Enabling CCIAPPC to Find the Local LU

This is a very important topic and without following the instructions below you will fail to establish a CCI session with CCIAPPC. If the CCI-INITCLIENT call returns CCI error 9 and CCI_GETERROR returns the message "Transport failure, the client could not make a connection" it is likely that these instructions have not been implemented. When CCIAPPC attempts to allocate an LU 6.2 session with the remote system it must specify the Remote LU name which it requires a session with. This is the Remote LU name specified in the CCI Servername parameter (e.g. the /S parameter in FHREDIR.CFG). However, APPC needs to know the Local LU name as well as the Remote LU name when attempting to establish a session between the LUs. To enable APPC to retrieve the Local LU name to use when attempting to allocate APPC sessions set the APPCLLU environment variable to the Local LU Name prior to starting the CCAPPC client.

For Example:


B.18 Step 15: Updating the System Path

Before EXTRA can be used with CCIAPPC the system path must be updated so that the required EXTRA runtime DLLs can be found by CCIAPPC. CCIAPPC on 32 Bit Windows uses the WCPIC32.DLL from the EXTRA product to provide CPI-C APPC support.

Use one of the following methods to update the path:

This takes effect immediately, applications subsequently started will have the correct path setting.

Restart Windows 95 to adopt the new path setting.

The new path will now be set when MFENV is used to set the environment for Cobol.

B.19 Step 16: Activating the Configuration

Once the settings described above have been made the configuration must be saved before starting the EXTRA APPN Node. In the File menu select Save and then exit the APPN Configurator. From the EXTRA! Personal Client 32 Bit program folder start the Start APPN Node program. This should start successfully without generating any error messages.

Once the Node has successfully started without generating any error messages start the Node Manager from the EXTRA! Personal Client 32 Bit program folder.

  1. Select the DLC icon in the toolbar (green adapter card) and select Start to start the Data Link Control (DLC). Once the DLC has started successfully the DLC Status should display active.
  2. Select the Link icon in the toolbar (linked circles), select the link name to start and select Start to start the link. Once the link has started successfully the Status should display Active.

Once the Link is active CCIAPPC can be used with this connection to the host system.

If an error message is generated at any stage see the section Error Reporting and Diagnostics for information on determining how to correct the error.

B.20 Error Reporting and Diagnostics

Fileshare Error Reporting - Fileshare clients log messages returned from CCI in both the fhredir.msg and fhneterr.log files in the current directory. For example, an entry from fhredir.cfg CCI: 970116 15183855 0009 07 CCIAPPC failed to allocate an APPC session, ensure that Local LU is defined Column 2 and 3 gives the date and time stamp of the error. Column 4 (in this case 0009) gives the CCI error code Column 6 gives the CCI error message returned by CCI-GETERROR

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