Release Notes

Optimal TraceTM Enterprise Version 5.0

August 2007

System Requirements.. 1

Installation Instructions.. 1

To Install Optimal TraceTM Enterprise V5.0.. 1

To Install Optimal TraceTM Enterprise V5.0 using the silent installer.. 2

To Uninstall Optimal TraceTM Enterprise V5.0.. 2

New Features For 5.0. 2

Import from Word and Text Files. 2

Introduction of Simple Requirements and Items. 3

Support for Package Level Custom Property Definition.. 3

General. 4

Known Issues.. 4

Troubleshooting.. 13

Support.. 14

System Requirements

System Requirements for Optimal TraceTM Enterprise:


-          Pentium 3-class processor or equivalent

-          256 MB of RAM

-          175 MB of available hard disk space

-          Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP

-          Microsoft Word 2000/2002/2003/2007

-          Adobe Acrobat Reader for Optimal TraceTM Enterprise Help Files


Optimal TraceTM Enterprise has not been tested to run on Windows 95/98, and is not supported on these platforms. For the full matrix of supported platforms and tools, please see the Optimal Trace 'Supported Environments' link here:

Installation Instructions 

To Install Optimal TraceTM Enterprise V5.0


-          Ensure you have at least 150 MB of available disk space

-          Ensure you have uninstalled any previous releases of Optimal TraceTM Enterprise (See next section for details)

-          Run the Optimal_Trace_Enterprise_Install.exe file to install.


To Install Optimal TraceTM Enterprise V5.0 using the silent installer


-          Ensure you have at least 150 MB of available disk space

-          Ensure you have uninstalled any previous releases of Optimal TraceTM Enterprise (See next section for details)

-          Run the Optimal_Trace_Enterprise_Install.exe /S /D=[Optimal Trace installation folder]  file to install.


To Uninstall Optimal TraceTM Enterprise V5.0


-          On the Start menu select Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs

-          Select Optimal TraceTM Enterprise and press the Add/Remove... button.


Never uninstall by just deleting files. This may prevent future installations of Optimal TraceTM Enterprise from working.


Note: Uninstalling Optimal TraceTM Enterprise will leave project files, generated documents and change logs on your hard disk. This allows you to preserve any previously created project documentation if migrating to a new version of Optimal TraceTM Enterprise.

New Features For 5.0

Version 5.0 is the latest release of Optimal Trace Enterprise, the market leading Business Requirements Management solution.

The core themes of 5.0 are:

- Supporting deployments where a large body of existing documentation exists in MS Word and spreadsheets etc. This is catered for by provision of a comprehensive embedded mark-up utility in word and structured text file (CSV etc.) import.

- Supporting Hybrid Project approaches - Combining the benefits of ‘Structured’ Requirements with ‘Simple' Requirements. These are designed to accommodate more assertion or flat requirements styles.

- Supporting infinite levels of structural customization on projects & project templates. This is facilitated by extending custom property definition from the project level down to the package (group) level.

- A number of key usage and currency enhancements that ensure that Optimal Trace is best of breed for requirements capture and management.

OT 5.0 offers complete structural freedom to link all forms of requirements (simple/flat/assertion based) to 'goal-directed' requirements that reflect business intent.


OT 5.0 carries on in the OT tradition of emphasizing ease of use (& ease of deployment) while at the same time offering the most flexible approach to creating projects that meet your unique needs.


Import from Word and Text Files.

Providing an effective import facility from Word documents and other external formats allows fast deployment of Optimal Trace in environments where a significant body of materials already exists. This helps kick-start Optimal Trace deployment with minimal impact.

The new Optimal Trace Word import feature provides the following capability:

- An embedded wizard within your word docs for explicit mark up and selection of areas for import

- Ability to import into any project element, e.g.: Import to Glossary, Structured Requirement etc.

