CICS Applications | Editing a BMS Mapset |
Use the support that CICS Option provides for CICS multi-tasking to take advantage of CICS features that are allowed only within a multitasking environment.
You need to have read the chapter Start Here for the Tutorials and worked through the first session, Using Mainframe Express, and the session CICS Applications, before you do this session.
You need to have installed CICS Option to do this session. We assume you are familiar with CICS on a mainframe.
You must use a multi-tasking environment if you want to use any of the following:
This session uses the same demo application as the chapter CICS Applications. To use multi-tasking, you start a CICS region and associated 3270 terminals.
This demo uses the project cicsdemo.mvp that you created and built in the chapter CICS Applications.
The full path is \mfuser\projects\gsdemo\cicsdemo\cicsdemo.mvp. If you use Open on the File menu, you need the Files of Type field on the Open dialog box set to Project Files (*.mvp) to see this file.
In this session you:
To start a CICS region:
In the Output window, a Console tab appears. The Console view appears in front of the other views in the Output window, and you can see messages showing the region starting up.
When the region has started (no more messages are coming), let's take a quick look, before continuing, at how you can monitor regions you have running.
The monitor window appears, showing the active region and its status - in our case, cicsdemo. If it hasn't appeared after a moment, press Enter.
Across the bottom of the window are listed the keys you can use in the monitor. We will just close the monitor and continue.
To start a 3270 terminal:
A terminal emulator window opens , and the transaction CESN, for CICS sign-on, is automatically run and invites you to sign on. As no security is set, you don't need to do this.
The emulator window goes blank, and you can now run a transaction in the normal CICS way.
To run the application:
As before, the application displays its first map.
The emulator window closes.
To debug in a multi-tasking environment:
An Application Output window opens. Messages in it show the debugger starting up. If it is undocked, you may have to drag it to one side to see the emulator window.
A source view window opens, with the source of Acct00, ready to execute the first statement.
The transaction completes without debugging, and exits. The terminal emulator window shows a blank screen.
The emulator window closes.
Close both source view windows and hide the Application Output window.
The Cicsdemo project is used in a related session, Editing a BMS Mapset. If you're planning to go onto that session, you can keep the project open.
If you want to take a break before going on to the next session, you can close Mainframe Express.
Return to the Tutorials Map in the chapter Start Here for the Tutorials and choose which session to go on to next, depending on your interests.
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CICS Applications | Editing a BMS Mapset |