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Chapter 5: Security

Fileshare provides security features which enable you to restrict access to a Fileshare Server. You can also restrict access to specific data files under the control of a Fileshare Server. These restrictions are implemented via:

Note: In Mainframe Express, Fileshare is only supported for use by the components of Mainframe Express. Therefore some of the following information about writing applications that use Fileshare is not relevant to Mainframe Express users.

5.1 Password System

If you invoke the Fileshare Server with the Password System enabled, all Fileshare Clients must supply a valid user-ID and password before they can connect to the Fileshare Server. By default, the Fileshare Password System is not enabled when you invoke the Fileshare Server.

If you want to use the Fileshare Password System you must code your program to pass a user-ID and password to the File Handling Redirector module and you must create a password file on the Fileshare Server machine which contains the user-ID and password that your program will use.

Then, to enable the Fileshare Password System, you must use the /pf option to specify the name of the password file to the Fileshare Server.

With the Fileshare Password System enabled, the sequence of steps that your program and Fileshare follow is: (see Figure 5-1)

  1. Your program registers its user-ID and password with the Fileshare Client by calling the File Handling Redirector password module (FHRdrPwd)

  2. Your program performs the first I/O operation

  3. The File Handling Redirector module obtains the user-ID and password registered in step 1 by calling the File Handling Redirector password module (FHRdrPwd)

  4. File Handling Redirector module passes the user-ID and password to the Fileshare Server

    Figure 5-1: Fileshare Password System

  5. The Fileshare Server validates the user-ID and password using the password file.

  6. If the Fileshare Server allows the logon, a connection is established between the Fileshare Client and the Fileshare Server. If the Fileshare Server does not allow logon, it returns a file status of 9/037 ("access denied") to the Fileshare Client.

Each of these steps is explained in more detail in the sections that follow.

5.1.1 Fileshare Client

When Fileshare security is active, your program must supply a user-ID and a password before the first I/O operation is performed.

Even if you have not activated security, your program can still supply the Fileshare Client with a user-ID and password. This enables your program to run unchanged on Fileshare whether or not security is activated.

To register a user-ID and password, your program must call the module FHRdrPwd as follows:

call "fhrdrpwd" using function-code,

where the parameters are:

01 function-code       pic x comp-x.
01 user-ID             pic x(20).
01 user-password       pic x(20).

The function code to register a user-ID and password is 1.

The following example shows how to register a user-ID and password:

working-storage section.
01 function-code    pic x comp-x.
01 user-name        pic x(20).
01 user-password    pic x(20).
procedure division.
    move 1 to function-code
    move "UserID" to user-name
    move "Password" to user-password
    call "fhrdrpwd" using function-code,
    open output testfile

You can substitute the FHRdrPwd module supplied with the Fileshare System with your own. This enables you to retrieve the user-ID and password from somewhere other than the application program. See the section Writing Your Own FHRdrPwd Module for further details.

5.1.2 Fileshare Server

By default, the Fileshare Password System is not active when you invoke the Fileshare Server. If you want password security activated, use the /pf (Password File) option in the Fileshare Server configuration file, for example:

/pf password.fil
/s server1

-pf password.fil
-s server1

specifies that for the Fileshare Server, server1, Fileshare Password Security is enabled and the password file is password.fil. The Fileshare Server uses this file to determine whether a Fileshare Client is allowed to connect to this Fileshare Server.

The Password File Maintenance Utility is used to create the password file and add user-ID and password entries. See the section Password File Maintenance for further information on this utility.

5.1.3 Writing Your Own FHRdrPwd Module

To register a user-ID and password, your program must call the File Handling Redirector password module supplying a user-ID and password. If you do not want to hard-code this call into your program, you can replace the supplied File Handling Redirector password module with one that obtains the user-ID and password using a different method (for example, via a screen prompt). Your new module must still conform to the File Handling Redirector password module interface, that is:

Function Code
= 1: Register the supplied user-ID and password
= 0: Return the user-ID and password. The File Handling Redirector module uses this call to obtain the user-ID and password when it is about to connect to the Fileshare Server.

Compile your new File Handling Redirector password module to a .gnt file, then:

Create an object module and link it into any application executable as required.

5.2 Logon Validation Module

If you have not activated the Fileshare Password System, the Fileshare Server validates requests to log on by calling the Fileshare Security Logon validation module (FSSecLog).

The FSSecLog module supplied with Fileshare allows any Fileshare Client to log on to a Fileshare Server. If you need to restrict the Fileshare Clients that can log on to a Fileshare Server, you must provide your own, alternative, FSSecLog module for the Fileshare Server to call.

For example, your own module can enable integration with the native operating system security, if this is needed.

The sequence of steps that your program and Fileshare follow is (see Figure 5-2):

  1. Your program registers a user-ID and password by calling the File Handling Redirector password module (FHRdrPwd)

  2. Your program performs the first I/O operation

  3. The File Handling Redirector module obtains the user-ID and password registered in step 1 by calling its password module (FHRdrPwd)

  4. The File Handling Redirector module passes the user-ID and password to the Fileshare Server

  5. The Fileshare Server calls the FSSecLog module passing the user-ID and password

  6. If the FSSecLog module allows logging on, a connection is established between the Fileshare Client and the Fileshare Server. If the FSSecLog module does not allow logging on, a status 9/037 "access denied" is returned to the Fileshare Client.