- Ability to dynamically find similar areas based on selected area. This is particularly useful when dealing with tables and repeated areas of a similar format and/or style etc. where consistency of format in the word document is not guaranteed

- Ability to preview and merge into an active project such that additions/modifications can be reviewed prior to merging into the loaded project.



5.0 also delivers a second facility for importing data from a text file into a selected project.

Text files to import should have data arranged in fields or columns, with each field delimited by a special character such as a comma.  Microsoft Excel CSV (comma separated value) files are saved in this format, and so this feature is ideal for importing spreadsheet data.

Each row in the file is imported as a new project element. Similar to word import this facility allows any element types to be populated.

Finally, 'Maps' may be created for repeated import. These hold information regarding what columns are mapped to what Optimal Trace fields.


Introduction of Simple Requirements and Items

Optimal Trace already emphasizes the importance of Requirements Structure fostering a Requirements Driven approach to Testing and all aspects of the software lifecycle.

Extending this, 5.0 now introduces a new construct called 'Simple Requirements'.

Simple Requirements can be used to capture a more 'flat/assertion' style of requirement augmenting the structured flow requirement style. Simple Requirements comprise lists of Requirement Items, consider these as sub-requirements. These Items can be associated through Refinement with more detailed Structured Requirements.

Some examples of usage scenarios for Simple Requirements/Items are:

- High level marketing, product management and other 'flat' feature style requirements types where flow structure is not necessary and where a tabular structure is more suited

- Business Rules where certain system wide rules apply to many structured requirements

- Data oriented requirements where the need exists to specific format & validation information in a tabular fashion



Support for Package Level Custom Property Definition

Optimal Trace has always provided an extensive capability to customize project structure. This has meant that unlimited sets of additional fields were definable at project level and shared across the project.

5.0 now provides complete flexibility in project structure by extending custom property definition down to the package level. This means that Structured Requirements and Simple Requirements now can 'own' their own custom fields in the context of the current package.

For example now 'flat' style requirements categories such as performance etc. may have custom fields such as; 'Average Throughput', 'Peak Throughput', 'Concurrent Users' etc.  defined, whereas other 'flat' style requirements in the same project may have different properties.

Key capabilities include:

- An ability to apply different definitions to different packages

- An ability to 'inherit' Custom Property definitions from the parent package

- An ability to lock down package level definitions (for secure projects) in the administration tool.




Other key highlights of this release include:

- Provision of Spell Check

- Extensions to Test Generation covering inclusion of refinement relationships and carry over of custom property values

- Option to Generate Clean Word Docs without hidden mark-up (non-reversible)

- Ability to run Silent Install

- Ability to delete log files by project (doc gen. and history files) from the admin tool

- Ability to set permissions on Custom Property creation and structural modification from the admin tool

- Certified Citrix Support

- Support for Oracle 10g

- Support for MySQL 5.0 Community Edition

- Support for MS Word 2007

Known Issues

The following are known issues:

Issue No 1686

Inconsistent error message when cancelling word document generation and Word may crash: Depending on when you interrupt the document generation process, you may get a strange COM exception returned from MS Word, and Word may crash.

Workaround: Ignore the exception from MS Word, Optimal TraceTM Enterprise will continue as normal. You may additionally need to kill the 'winword.exe' process in Task Manager.

Issue No 2147

Document Generation and Form protected Style template: When using a MS Form document as a Style template for a document generation Profile, Optimal Trace will not generate the document if the Form is 'protected'.

Workaround: 'Unprotect' the Style template Form before generating.

Issue No 2172

Links don't work in generated document: If you generate a Form based profile (e.g. Default Form) you will notice that clicking on any link in the document (e.g. Table of Contents, hyperlinks, etc) will not work.

Workaround: This is a know feature of Word Forms, these links will not work if the document is protected. To allow them to work, 'unprotect' the form by un-clicking the 'Protect Form' toolbar button.

Issue No 2267

Incorrect Macro security settings in Word can lead to Application Error: If you generate a document from Optimal Trace and an Exception occurs, please ensure that your Security Settings in Word are set to 'Low'.

