Release Notes

QALoad 05.05

March 8, 2007


Obtaining the Latest Release Notes

System Requirements

What's New

Technical Notes

Known Issues

Contacting Compuware Customer Support

Obtaining the Latest Release Notes  back to top 

If you accessed this document from the product CD or from the program shortcuts on your desktop, you may not be reading the latest release notes. For the most recent information, go to FrontLine, Compuware's customer support Web site. The first time you access FrontLine, you are required to register and obtain a password. After logging onto FrontLine, select your product from the drop-down list and click Go. On the left side of the page, click the Documentation link. You will find the latest release notes listed with the other product documentation.

System Requirements  back to top

QALoad has the following minimum system requirements:

General Windows Installation Requirements

Requirements by Component

The system requirements for each individual QALoad component follow:

Script Development Workbench Workstation Requirements
Conductor Workstation Requirements
Analyze Workstation Requirements
Server Analysis Agent Workstation Requirements
QALoad Windows Player Workstation Requirements

UNIX Player Workstation Requirements

The QALoad Player and associated utilities are supported on AIX, Linux, and Solaris. Compilers that are 32-bit compatible are required. The system requirements for each operating system follow:

UNIX Player Workstation Requirements for AIX

Note: The VisualAge compilers must be patched to the level indicated by the “September 2005 VisualAge C++ Professional V6.0 for AIX PTF”. For more information, refer to the IBM website.

UNIX Player Workstation Requirements for Linux

Note: The system should be updated to the packages indicated in the Red Hat Advisory: RHBA-2005:661-11. Additional packages required to resolve dependencies also should be applied.

UNIX Player Workstation Requirements for Solaris

Middleware-Specific Requirements

In addition, your Windows system may need to meet specific requirements to support the middleware you will be testing. The Winsock and NetLoad middlewares do not have any additional QALoad Windows Player requirements.

Oracle Net8/Net9 Requirements

QALoad supports load testing under Oracle Net8/Net9 when the following requirements are met:

QALoad Script Development Workbench
QALoad Player

ODBC Requirements

QALoad supports load testing under ODBC when the following requirements are met:

QALoad Script Development Workbench
QALoad Player

Uniface Requirements

QALoad supports load testing under Uniface when the following requirements are met:

QALoad Script Development Workbench
QALoad Player

Citrix MetaFrame Requirements

QALoad supports load testing under Citrix when the following requirements are met:

QALoad Script Development Workbench
QALoad Player

SAP Requirements

QALoad supports load testing under SAP when the following requirements are met:

QALoad Script Development Workbench
QALoad Player

ADO Requirements

QALoad supports load testing under ADO when the following requirements are met:

QALoad Script Development Workbench
QALoad Player

Oracle Forms Server Requirements

QALoad supports load testing under Oracle Forms Server when the following requirements are met:

QALoad Script Development Workbench
QALoad Player

Note: Compuware recommends you use the Java HotSpot Client VM.

Java Requirements

QALoad supports load testing of J2EE components when the following requirements are met:

QALoad Script Development Workbench
QALoad Player

WWW Requirements

QALoad supports load testing under WWW when the following requirements are met:

QALoad Script Development Workbench
QALoad Player

Streaming Media Requirements

QALoad supports Streaming Media under WWW when the following requirements are met:

QALoad Script Development Workbench
QALoad Player

Integration Requirements


Future Removal of Support

The following environments, though supported in this release of QALoad, will not be supported in release 05.05.01:

The following environments and middlewares will not be supported after QALoad release 05.05.01:

What's New  back to top

QALoad Script Development Workbench

Automated Parameterization

Parameterization of the fields within the web middleware is greatly enhanced in this release. There is now a Wizard that guides you through the necessary steps to replace a field with datapool values, local variables, extracted strings, date/time fields, VU numbers, text, or any combination of these. The Wizard also enables you to parameterize all recurring instances of the target to be substituted in a single step, instead of manually repeating the process for every instance within your script.

