Page Matching Criteria for Rewriter Profiles

You specify the following matching criteria for selecting the profile:

  • The URLs to match

  • The URLs that cannot match

  • The content types to match

Use Requested URLs to Search of the profile to set up the matching policy. The first Word profile and the first Character profile that matches the page is applied. Profiles lower in the list are ignored.

URLs: The URLs specified in the policy must use the following formats:

Sample URL


Matches pages only if the requested URL does not contain a trailing slash.

Matches pages only if the requested URL does contain a trailing slash.

Matches only this specific file.*

Matches the requested URL whether it has a trailing slash and matches all files in the directory.*

Matches the proxy service and everything it is protecting.

You can specify two types of URLs. In the If Requested URL Is list, you specify the URLs of the pages you want this profile to match. In the And Requested URL Is Not list, you specify the URLs you do not want this profile to match. You can use the asterisk wildcard for a URL in the If Requested URL Is list to match pages you really don’t want this profile to match, then use a URL in the And Requested URL Is Not list to exclude them from matching.

If a page matches both a URL in the If Requested URL Is list and in the And Requested URL Is Not list, the profile does not match the page.

For example, you could specify the following URL in the If Requested URL Is list:*

You could then specify the following URL in the And Requested URL Is Not list:*

These two entries cause the profile to match all pages on the web server except for the pages in the /content directory and its subdirectories.

IMPORTANT:If nothing is specified in either of the two lists, the profile skips the URL matching requirements and uses the content-type to determine if a page matches.

Content-Type: In the And Document Content-Type Is section, you specify the content-types you want this profile to match. To add a new content-type, click New and specify the name, such as text/dns. Search your web pages for content-types to determine if you need to add new types. To add multiple values, enter each value on a separate line.

Regardless of content-types you specify, the page matches the profile if the file extension is html, htm, shtml, jhtml, asp, or jsp and you have not specified any URL matching criteria.