Workaround: In Word, select the 'Tools/Macro/Security' settings dialog box, and make sure that the option is set to 'Low'

Issue No 2354

Change History changes do not get included as part of a document update: This is by design, we purposely don't include any Change History additions as part of a document update if that profile has a Change History element.

Workaround: You can generate either a standalone Change History document or re-generate your document from scratch to see all the Change History entries.

Issue No 2364

Non-ASCII control characters in a Project produces errors generating Word documents: If you have non-ASCII characters in an Optimal Trace Project (this usually happens when copy/pasting from an external format such as PDF files) and you generate a Word document, this process can fail with a VB Exception.

Workaround: Ensure there are no non-ASCII characters in your Optimal Trace Project, these usually appear as a square character in Optimal Trace.

Issue No 2501

Out of Memory Errors while generating HTML or Image Maps from large Projects: Generating Image Maps from large Projects is very memory intensive. If you repeatedly generate the 'Full Project' HTML Report with a large Project you will eventually get an Out of Memory Error. The same can happen if you repeatedly 'Save Image' for a very large Project.

Workaround: Try and limit generating HTML for large Projects or Image Saving to once per Optimal Trace session. If you do get an Out of Memory error, restart Optimal Trace and re-try generating HTML or Save Image once again.

Issue No 3301

Timestamps on merging a reversed document: When reversing a document, the timestamp of all merge changes are taken from the document, even if the application has changed in the meantime (i.e. if the project in Optimal Trace is newer than the document).

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this.

Issue No 3558

System clocks between Enterprise Server and Enterprise Clients need to be manually synchronised: If you notice a big disparity in the timestamps of certain Project objects while using the Merge tool in online/offline scenarios, please ensure the system clock on the machine with the Enterprise Server has the same time as the system clock on the Enterprise Client machines.

Workaround: Currently these system times need to be maintained manually

Issue No 4031

Orphaned Branch or Refinement in the Requirements Map: In certain rare situations a line representing a Branch or Refinement may get duplicated resulting in an orphaned line remaining on the graph. This line has no connection to any Requirements or Steps and as such will not result in any errors or corruption of projects, but may prove an annoyance.

Workaround: You need to open a new window (Window -> New Window) and close the original window and continue as normal.

Issue No 4241

Cannot add form fields to non-form document profiles: If you attempt to add form fields to a non-form document profile, Optimal Trace may not be able to reverse or update the profile.

Workaround: Avoid using form fields in non-form based profiles. It's perfectly ok to add custom fields to form based profiles, but just don't mix the two.

Issue No 4287

Table of contents page numbers can be incorrect: Sometime after updating or reversing a document, you may notice that the page numbers in the table of contents to not correlate correctly to the document content.

Workaround: This behaviour seems to be related to the large amount of hidden text that Optimal Trace documents contain. Removing all the hidden text can help here (but you will no longer be able to update or reverse the document). See the Document Generation: General Tips section below for details on how to remove all the hidden text in a document.

Issue No 4427

Document Generation will fail if you use 'xxxxx' as a Requirement name: 'xxxxx' is a reserved word used internally by Optimal Trace document generation, and if you use it as a Requirement name in your Project, document generation will fail.

Workaround: Avoid using 'xxxxx' as a Requirement name.

Issue 4672

Type of images generated during Report generation: It should be noted that the style of images generated during Report generation (using the 'Default HTML' report for example) all depend on what 'graph display option' is selected in the application.

Workaround: You can vary the images by right clicking on the Requirement Map and changing the Package display style.

Issue 4735

Cannot update or reverse documents after Repository Save As: when you use the Repository 'Save As' functionality, this creates a new Project in the repository. Hence, you cannot reverse an existing document (or perform an update) using this Project.

Workaround: none.

Issue 4757

'Hide Steps' option can cause instability when moving Steps: under certain circumstances, using the 'Hide Steps' Requirement option along with moving Steps can cause Optimal Trace to crash.

