Assembler Applications | Debugging Assembler |
Use Assembler Option to link Assembler programs. You can link them as a single module or separate modules.
You need to have read the chapter Start Here for the Tutorials and worked through the first session, Using Mainframe Express, and the session Assembler Applications, before you do this session.
You need to have installed Assembler Option to do this session. We assume you are familiar with Assembler on a mainframe.
This session shows you how to get an application that includes multiple Assembler modules working on your PC.
The demo application used in this session is a simple application that you might have downloaded from a mainframe. In this session, you get it working on your PC. It consists of several Assembler modules, and no COBOL. There is no CLIST file or JCL jobstream - you run it from the command line in a TSO session.
Creating a project for an Assembler application is just the same as for a non-Assembler application. Since this application does not use CICS, IMS or DB2, it is just like in the chapter Using Mainframe Express.
To save you creating the project used in this session, we supply the project amuldemo.mvp.
In this session you:
Some of the files require linking together while others are single linked:
Mfload.mlc | On |
Mfcall.mlc | Off |
Mfacon.mlc | Off |
This file ensures that Mfacon.mlc and Mfcall.mlc are linked with Mfprog.mlc.
To build the project:
As you saw in the chapter Using Mainframe Express, the correct compiler is automatically called for each source file - in this case, for the Assembler source and Assembler link files. The Assembler modules are linked.
The build finishes with "Build finished with no errors".
Because there is no COBOL in this application, Run and Start Debugging have the same effect.
To run the application:
The Application Output window appears. It is emulating a TSO session, and is waiting for a command.
We did not turn off Assembler debugging when we built, so this takes you into the Assembler debugger.
Notice how the status line changes to show which program is executing.
Hide the Application Output window.
Close the project. If you want to take a break before going on to the next session, you can close Mainframe Express.
Return to the Tutorials Map in the chapter Start Here for the Tutorials and choose which session to go on to next, depending on your interests.
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Assembler Applications | Debugging Assembler |