The actions that are taken by the Wizard during this process are stored in a Parameterization Rules folder for future use. This is the greatest benefit of this feature. Future scripting efforts against an application can be considerably shortened by applying pre-defined rules against scripts that are known to require similar variable logic.

New Rule Library

A utility called the QALoad Rule Library can be launched from the Workbench. You can use this to create, edit, delete, and organize Parameterization Rules within its folder system.

QALoad Conductor

Web Transaction Breakdown (Expert User)

For WWW scripts, you can enable "Expert User Timings" in the Conductor's machine assignment tab. The players then gather additional timing information during a loadtest that you can view after the test has completed. It shows you the network and server times for the individual components of each web request, such as images, stylesheets, scripts, and so forth. This can help you identify areas within the technical infrastructure that can be related to the results of the test.

Performance Metrics for Packaged Applications and Application Servers (Remote Monitoring)

You can now collect additional performance data specific to packaged applications and application servers. These include, among others, new metrics for SAP, WebLogic, and WebSphere. This Remote Monitoring feature enables you to extract data from counters (Windows or UNIX) from the servers under test without requiring the installation of any software on the servers. While your test is running, QALoad collects the appropriate counter data and writes it to your timing file where it can be viewed within Analyze and correlated with other test results after the test.

To complement the new monitoring capabilities, QALoad also provides monitoring templates along with a utility that enables you to create your own.

Improved ApplicationVantage Integration

QALoad integrates with ApplicationVantage to help you analyze network performance during a load test. ApplicationVantage provides granular thread details so that network managers can identify poorly performing applications. QALoad also provides test data that you can open in ApplicationVantage.

QALoad Analyze

New Expert User Group

When Expert User data is collected (WWW only), the Analyze Workspace includes an Expert User tab. Using the new test information that is displayed here, you can create detailed graphs and reports that show the breakdown of the web requests, which can assist in pinpointing potential bottlenecks during the test.

New ApplicationVantage Group

When a timing file contains ApplicationVantage data, QALoad’s Analyze Workspace includes the ApplicationVantage group tab. From the ApplicationVantage group, you can export ApplicationVantage trace files to a working folder or launch ApplicationVantage in order to view the report details.

New Pre-defined Reports

Analyze now includes three new pre-defined reports to help you identify performance problems:

Defining Thresholds in Analyze

Use the new Results Analysis Wizard to define thresholds in QALoad Analyze. Thresholds are values that show the expected warning and critical limits for a counter or a checkpoint. Thresholds help identify problem areas in the test, such as checkpoints or counters that go above or below a specified value. They actively monitor response times by indicating whether data records are surpassing user-defined expected warning and critical levels. The information displays in graphs and detail reports in the detail data view and is used for the Worst-Performing Checkpoints and Counters report.

Timing File Templates

You can now create a template file that contains information about the current graphs, reports, and thresholds that you are viewing in an open timing file. This template can then be applied to other timing files, resulting in the initial view of those timing files being in a desired state with the expected graphs and reports already created and opened. When timing files are saved with a specific template, they open with that template applied as well. This allows for continuity in data presentation.

New ZipFile Wizard

The ZipFile Wizard simplifies the task of collecting the files needed by the Technical Support team to analyze and assist in problem resolution in QALoad. It facilitates navigation through QALoad’s installation so you can easily select the required files without having to determine their various path names and locations.

Documentation Enhancements

Script Samples

A series of script samples is provided for the following middlewares: WWW, Winsock, SAP, Citrix, and Oracle Forms Server. In addition to the script sample itself, each sample includes a description of what it does and the type of problem it resolves.

Error Codes

An error code index with links to individual error codes is provided for the following middlewares: WWW, Winsock, SAP, Citrix, and Oracle Forms Server.

Technical Notes  back to top

Automatic Configuration of Windows Firewall on Windows XP Service Pack 2

When you install QALoad on a Windows XP machine with Service Pack 2 applied, the Windows Firewall is automatically configured to include the QALoad Player agent as an allowed exception. This configuration is required for communication between the Conductor and Player machines during a load test.

