28.2.4 Configuring an Alert Profile

The alert profile determines which alerts are sent and where the alerts are sent.

  1. Click Devices > Access Gateways > Edit > Alerts > [Name of Profile].

  2. Select one or more of the following:

    Connection Refused: Generated when a connection is refused.

    Proxy Initialization Failure: Generated when ESP fails to initialize.

    System Up: Generated each time Access Gateway is started.

    System Down: Generated each time Access Gateway is stopped.

    Configuration Changed: Generated each time the configuration of Access Gateway is modified.

    DNS Server Not Responding: (Access Gateway Appliance) Generated each time the DNS server stops responding.

    DNS Server Is Now Responding: (Access Gateway Appliance) Generated each time the DNS server comes up.

    DNS Parent Address Invalid: (Access Gateway Appliance) Generated when the IP address of DNS parent is invalid.

    DNS Resolver Initialization Failure (10 seconds): (Access Gateway Appliance) Generated when the DNS resolver initialization fails.

    DNS Resolver Initialization Failure (2 minutes): (Access Gateway Appliance) Generated when the DNS resolver initialization fails.

    Failure in Audit, Stopping Services: Generated when the audit server has failed, and Access Gateway has been configured to stop services.

    To configure Access Gateway to continue when auditing services are not available, click Auditing in dashboard, deselect the Stop Services on Audit Server Failure option, and click Apply.

    Failure in Audit, Will lose events, but continuing services: Generated when the audit agent has failed. Access Gateway continues to run, but no audit events are generated.

    To solve this problem, enable proxy service logging (see Configuring Logging for a Proxy Service). The common and extended log files provide some details on the HTTP traffic.

    If you do not want Access Gateway to run without generating events, shut down Access Gateway.

    Failure in Audit, Server is offline: Generated when the audit agent is unable to contact the audit server. When this condition occurs, the audit agent uses local caching for the audit events.

    Do not allow this condition to continue indefinitely. Access Gateway soon reaches the limits of its local cache. Events might be lost and Access Gateway might need to stop services.

    For troubleshooting information, see “Troubleshooting Novell Audit” in the Novell Audit Administration Guide.

  3. Select where you want to send the alerts:

    Send to Device Manager: Select this option to send alerts to Administration Console.

    Send to SNMP: (Access Gateway Service) To configure the SNMP server, click Send to SNMP. See SNMP Profile.

    Send to Log File: To send alerts to a log file, click New, specify a name for the log profile, and click OK. See Configuring a Log Profile.

    To enable a log profile, select the profile, and click Enable.

    Send E-mail Notifications: Click New, specify a name for the email profile, and click OK. See Configuring an Email Profile.

    To enable an email profile, select the profile, then click Enable.

    Send to Syslog: Click New, specify a name for the Syslog profile, and click OK. See Configuring a Syslog Profile.

    To enable a syslog profile, select the profile, then click Enable.

  4. To enable an alert action profile, select the action profile and click Enable > OK.

    Alerts are not sent to a log file, email addresses, or a syslog file until the action profile is enabled.

  5. On the Alert Profiles page, verify that the alert profile is enabled and click OK > OK.

  6. Update Access Gateway.