Figure 5-2: Logon Validation Module

5.2.1 Writing Your Own FSSecLog Module

To validate a request to log on from a Fileshare Client, the Fileshare Server calls the module FSSecLog (the Fileshare Security at Logon Validation module) to validate the user-ID and password. You can replace FSSecLog with your own module in order to use your own criteria for validating the log on request. Your new module must comply with the FSSecLog interface described below.

call "fsseclog" using user-ID

pic x(20).
pic x(20).
pic x comp-x.

On entry:

user-ID The Fileshare Client's user-ID
password The Fileshare Client's password

On exit:

user-ID Unchanged
password Unchanged
return-status Set to 0 if the Fileshare Client is allowed to log onto the Fileshare Server. Any other status indicates the Fileshare Client is not allowed to log on and an error is returned to the Fileshare Client.

You can create your own fsseclog module and link it into the Fileshare Server. See the section Linking the Fileshare Server on Windows in the chapter Advanced Operation for further details.

You can create your own fsseclog module in generated code format and replace the one supplied in your COBOL system directory.

5.3 File Access Validation Module

Whenever a Fileshare Server receives an open request on a file from a Fileshare Client, the Fileshare Server calls the Fileshare Security at Open validation module (FSSecOpn).

The Fileshare Security at Open Validation module supplied with Fileshare allows any Fileshare Client to access a data file. If you need to restrict access to specific files, you must provide your own, alternative, Fileshare Security at Open Validation module for the Fileshare Server to call.

If the Fileshare Security at Open Validation module allows the file access, the operation is allowed to complete. If the module does not allow the file access, a file status of 9/037 "access denied" is returned to the Fileshare Client and the operation is not allowed to complete.

Note: This file access security check is entirely independent of the Fileshare Password System and the User Supplied Logon Validation Module.

The sequence of steps that your program and Fileshare follow are:

  1. Your program registers its user-ID and password with the File Handling Redirector password module. This information is used when the Fileshare Client first logs onto the Fileshare Server.

  2. When your program subsequently performs an I/O operation on a file that it does not have open (such as an Open or Delete file operation), the Fileshare Server calls the Fileshare Security at Open Validation module (FSSecOpn)

5.3.1 Writing Your Own Fileshare Security at Open Validation Module (FSSecOpn)

To validate an open request from a Fileshare Client, the Fileshare Server calls the Fileshare Security at Open Validation module (FSSecOpn).

You can replace the supplied Fileshare Security at Open Validation module with one of your own in order to use your own criteria for validating the open request. Your new module must comply with the Fileshare Security at Open Validation module's interface described below:

call "fssecopn" using filename

filename pic x(n).
filename-length pic x(2) comp-x.
operation-code pic x(2) comp-x.
user-ID pic x(20).
return-status pic x comp-x.

On entry:

filename The name of the data file that the Fileshare Client wants to open
filename-length The length of filename
operation-code The operation code specifying the I/O operation. These codes are those used by the Callable File Handler. See your Net Express online help for details on the Callable File Handler.
user-ID The user-ID of the Fileshare Client making the open request

On exit:

return-status Set to 0 if the open request is allowed. Any other status indicates that the Fileshare Client is not allowed to open the data file and an error status is returned.

You can create your own fssecopn module and link it into the Fileshare Server. See the section Linking the Fileshare Server on Windows in the chapter Advanced Operation for further details.

You can create your own fssecopn module in generated code format and replace the one supplied in your COBOL system directory.

5.4 Password File Maintenance

The password file contains details of user-IDs and passwords that the Fileshare Server uses when Fileshare Password Security is enabled. Because the information in the password file is encrypted for security reasons, you can only add records to and remove records from the password file using the Password File Maintenance Utility.


Use the /pf (password file) option to add or remove entries in the password file, for example:

fs /pf pass.dat [options]

This invokes password file maintenance and appends the specified options to the password file pass.dat. If this file does not exist, it is created.

The following options are available:

/u user-ID /pw password

This adds the specified user-ID and password to the password file. Both user-ID and password are case-sensitive and can be up to 20 characters in length.


This erases the record from the password file and is the only way to remove a record once the password file has been created.


fs /pf pass.dat /u pkel /pw fishwife

This example invokes password file maintenance, creates or updates a password file called pass.dat and adds a user-ID of pkel and password of fishwife.

5.5 Supervisor Mode

In order to use the password-restricted functions of Fileshare Manager, a supervisor password must be defined (see the section Fileshare Manager in the chapter Advanced Operation).

To define a supervisor password, an entry must be made in the password file using the reserved user-ID, FSVIEW. Note that the user-ID FSVIEW must be entered in upper case.

If you are already using Fileshare Password Security, simply add the FSVIEW entry to your existing file.

If you are not using Fileshare Password Security, you can create a password file that contains a single entry, the FSVIEW user-ID. This defines a supervisor password without enabling Fileshare Password Security.


The following example defines a supervisor password of "abracadabra" in the password file password.fil. If the file does not exist, it is created.

fs /pf password.fil /u FSVIEW /pw abracadabra

Once you have defined a supervisor password, you must specify the password file, either in the Fileshare Server configuration file, or on the command line when the Fileshare Server is started.

Note: If FSVIEW is the only entry in the password file, the Fileshare Server displays a message indicating that Fileshare Password Security is disabled, even though a password file has been specified.

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