Workaround: try and avoid using the 'Hide Step' Requirement options.

Issue 4859

Saving Change History and DocGen logs locally: When downloading a remote project to a local project, Optimal Trace also downloads the project's change history and docgen events. For projects with many changes, the change history and docgen events can comprise of data which is a couple of times larger than the project itself. This, obviously, affects the time it takes to download a remote project. If the change history and/or the docgen events are not needed locally, then the user may instruct Optimal Trace not to download these items. Note, when uploading and merging a local project to a remote project, the local change history and the local docgen events are not used - the merge tool generates change history items and docgen events corresponding to the merge result.

Workaround: To disable the download of change history and docgen events, follow the steps below:

1.      Exit Optimal Trace

2.      Open the file '' in a text editor (e.g. Notepad). The file is located in the Optimal Trace directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Optimal Trace\Optimal Trace 2.x)

3.      Disable download of the change history by changing the line 'downLoadProjectChangeLogWhenTakingOffline = Yes' to 'downLoadProjectChangeLogWhenTakingOffline = No'

4.      Disable download of the docgen events by changing the line 'downLoadDocGenEvensWhenTakingOffline = Yes' to

5.      'downLoadDocGenEvensWhenTakingOffline = No'

6.      Save the '' file

7.      Start Optimal Trace

Issue 4861

Using the Change History in a Report: By default, the Project Change History is not passed to the Velocity Report generation engine. This is for performance reasons.

Workaround: to use the Change History from a new Report, change the 'passChangeHistoryToReportGenTemplates=No' setting in '' (located in the Optimal Trace installation directory) to 'passChangeHistoryToReportGenTemplates=Yes'.

Issue 4876

Problems with 'Create Reserved Area' menu option in Word: To begin with, it's recommended to display hidden text before using this feature (Optimal Trace->Toggle Hidden Tags). This is because the caret may not be at the correct position, even though it looks fine without the hidden text on screen. What can happen, for instance, is that the Reserved Area gets inserted into the middle of another XML tag, which destroys the document's structure.

Workaround: In any event, most of the time Reserved Areas are unnecessary, as it is possible to insert text as-is into almost all areas of the document without needing any "wrapping". Reserved areas are mainly needed for the characters '<' ,'&', or similar input that would interfere with the document's XML structure.

The best approach is the following:

1.      Turn on hidden text

2.      Insert your new content as-is, at the correct caret position

3.      Save and close the document

4.      Try reversing the document into the corresponding Optimal Trace project. If any XML parse errors are flagged, click on the error location '...' button and wrap the offending text in a Reserved section.  This will presumably be the new content you have just entered. 

5.      If no errors were reported by the import process, then everything should be fine. You can either cancel or continue the merge process, as you like.

Issue 4877

Problems with 'Replace IDs and Names' menu option in Word: Indiscriminate use of this feature can cause problems and leave the document in an invalid state, so use it with caution.

Workaround: The following is recommended:

1.      Make a backup of the document before doing any advanced editing along these lines.

2.      Turn on hidden text.

3.      Carefully select the area that needs updating. Make sure that any ID strings (usually at the start of a section) that you wish to update are included in the selection.

4.      It will help to clarify exactly what 'Replace IDs and Names' does. It updates the IDs and names of any objects it detects in it's selection.  However it does not update the IDs of other objects that these objects refer to. So for instance, if you copy and paste a refinement, then selected the newly pasted area and click 'Replace IDs and Names', this new refinement will receive a fresh name and ID. However, it's source StepId and destination Requirement ID will not be updated. Therefore there will be 2 refinements starting from the same step and refining to the same Requirement, which is illegal.  This will show up as an error when this document is reversed into Optimal Trace. In this and similar situations, further manual editing of the document is necessary after 'Replace IDs and Names' has been run.

5.      Replace IDs and Names also corrects the Step Position numbers on any Step tables it finds. This is a convenience for the user as manually fixing Step Position numbers can be time-consuming.

