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Chapter 2: Installing and Licensing

In the great majority of cases, to install you simply put the Mainframe Express CD in your drive and follow the on-screen instructions, which appear automatically after a few seconds. After installing, you can run Mainframe Express from a button that appears at the end of the instructions, and thereafter you can run it from your Windows Start menu.

If the instructions don't appear automatically, or you have any questions or problems, this chapter tells you where you can find more information.

2.1 ReadMe Help

The ReadMe Help is a file containing extensive advice on possible problems and troubleshooting. The on-screen installation instructions include an opportunity for you to look at it. If you want, you can see the ReadMe Help even before starting to install Mainframe Express. It's a WinHelp (.hlp) file in the root of the Mainframe Express CD. It's the file whose name begins with "read" - the next few letters of the name may vary. Open it using Windows Explorer, or by using winhelp or winhlp32 from a command prompt.

2.2 Installation Information

If you need information on installing:

2.3 System Administrators

If you are a system administrator at a site with multiple users, you should read the System Administration information accessible at the start of the Installation Notes.

2.4 End User License Agreement (EULA)

Your license to use Mainframe Express is a legal document which you can see in three places:

2.5 License Protection System

Separate from and additional to your EULA is the license provided by the License Protection System. This System is software within Mainframe Express, and the "license" it provides is a software switch enabling Mainframe Express to run. When you first run Mainframe Express, you may see a warning that your license will last only a limited time and that you need to get a permanent license. You don't need to do this straight away, but you should do it in plenty of time before your temporary license expires. Instructions on the warning tell you how to do this, and a Help button gives you more details.

Here in brief is what you will need to do:

For details, see your system administrator or click the Help button on the license warning displayed when you run Mainframe Express.

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