Re-Compile Scripts from Previous Versions of QALoad

If you are migrating from a previous version of QALoad, you must re-compile your existing scripts in the Script Development Workbench to use them in this release.

Do Not Use "Switch User" Windows Feature with Scripts Using NTLM Authorization

When load testing WWW scripts that use NTLM authorization, do not use the "Switch User" feature of Windows XP. Using this feature allows multiple user sessions to be active simultaneously, which can cause problems with script playback. If you need to use a different Windows profile, log off Windows and log on as a different user instead.

QALoad Certificate Added to certdb.txt for OFS recording

For the SSL support provided in this release, QALoad modifies the client machine's JInitiator certdb.txt file to include QALoad's CA certificate during the initial SSL recording process for an Oracle Forms Server application. This certificate authority information is internally validated by Oracle during the OFS-SSL session. If you want to remove the QALoad CA certificate, delete the following text from the certdb.txt file:




















Middleware Compiler Compatibility for SAP and Citrix

To use the SAP or Citrix middlewares, you must ensure that the VC++ MFC and Template Libraries option is selected when you install Visual C++. This option installs the headers, libraries, sources, and browser database for MFC and ATL, which are required for both the SAP and Citrix middlewares.

Large Paging File Recommended for SAP and Citrix

To prevent performance issues, Compuware recommends that you increase your system paging file size to a fixed size of:

  1. For SAP: Four times the amount of RAM on the machine, or 40 MB multiplied by the number of virtual users, whichever is greater. Each SAP virtual user uses between 17 and 60 MB of memory.
  2. For Citrix: At least four times the amount of RAM on the machine.

Conductor Monitoring Options

The Monitoring Options tab has replaced the Machine Configuration tab in the QALoad Conductor. All options on the Machine Configuration tab are now included in Monitoring Options, Monitoring Options tab, or Manage Player Machines dialog box.

Enhanced JavaScript Support

QALoad 05.05 provides enhanced JavaScript support that gives a more accurate replay of complex Web sites that make heavy use of JavaScript. The new support enables QALoad WWW replay to work on a wide variety of sites without script modifications. This enhanced support is for Visual Navigator scripts and .c scripts.

Script Commands No Longer Used

The following list of deprecated commands are not supported in QALoad Release 05.05:

Common Functions













WWW Functions








The following list of deprecated commands are used in QALoad Release 05.05, but they are not supported in QALoad Release 05.05.01 and later:

SAP Functions


























Avoiding Timeouts When Validating Winsock Scripts

To avoid timeouts during validation of Winsock scripts, filter IP traffic captured by the browser to exclude all traffic originating from localhost ( In the Script Development Workbench, select Options>Record and click Set IP Addresses. The Add/Delete IP Addresses dialog box displays. Click Add to open the Add/Edit IP Addresses dialog box. In the Host Name or IP Address field, type localhost, then select All ports. Make sure the Status field is set to Exclude. Click OK.

Creating Client Certificates on Unix Platforms

On the Unix player platform, you must create a Certificates sub-directory in the QALoad directory before creating a client certificate. The directory name is case sensitive. For more information, refer to the topic, "Create Client Certificates in QALoad (SSL)" in the online help.

Configuring QALoad 05.02 Session files for QALoad 05.05

Because of changes and upgrades in QALoad 05.05, you must do the following to properly configure QALoad 05.02 session files in QALoad 05.05:

You must complete these configurations only once, then save the changes into the QALoad session file.

Datapool File Formats

For QALoad scripts, .csv files are no longer supported as datapools. Only .dat file types are supported for datapool files.

Citrix Command

After QALoad release 05.05.01, the CtxPing command is not supported.

Known Issues  back to top

This section describes known issues related to the current release of QALoad.

