Result on Condition Error Value

If you incorrectly set the value of the Result on Condition Error field, you create a policy that allows an action that you want the policy to deny or that denies an action that you want allowed. You must carefully evaluate whether you want the action applied or ignored when an error occurs during the evaluation of the condition. For positive conditions, the following rules apply:

  • For the action to be applied, either the user must match the condition or the Result on Condition Error must be set to True.

  • For the action to be ignored, either the user must not match the condition or the Result on Condition Error must be set to False.

The logic is harder to follow when you start adding “if not” to the conditions. The user then matches the condition by not matching the condition. For this type of condition, you need to ask whether you want the action applied to any user when an error occurs evaluating the condition.

The logic is even harder to following when you start adding multiple condition groups that can also have “or nots” and “if nots”.

If you have a policy that uses “if not” conditions or uses multiple condition groups and it is not producing the expected results, you might want to rewrite the policy so that it contains only positive conditions.

You might want to modify the condition groups so that the policy uses multiple rules, with each rule containing one condition group with the conditions you want the user to match for the action you assign to the rule.