Using Login Redirect URL Parameters

While defining the login redirect URL on the Contracts page, you can use the following optional tags in the parameter definitions of the URL. Use parameter names that are understood by the service you have selected to use. The login redirect URL must understand the name-value pairs you have defined and will use the resolved values in the redirected URL.




DN of the user with a password that is expired or expiring.


The name of the user store that authenticated a user before redirecting the user to the password expiration service.


The URL at Identity Server to which a user is redirected after the password service is completed.

For example:<USERID>&store=<STOREID>

NOTE:If you copy this text, you must remove the white space between <STOREID> and &returl.

Identity Server fills in these values that results in the following URL: returl=

In addition to these parameters, you can configure other parameters.