Issue 4878

Problems with 'Duplicate current row' menu option in Word: This menu item will duplicate the current row the caret is positioned on (e.g. a Step in a Scenario Table). You cannot use this feature to add a new step to an empty table, there must be one already there for it to copy. The duplicated item will get a fresh name and ID, and if it's a Step, any affected Step position numbers will be updated. However it will not update any other properties of the duplicated object, so sometimes further manual editing is necessary.


1.      Turn on hidden text and navigate to a branch table (which is hidden by default).

2.      Place the caret on a particular branch and select 'Duplicate Current Row'

3.      Select 'Toggle Hidden Tags' again as this macro turns off hidden text.

4.      The new branch will have a new name and ID, but the IDs of it's source and destination Steps will remain the same.   Therefore you now have 2 branches coming from the same Step and branching to the same Step, which is illegal. This will show up as an error when the document is reversed.

5.      The new branch will have to manually edited to correctly contain whatever sourceID and DestinationID are required.


Issue 4984

Problems with manually setting tags to hidden in Word: Sometimes, if a document is being manually edited and the editing involves changing hidden text to visible text, or vice-versa, problems can occur. A typical problem is that even though only one word was changed from non-hidden to hidden, a large amount of the document surrounding that word automatically gets changed to hidden text as well. Including important Optimal Trace data such as the ActorList, for instance. Then, when the editing is finished and 'Optimal Trace->Toggle Hidden Tags' is selected, the ActorList will appear to have disappeared, as it is now rendered in hidden text.

The reverse problem can also happen, where a quantity of previously invisible content suddenly appears. Word is trying to automatically update the underlying style in that paragraph, rather than just update the selected text.

Workaround: - firstly, the document should always be backed up before commencing manual edits, as there are many traps like this.

To get rid of the immediate bad formatting, click undo until the document has reverted to it's state before the hidden-text edit had started.

Now click Format->Style (or Format->Styles and Formatting depending on your version of Word)-

Now select the Style type of the text you were editing. Usually 'Body Text', 'Hidden', or 'Normal' but it could be any of the other types as well.  The style type of the selected text appears in the Formatting toolbar, which can be turned on under Tools->Customize->Toolbars.-

When the correct style type has been selected, click 'Modify...' and deselect the 'Automatically Update' checkbox.

Now it should be possible to change the text from hidden to non-hidden in safety. This problem typically occurs when some of the hidden XML tags in a generated document have been accidentally damaged, and the user is fixing the errors manually.

Issue 5122

Problem with validating a Skeleton Document that is already open: If your editing a Skeleton Document in Word, and you validate it in Optimal Trace (from the Document Settings screen), you risk loosing work as Word does not let you save and continue properly.

Workaround: avoid validating a Skeleton Document and editing it at the same time.

Issue 5217

Project Elements appear in different order in Merge: under certain conditions, the Project child elements will appear in a different order in the From and To Merge Projects.

Workaround: there is no workaround; the appearance order does not effect the underlying functionality.

Issue 5389

Print Preview for Optimal Trace Documents shows hidden text.

Workaround: In Word, go to Tools/Options/Print and ensure 'Hidden Text' is unchecked.

Issue 5465

Canceling some actions in Optimal Trace does not release locks: if you do something in a dialog in Optimal Trace (e.g. move a Requirement) and then cancel the action, the objects in question will still remain locked by Optimal Trace.

Workaround: save your project to release the locks.