Window Not in Focus

A known issue exists with the Microsoft Operating System that may cause new programs to appear behind other already open programs. When you start a program from another program, the new program window may appear behind all other open windows. Additionally, the new-window icon flashes on the taskbar. This symptom occurs on a Microsoft Windows 2000-based computer or on a Microsoft Windows XP-based computer. Microsoft has documented a procedure that details how users can modify the value of the ForegroundLockTimeout registry entry in Registry Editor to correct the issue. For specific instructions and more information on this issue, please refer to the following article located at the Microsoft Help and Support website for details:;en-us;886217

EasyScript for Citrix

Citrix Window Information Object IDs

When a capture file is converted to a script, occasionally the wrong Citrix Window Information object ID is referenced. For example, a Click, MouseDown, MouseUp, or WaitForWindowCreate action might be using the wrong CWI ID. The correct CWI ID can be determined by inspecting the capture file to find the window handle that has focus.

SetTitle Method

During the conversion process, calls to the SetTitle method are sometimes placed at an incorrect line in the script. Determine the correct line by inspecting the capture file and moving the call to that position in the script.

The SetTitle method is added by QALoad during conversion and should otherwise not be modified or manually added to a script.

CAPS LOCK and Windows Logo Key

Uppercase characters are not captured when the CAPS LOCK key is on. Manually modify the script to use uppercase characters or hold down the SHIFT key during recording.

Similarly, the Windows logo key is not supported. Do not use the Windows logo key to start applications while recording a Citrix script.

EasyScript for SAP

Compiler Errors with SAP 6.20 and 6.40 Scripts

If you receive a type mismatch error when compiling an SAP script, you must remove the quotation marks around the last parameter of the affected command. For example:

error C2664: '<FuncName>' : cannot convert parameter n from 'char [n]' to 'long'

This compiler error, which can occur in commands that manipulate column widths, indicates a data type error and can be corrected by removing the quotation marks around the last parameter. The following example shows the lines in a script that could cause an error, and the corrected version of the same lines.
Script that produces the error:


   SAPGuiCmd2(GuiCtrlTree, SetColumnWidth, "REPNAME", "218");

Corrected script:


   SAPGuiCmd2(GuiCtrlTree, SetColumnWidth, "REPNAME", 218);

Do Not Minimize Window During Validation

During validation of SAP scripts, do not minimize the SAP window. If the window is minimized, the validation may fail. This problem does not occur if you select the Hide Graphical User Interface for SAP Users option by clicking the browse [...] button in the Type column of the Script Assignment tab in the Conductor. This SAPGUI option runs SAP on an alternate desktop that is not visible.

Other EasyScript Issues

Setting Classpaths in QALoad Player for EasyScript for Java

When loading a class by name in the QALoad Player during runtime, do not use a class name on the Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) InitialContext call. Instead, use a class instance or add a line of code before the JNDI lookup call. Refer to the following examples:

Using a class instance

Replace the InitialContext properties and JNDI names in the following example with the values that are appropriate for your application.

java.util.Hashtable ht = new java.util.Hashtable();

ht.put(javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");

ht.put(javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL, "fh12623:1099");

javax.naming.InitialContext ic = new javax.naming.InitialContext(ht);

Object ref = ic.lookup("AddressMSvc");

org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory nf = new org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory();

java.util.Hashtable ht = new java.util.Hashtable();

ht.put(javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL, "fh12623:1099");

javax.naming.Context ic = nf.getInitialContext(ht);

Object ref = ic.lookup("AddressMSvc");

Adding a line of code before the JNDI lookup call

Add the following line before the JNDI lookup call:

If it is a static method, use the following sample, replacing CLASSNAME with the class name of the code.

Internet Explorer Fails Launch When Starting Winsock Recording or Recording OFS Socket


If you are running McAfee's VirusScan 8.0 with the "Buffer Overflow Protection" option enabled, Internet Explorer may fail to launch when you start a Winsock recording or when you record OFS socket mode. To prevent this issue, disable the "Buffer Overflow Protection" feature within McAfee VirusScan.

QALoad Analyze

Internet Explorer 5.5 and Analyze

MS XML version 4.0 parser is required to view pre-defined or custom reports (relying on XML translations). Internet Explorer 5.5 ships with the MS XML version 3.0 parser. Compuware provides the MS XML 4.0 parser with this version of QALoad so that an upgrade to IE 6.0 is not required. It is automatically installed by QALoad but does not override any other version that may exist on the machine. QALoad Analyze looks for and loads this parser when using pre-defined or custom reports.

