PL/I Option User's Guide
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Overview of PL/I Option
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Using PL/I Option
1.3 Defining a PL/I Application
1.4 PL/I Sample Applications
1.5 Mixed-language Applications
1.6 Addressing Modes
1.7 Pointer Conversion
1.8 MVS Control Blocks
1.8.1 Low-memory Address Emulation in PL/I
1.8.2 Sample Projects
1.9 Entry Point Mapping
1.10 Language Environment Support
1.11 Using PL/I with Assembler Option
1.11.1 Assembler Modules that call PL/I Modules
1.11.2 Link File INCLUDE Command
1.11.3 LOAD Assembler Macro
1.12 Using PL/I with CICS Option
1.13 Using PL/I with SQL Option for DB2
1.13.1 Declaration Generator
1.13.2 SQL Communications Area
1.13.3 SQL Descriptor Area
1.14 Using PL/I with Host Compatibility Option
1.15 Using PL/I with IMS Option
1.15.1 PL/I Address List Format
1.16 Filtering PL/I Compiler Messages