Issue 5470
Document Generation Custom Property restrictions:
1.  Custom Properties have to be contained in a table, they are bound to tables.
2.  Custom Properties are either row-or column based and again this is statically bound. You can't change your Step Custom Properties from column type to row type by editing the skeleton doc, for instance.
3.  Custom Property Template details (name, Id etc) have to appear before the corresponding Custom Properties in the skeleton doc. So you can't put your Custom Property name on the right of a row (if it's row-based), it has to appear to the left.
4.  Column-type Custom Properties can't appear in the leftmost column. There are no restrictions on row type Custom Properties.
Issue 5474
Document Generation Profiles cannot contain the same Element data twice:
E.g. in a Document Profile, you cannot have a Requirement 'Description' repeated twice anywhere in the profile.
Workaround: there is no workaround for this.
Issue 5535
Document Generation cannot reverse '...' values: '...' is a reserved word of sorts in reversing a document, any valid values of '...' will cause invalid conflicts in the Merge Tool.
Workaround: try avoiding using the value '...' in your data.
Issue 5549
Can't Auto-Generate a document if any Project Element has more than 13 Custom Properties: if you attempt to generate a document, where a Project Element has more than 13 Custom Properties, you will receive the following error message from Word:
"Internal error: Error code: 0x800403e8
Error description: Unable to automatically add and format Custom Property..."
Workaround: This is a Word restriction, however it is possible to create a Custom Profile with more than 13 fields ok.

Issue 5611

No locally locked icons when pasting/redoing: no locally locked icons appear in Optimal Trace in certain situations, e.g. if you undo a Requirement delete, or if you paste a Requirement.

Workaround: there is no workaround.


Issue 5689
Searching for individual characters across all projects can result
in a 'Connection Exception': Searching the whole database for a single character (or small word) may result in too much search information being returned from the database to Optimal Trace, and cause a 'Connection Exception' in the Optimal Trace Client.
Workaround: Try avoid using single character searches, try and use whole words instead.


Issue 5700

Optimal Trace will not work with a Firewall running: Optimal Trace will not work with a firewall running on either client or server machine, and cannot be restricted to run in a given port range. This is because java RMI opens ports randomly, and these ports cannot be specified.

Workaround: there is no workaround, apart from turning off your firewall.


Issue 5720

Optimal Trace/Word 2003 update problem: When updating a Word 2003 document from Optimal Trace, I get a 'String too long' exception from Word.

Workaround: This is because of a bug in Word 2003, which is detailed here:;en-us;163192. The workaround if to regenerate your document fully from Optimal Trace when this error happens, instead of using the Update feature.

Issue 6064

When reversing a document, Package 'Tags' values do not get reversed: This is deliberate behaviour.

Workaround: there is no workaround, it is not possible to change Package Tag values in a Word document and reverse them back into Optimal Trace..


Issue 6192

Memory usage in Optimal Trace: If you find that Optimal Trace is using a large amount of memory, one way to reduce the size is to minimise and maximise Optimal Trace.


Issue 6235

Hiding paragraph ends in MS Word Templates: Paragraph ends must be hidden in Optimal Trace MS Word document templates. For example, the section in the skeleton docs between 'MainSuccessScenario_Template_Start' and  MainSuccessScenario_Template_End' currently ends with </MainSuccessScenario  which is all hidden.  Note the paragraph symbol at the end. This paragraph character must be made un-hidden in the skeleton, otherwise Word gets confused when pasting this section into the genned doc. .

Workaround: This appears to be a bug in Word, there is no workaround, you must keep the paragraph ends unhidden.

Issue 6613

' read only' message: After generating a word document from Optimal Trace, I receive a ' is read only' message when I shutdown MS Word.

Workaround: This is a problem with Word, to fix it, run 'Help/Detect and Repair'

Issue 6775

Notification emails do not contain hyperlinks: When I receive an email from Optimal Trace, there are no hyperlinks to Optimal Trace elements in the email.

Workaround: This is most likely because your virus checker is stripping out the URI links in the email as it thinks they might be malicious. To fix this, consult your email Administrator and modify your virus checker settings.

Issue 6803

Only 500 search results are returned from Optimal Trace Server, and I was expecting more.

Workaround: this is configurable, to return more results, edit '' in your Optimal Trace Enterprise installation directory, and set 'reposSearchMaxReturn' to whatever number you want.