Sending Email Messages with Test Data Using Microsoft Outlook 2003

The Send utility in Analyze does not always work properly with Outlook 2003. If you experience problems when clicking the Send button in the email that is generated by the utility, you can instead use the utility to create a .zip file of the results and manually attach that file to an email you create directly in Outlook.

QALoad Conductor

Problem with Microsoft Office 2000 and XP

If you are using the QALoad Conductor on a machine that has Microsoft Office 2000 or XP installed, when launching Conductor, you may be prompted repeatedly to insert a Microsoft Office installation CD. This problem is a known issue with Microsoft Office and occurs during use with an account that is different from the account that was used during the Office installation, and if none of the Office components have been launched since installation. To avoid receiving the prompts, launch any Microsoft Office component under the user account that was used during installation, and close it. For more information about this Microsoft Office issue, refer to the Microsoft knowledge base article Q298385.

Other Issues

ODBC Command

The DO_SQLFetch command in the online help shows lines in a script that could cause compile warnings and will not give the intended result during validation. Provided below is the example that could cause an error and the corrected version of the same lines.

Script that produces the error:

pReturnValue = DO_SQLGetData( S0, 1, SQL_C_LONG, 4 );



Correct script:

DO_SQLGetData( S0, 1, SQL_C_LONG, 4 );

strcpy(pReturnValue, GetFetchedData()); }

Viewing QALoad Timing Files with International Versions of Microsoft Windows

QALoad supports load testing of Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Web applications that use Double Byte Character Sets (DBCS). Viewing timing files and Summary reports with International versions of Microsoft Windows is only possible if the timing file is viewed on the same Windows language platform on which the timing file was created.

Server Analysis Agent on a Multi-Processor Machine

When using the Server Analysis Agent to monitor the "Process->% Processor Time" counter on a multi-processor machine, values greater than 100% for any instance of the counter are reported as 100%. To ensure accurate results, Compuware recommends that you use Remote Monitoring or Top Processes Monitoring when monitoring any instance of the "Process->% Processor Time" counter.

Solaris and Logfile Generation With More Than 250 Virtual Users

A file descriptor limit exists on the Solaris platform if a script is running in threaded mode, logfile generation is turned on, and there are more than 250 virtual users. To avoid this limitation, modify the Logfile Generation parameters so that logfiles are not generated by all virtual users:

  1. On the QALoad Conductor main window, click the Script Assignment tab.
  2. In the Debug Options column for the appropriate script, click the Browse button. (Click in the Debug Options column to enable the Browse button). The Debug Options dialog box appears.
  3. On the Debug Options dialog box, in the Logfile Generation Virtual User Range area, select the Virtual User(s) option and type a range that contains less than 250 virtual users.

Administrative Rights

QALoad now supports the use of non-Administrator users on the Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional Edition platforms. Administrative rights are still required to install the software and appropriate user privileges are required for QALoad to write files to its own directory (which by default is in the Program Files directory). Administrative rights are also required when using middlewares that require the Capture Initialization Phase option. This requirement applies to middlewares other than WWW.

Previous Version of QALoad is Detected

If you have uninstalled all previous versions of QALoad but the installation process indicates that a previous version of the product is still installed, you may need to remove a registry key. In the Windows Registry Editor, delete the following registry key if it exists on your system:


Help for the Remote Monitoring Dialog Boxes

Access field descriptions of Remote Monitoring dialog boxes through links in the procedural topics. For example, a description of the New Monitoring Task dialog boxes is available from the Elements of the New Monitoring Task Wizard link in the topic Creating a New Monitoring Task.

Find/Replace Functionality

The Visual Navigator's Find/Replace functionality may not find and replace XML tree items.

Checkpoint View

The Checkpoint view may be blank when applying an existing saved template.

