Mainframe Express supports the use of TSO commands, CLISTs and REXX execs. They can be run in a:
This chapter describes the differences that apply when using TSO in the Mainframe Express environment instead of the MVS mainframe environment.
On a mainframe, the TSO, CICS and IMS allocation is controlled by JCL. There are usually DD statements that define data sets used by the subsystem and user programs. In Mainframe Express, this facility is emulated by means of CLISTs which contain ALLOCATE commands to define the data sets.
Three CLISTs are supplied. To execute, they must be placed in one of the CLIST folders defined for Source Libraries in the Workgroup View. If the CLIST contains project-specific information, place it in the project folder. If it does not contain project-specific information, place it in the mfuser\sysproc folder. The folders searched are those defined and selected for CLISTs in the Workgroup View.
Each CLIST has initialization phases which are run when the session starts and termination phases which are run when the session ends. The three CLISTs are:
During the TSO session, a FREE ALL command does not free any data sets allocated by the initialization phase but frees all other data sets in the normal way. But you can issue explicit FREE commands for any of the data sets allocated in the initialization phase.
Note that a FREE ALL command within a USERxxxx CLIST frees all allocated data sets.
The TSO commands and Micro Focus extensions that are supported by Mainframe Express are listed below. You can enter these commands individually, within a CLIST, or within a REXX exec. Please refer to the mainframe documentation for more information about the TSO commands.
Allocates an MVS data set to the current user and defines the data set's DD name. |
Example: |
Allows DCB parameters to be dynamically defined and named for use in subsequent ALLOCATE commands. |
Example: |
ATTRIB DATA1 BLKSIZE(32720) LRECL(80) DSORG(PS) RECFM(FB) Sets up an attribute called DATA1 that can be used in conjunction with an ALLOCATE command to provide DCB information for a DD name |
Invokes a program. |
Example: |
CALL PROG1 Invokes program PROG1. |
Micro Focus extension. Clears the screen. |
Deletes an MVS data set (and its related PC file). |
Example: |
Invokes the DSN command processor, which is used to run DB2 programs. In Mainframe Express, the following rules apply to the DSN command and its subcommands:
The features in the not supported category could impact the logic of your program. You are advised to analyze the importance of these to your application. The features in the syntax checked but otherwise ignored category will probably have no impact on your application. |
Example: |
DSN RUN PROGRAM(PROG1) PLAN(PLANX) PARMS('HELLO') END Invokes the DSN subcommand processor to execute the RUN subcommand, which invokes the program PROG1 with the parameter string "HELLO". The END subcommand terminates the DSN subcommand processor. For more information, see the DB2 manuals. |
Executes a TSO command, CLIST or REXX exec. |
Example: |
EXEC 'MYPDS.CLIST(ABCD)' Executes the member ABCD from the partitioned data set MYPDS.CLIST. |
Frees the allocation of a data set. |
Example: |
FREE FILE(SYSUT1) Frees the allocation for the data set with DD name SYSUT1. |
Displays the list of currently allocated DD names. |
Lists the entries in the catalog with the high-level data set qualifier equal to the user ID defined to Mainframe Express. If you invoke this command with the Micro Focus extension /F, it displays additional information. |
Terminates the current TSO session. |
Allows you to specify different PREFIX and PROMPT settings. |
Example: |
PROFILE PREFIX(TVDF) NOPROMPT Causes a dataset prefix of TVDF to be added to any data set name that is not enclosed in quotes. Turns off prompting for REXX execs during this TSO session. |
Micro Focus extension. Relates an MVS data set name in the catalog to a PC file name. It can be used in conjunction with an ALLOCATE command to set up tests in a TSO session. |
Example: |
Executes a file containing a set of JCL statements. |
Example: |
SUBMIT 'TVDF.WORK.CNTL(IOCBL02)' Executes the JCL statements contained in IOCBL02. |
Displays the current time and date and the CPU seconds used. |
Mainframe Express supports the following CLIST statements:
Mainframe Express does not support the following CLIST statements:
Mainframe Express supports the following CLIST operators:
Mainframe Express supports the following CLIST built-in functions:
Mainframe Express does not support the following CLIST built-in functions:
Mainframe Express supports the following CLIST file statements:
Mainframe Express supports the following CLIST control variables:
Mainframe Express does not support any file-tailoring or SKEL commands.
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