Issue 7001

Merge problem creating the same Custom Property in both on-line and off-line projects: If you create a customer property 'A' in both an on-line and off-line project, when you merge those projects Optimal Trace merge does not merge correctly.

Workaround: Although both Custom Properties have the same name, internally they are different objects as they were created in two different versions of the project. Try to avoid creating Custom Properties with the same name in on-line and off-line projects.

Issue 7073

Uninstall fully removes URI registry keys: If you uninstall Optimal Trace, it fully cleans up the windows registry. However, if you have a previous installation of Optimal Trace (or an installation of Optimal Trace Professional), the URI's will stop working. This is because the newer uninstall would of removed the 'Optimal Trace' URI setting.

Workaround: To re-register the 'Optimal Trace' URI setting in the registry, it is necessary to re-install the older version of Optimal Trace.

Issue 7494

Optimal Trace won't start if you have a shortcut to Desktop on your desktop: If you have a shortcut 'Desktop' on your desktop, Optimal Trace will not start correctly.

Workaround: This is a bug in the underlying java JDK version used in Optimal Trace (see To get Optimal Trace to start correctly, remove the shortcut to 'Desktop' on your desktop.

Issue 7544

Cannot split Custom Properties in Document Generation: Note that you cannot split up Custom Properties in a generated document, i.e. you can't have property values spread across different tables.

Workaround: There is no workaround for this, it is by design.


Issue 8295

Top of Doc Import Dialog Box hidden under word menu: Sometimes in Document Import,  the Import Dialog goes "under" the Word menu bar.
1) click on the document in word

2) click on the import tool

3) Try to keep the import tool away from the Word menu bar, where it can get 'overlapped'


Issue 8357

Word changing views in Document Import: Sometimes Word automatically changes a document's display mode to Normal View, and turns on the Reviewing Pane. This will appear to the User as though all the Comments have disappeared from the right hand side of the window, and reappeared in a new Pane on the bottom.


As Word makes this change silently & automatically, based on the current state of a particular document, it is difficult to intercept and filter out. It does not seem to happen very often.


Workaround: To change the display back to the previous settings, the user will need to:

1) Select View->Print View

2) Select View->Toolbars->Reviewing to display the Reviewing Toolbar.   On that toolbar, click 'Show' and toggle the 'Reviewing Pane' switch.


Issue 8402


Cannot invoke Doc Import wizard with restricted permissions: If the user is importing into a remote, secure project, then they will need

full Permissions (modify) for the whole project.


Workaround: try the following:

1.  Take the project offline  (this gives full permissions)

2.  Do the import

3.  Merge the project back to the repository. The merge window will take care of any changes to which you do not have remote Permissions.


Issue 8431

Importing into remote Project: If the user is importing into a remote project, it is possible for another user to interfere with their import.   If the second user locks and edits something, the first user will be locked out from their Doc Import Merges.  A "project locked" message will be displayed every time, even if the second user hits Save.


Workaround: There are 2 workarounds:


1) Save your Word doc, hit Close in the OptimalTrace import dialog, then restart the import.


2) Take the project offline, so you have a local snapshot with no multi-user locking issues. Import as normal. Then, merge the local project back to the Repository one.


Issue 8435

Upgrading MySQL from MySQL 4.1 -> MySQL5.0: If your Optimal Trace repository uses MySQL 4.1 and you wish to upgrade to MySQL5.0, you cannot do so directly by just upgrading MySQL alone, as the Optimal Trace schema will not migrate ok.

Workaround: Do the following:

-     Take all your Optimal Trace Repository projects off-line while the Optimal Trace Repository is using MySQL 4.1.

-     Stop the Optimal Trace Server

-     Install MySQL5.0

-     Install a new Optimal Trace database in MySQL5.0 using the MySQL install scripts provided (see Server Help file for more details)

-     Change your Optimal Trace Server settings to point to the new database (and restart the Optimal Trace Server)

-     Upload your off-line projects back into the repository.