ServerVantage Agent for Remote Monitoring

For Performance Monitoring of Application Servers for WebSphere, WebLogic, SAP, WMI, and WebSphere MQ, you must install the ServerVantage agent that is packaged with the QALoad software. The agent should be installed on a non-production machine that does not currently have a ServerVantage agent installed.

Monitoring a Server with both ServerVantage Agent and a Remote Collector

If you are using the ServerVantage agent during monitoring and retrieving data from a server that is being monitored with both a standard ServerVantage (Windows or Unix) and a remote collector, you may not see the counter data returned from the standard agent and may only retrieve data from the remote collector.

Subrequests in Old-Style WWW Scripts

In old-style WWW scripts, additional subrequests may show up as main requests.

Invalid characters in the Conductor Runtime Graphs on Japanese Operating System

If you are running a Japanese Operating System, you may see invalid characters in the file names in the drop-down list on the Series tab of the Conductor Runtime Graph. There is no known resolution at this time. The improper interpretation of the characters involves a third-party tool that the software uses to display this information. Check FrontLine for future updates to resolve this issue.

Central Datapool Size Limitations

There are limitations to the size of a Central Datapool that the QALoad Conductor can handle when starting a test. When attempting to use a Central Datapool file that is approximately 20MB or greater, the QALoad Conductor may fail to start. To avoid this problem, create a smaller Central Datapool file, or use a local Datapool for the test instead.

Recognizing the MS Visual Studio .NET 2005 Compiler

If you are using MS Visual Studio .NET 2005, QALoad may not recognize the new compiler until you enter it in the Workbench compiler settings. On the Option menu, select Workbench, then select the Compiler settings tab. Select Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005, then click OK.

Using HTTP with the GCC Compiler on AIX after the SSL Module is Installed

HTTP scripts fail to compile on AIX systems using GCC as the compiler after the QALoad SSL module is installed. You must manually install a different library for your scripts to compile properly.

When installing the SSL module, EasyScript for Secure WWW, on AIX using the package installation method, you must perform the following steps after the installation is complete:

  1. Login to the AIX system as 'root'.

  2. cd to /opt/QALoad/lib

  3. Enter the following commands:

  1. mv libqlHTTP.a orig.libqlHTTP.a

  2. ln -s ./libqlHTTP128.a libqlHTTP.a

  3. mv libg++qlHTTP.a orig.libg++qlHTTP.a

  4. ln -s ./libg++qlHTTP128.a libg++qlHTTP.a

GNU g++ Compiler on AIX 5.3

On AIX 5.3, the libraries needed to support the WWW middleware cannot be loaded at run-time if the GNU g++ compiler is used to compile the script.  When this occurs, a message similar to the following is displayed:

pid(389168): ERROR: VU(0): Unable to load script '/home/QALoad//scripts/www.a'  errno(8) 'Exec format error'

To avoid this problem, compile your script using the VisualAge C++ compiler, version 6.0. Note that the GNU GCC compiler does work on AIX 5.3.

License Error After Uninstalling Compuware Products

A licensing failure may occur in any Compuware product using DLM 4.0 when DevPartner Enterprise Edition 8.0 or Xpediter Dev Enterprise 4.2 is installed after QALoad 05.05 and any of these products are subsequently uninstalled. This is due to a conflict in the DLM version number. To correct this problem, click Install QACenter Products and run Install License Manager from the QACenter Performance Edition CD.

Contacting Compuware Customer Support  back to top

Compuware Customer Support can assist you with all issues, from installation to troubleshooting.

Before Contacting Customer Support

Prior to contacting customer support, gather the following information:



FrontLine Support Web Site

Refer to Compuware's FrontLine support web site for fast access to critical information about your product. You can read and print documentation, download product fixes, review frequently asked questions, or directly e-mail Compuware with questions or comments. The first time you access FrontLine, you are required to register and obtain a password.

Compuware Corporate Web Site

Refer to Compuware's corporate web site at for information about Compuware customer support policies and problem resolution process.


Customer Support
Compuware Corporation
One Campus Martius
Detroit, MI 48226-5099

End of QALoad Release Notes
(C) 2005 Compuware Corporation. All rights reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the
United States.