Chapter 22: Source Code Control Interface

Service Pack #1 for Mainframe Express 2.5 includes a Source Code Control (SCC) interface, enabling you to use a Source Control Manager (SCM) via the menus of the Mainframe Express IDE.

22.1 Overview

This chapter describes points you need to be aware of if you have previously been using other source code control facilities.

22.2 PVCS Version Manager

If you want to use an existing PVCS VM installation, you must install the optional interface for Microsoft Development Tools before your installation will work with Mainframe Express.

In Version 5.3, you can install this from the \ifmsdev directory on your PVCS installation CD.

In Version 6.0, you can install it from Setup, or from the \pvcsscci directory on your PVCS installation CD.

In later versions, you can install it from Setup.

22.3 TeamConnection

If you want to use an existing TeamConnection installation, you must install the TeamConnection Source Code Control DLL and configure certain Windows registry keys before your installation will work with Mainframe Express. Everything necessary is installed and configured automatically by TeamConnection Version 2.0.8 and later.

Before using TeamConnection with Mainframe Express, you also need to specify appropriate values for the following:

For further information on connecting TeamConnection to an IDE, see your IBM VisualAge Team Connection Enterprise Server User's Guide.

22.4 Field Developed Solution

Before Service Pack #1 became available, some users were provided with a Field Developed Solution (FDS), a temporary modification to provide a source control facility within Mainframe Express. In SP#1, the FDS is superseded by the SCC interface, which gives access from within Mainframe Express to a separate source control manager such as PVCS Version Manager (VM) or PVCS Dimensions.

The archives produced by the FDS are not recognized by VM or Dimensions. This section describes how to import them into VM or migrate them into Dimensions. The import or migration process preserves the file histories and properties.

VM uses the term "import" for this process, and Dimensions uses the term "migrate". In this section, whenever we are referring to both products, we use the term "migrate".

22.4.1 Database Migration Utility (Dimensions)

If you are migrating to Dimensions, the procedure uses the Database Migration Utility supplied with Dimensions. Note:

22.4.2 Procedure

To migrate all files for a project from the FDS into PVCS VM or Dimensions, follow the procedure in this section. The stages in this procedure are: Preparation

Before you start the migration:

  1. Ensure all files are checked into the FDS archives.

  2. Back up the FDS archives. Move archives to new directory structure

In the following, we use the term "FDS project" to mean the Mainframe Express project you created when using the FDS. In examples, we assume it is called MFEProject1.

The migration facilities of both VM and Dimensions maintain the directory structure of your archives. Therefore, before migrating, you need to move your FDS archives from their FDS-type directory structure into a directory structure like that of a Mainframe Express project:

  1. Create a folder with the same name as your FDS project, with subfolders source and copylib.

    So, with an FDS project called MFEProject1, you create folders MFEProject1, MFEProject1\source and MFEProject1\copylib.

    Other subfolders that Mainframe Express projects have, such as data for data files, are not relevant since only source files and copyfiles are normally kept under source control.

  2. Copy all copyfile archives (.cpy, which under the FDS are in the cpy folder) to MFE_Project1\copylib.

  3. Copy all source file archives (.cbl, .bms, .tso etc, which under the FDS are in the cbl, bms, tso etc folders) to MFE_Project1\source. Import into VM

This section is for PVCS VM. If you're using Dimensions, skip to the section Connect the Mainframe Express Project (Dimensions).

Next import the FDS archives from the new folder structure into VM, by using the Import Archives function to copy them into a VM database:

  1. In VM, create a new project database, or decide on an existing one, to store Mainframe Express projects. We'll call it MFEProjects.

  2. Select the database MFEProjects in the All Projects tree view and click Admin > Import Archives.

  3. Navigate to the folder MFEProject1 that you copied your FDS archives to, and click OK.

  4. Check Copy to project archive location and click OK.

    You may get a warning that the file extension is wrong and so some command line actions may not be available.

    You get this because the file extension used for an archived file by the FDS differs from that used by VM 6.5+. In FDS, it is the source file's original extension with the last letter changed to "v" (for example, .cbl becomes .cbv), which was the default in VM 6.0 and earlier. The default in VM 6.5+ is to append "-arc" (.cbl becomes .cbl-arc). (You cannot simply rename the archived files to -arc before importing, because there is no guarantee that the old and new formats are compatible.)

  5. If you got the warning, click OK.

  6. The Import Archives function then imports the FDS archives from the folder structure you moved them to into VM. Connect the Mainframe Express Project (VM)

This section is for VM. If you're using Dimensions, skip to the section Connect the Mainframe Express Project (Dimensions).

Next connect your FDS project to your new SCM project:

  1. In Mainframe Express, open your FDS project, MFEProject1.

  2. Click Source Control > Connect project to source control.

  3. In the dialog asking whether to create a new project, select No.

  4. Click Open Database and navigate to the database you created, MFEProjects. Click OK.

  5. In the tree view of the projects in the database, select MFEProject1 and click OK.

    In the Mainframe Express project view, the SCC Status fields now show the statuses of the files. This confirms that your Mainframe Express project is now connected to the VM project of the same name. Connect the Mainframe Express Project (Dimensions)

This section is for Dimensions. If you're using VM, skip to the section Completion.

You need to connect your FDS project to Dimensions before migrating, in order to create a project marker file:

  1. In Dimensions, create a new database, or decide on an existing one, to store Mainframe Express projects. Create a Product and Workset to hold the migrated archives.

  2. In Mainframe Express, open your FDS project, MFEProject1.

  3. Click Source Control > Connect project to source control.

  4. In the "Select workset directory for MFEProject1" dialog box, select the Product and Workset you created above, and click OK.

    This creates a directory in Dimensions, within the Product and Workset you created. The directory has a name matching the project, MFEProject1, and contains a .mfe project marker file. Migrate to Dimensions

This section is for Dimensions. If you're using VM, skip to the section Completion.

Next migrate the FDS archives from the new folder structure into Dimensions, by using the Data Migration Utility to migrate them into the Product and Workset you chose:

  1. In the Data Migration Utility, select Migrate from PVCS VM to PVCS Dimensions and click Next.

  2. Fill in the fields as necessary, including those on the Options screen. See the Dimensions Database Migration Guide (dmgut30.pdf in Dimensions) for details.

    For the location of the PVCS VM files, specify the folder you moved the FDS archives to, MFE_Project1. On the Options screen, specify the directory MFEProject1 that was created in Dimensions when you connected.

  3. The Database Migration Utility then migrates the FDS archives from the folder structure you moved them to into Dimensions. Reconnecting the Mainframe Express Project (Dimensions)

This section is for Dimensions. If you're using VM, skip to the section Completion.

Reconnect your FDS project to the SCM project:

  1. In Mainframe Express, open the project MFEProject1.

    The project automatically tries to reconnect to the SCM project and you get a login prompt.

  2. Login to Dimensions.

    The project connects to the SCM project.

  3. Click Source Control > Refresh Status - All.

    In the Mainframe Express project view, the SCC Status fields now show the statuses of the files. This confirms that your Mainframe Express project is now connected to the Dimensions project of the same name. Completion

After you have migrated your archives, we advise you to:

  1. Check out or Get all the files to ensure they have been successfully migrated.

  2. Remove the old FDS archives so that they cannot be used in error.

  3. Uninstall the FDS from Mainframe Express.

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