Issue 8445

Document Import on Citrix/Terminal Server: When Optimal Trace 5.0 is installed onto a Citrix Server, the doc import component will only work for the User who performed the installation.  


This is because the install process can only register the Doc Import dll for the current user. It has no way of knowing about all the other users, who will connect to the Citrix machine in future.


Workaround: Each of these users must log onto the Citrix Server as themselves. Then they must follow the instructions provided in Optimal Trace Help section 3.2, to manually register the dll. The next time they connect to Citrix (logged in as themselves) and run OT, the Doc Import component should be working OK.


Issue 8443

Spell Check does not check Custom Property Templates: Spell Check will only check Custom Property Templates (i.e. the Custom Property Names, Definition, Default Value, etc) of a Package if that Package is not shared and there exists an element in that Package that has contains those custom properties.


Workaround: If you find this happening, create an element in the parent Package which is not being shared, and run Spell Check again. This will correct all sub Packages which are sharing with the parent Package.


Issue 8447

Document Import: problems importing Project 'Owner' and Package 'Tag' fields: While importing a document, if you mark up the Project 'Owner' or Package 'Tag' field and that field contains a carriage return, newline, or tab, your imported Project may become corrupt.

Workaround: try to ensure that your imported 'Owner' field and Package 'Tag' does not contain these characters.


Issue 8454

4.1 Plug-ins not migrated automatically: when you upgrade from Optimal Trace 4.1 to 5.0, any 4.1 plug-ins you may have installed are not automatically copied over to your 5.0 installation.

Workaround: You can copy over your existing plug-ins manually. To do this, copy the contents of your 'c:\Program Files\Compuware\Optimal Trace 4.1\plugins' directory to your new 5.0 'plugins' directory, e.g. ' c:\Program Files\Compuware\Optimal Trace 5.0\plugins'.


Document Generation: Performance Tips


When generating documentation for very large projects, the generation performance can be dramatically improved (up to 50% with standard MS Office configurations) by adjusting the priority settings for Enterprise and Microsoft Word within the Windows task manager.

To do this, locate the Enterprise and Word processes; called 'Optimal Trace' & 'Winword' respectively. To adjust the priority, right click on each process and click 'Set Priority'. Set the priority to 'high' for each process.

WARNING: Setting the priorities to high will prevent other running applications from getting CPU time and you are effectively prevented from interacting with your machine until generation is finished. When finished generation, be sure to reset the priorities back to 'normal'

Document Generation: General Tips

The following settings can be set that can solve issues appearing when dealing with Word document generation.

1.      Security settings. The Word generation in Enterprise relies on macros, which are embedded in word. If your security settings are set to high this will prevent generation. Ensure that the security setting is at 'low'. Access this from the tools>>macro>>security… menu option.

2.      Spurious WinWord processes. In many cases where issues are encountered, these can be traced back to rogue Word processes that have not been shut down. Ensure that all such processes are shut down prior to document generation. To see how many 'WinWord' processes you have currently running look at the 'Processes' tab in the Task Manager. For each process right click on it and hit the 'End Process' option.

3.      In cases where updates to word documents are failing, this can be isolated to a setting in word associated with background saves. If you see problems, try un-checking this option in Word. To do this, in Word go to the Tools>>Options menu and select the 'save' tab, then uncheck the 'Allow Background Saves' setting.

4.      One way to decrease the size of a document is to remove all the hidden Optimal Trace text. Note that when you do this, you will no longer be able to update or reverse that documents, and re-generating the document will result in all the hidden text being re-inserted. To remove all hidden text in a document, do the following:

-          Navigate to the top of the document, and select the Edit/Replace menu option

-          Make sure that both the 'Find' and 'Replace' fields are empty

-          Select the 'More' button

-          Select 'Format/Font' button to bring up the 'Find Font' dialog box

-          Click on 'Hidden' once, turning it from grey to black

-          Hit 'OK', hit 'Replace All'



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