


Provided Authentications

The number of successful provided authentications given out to external entities after Identity Server was started.

Consumed Authentications

The number of successful consumed authentications after Identity Server was started.

Provided Authentication Failures

The number of failed provided authentications given out to external entities after Identity Server was started.

Consumed Authentication Failures

The number of failed consumed authentications after Identity Server was started. The Consumed Authentication Failures statistics counter increases by one whenever a method execution fails for the user.

Historical Maximum Logins Served

The maximum number of logins served during an interval and displayed after completion of the interval.

Logins In Last Interval

The number of active user sessions during the last interval.


The number of explicit logouts performed by users. This does not include logouts where an inactive session was destroyed.

Cached Sessions

The number of currently active cached user sessions. This represents the number of users currently logged into the system; however, if a single person has two browser windows open on the same client and if that person performed two distinct authentications, then that person has two user sessions.

Click Graphs to view the number of cached sessions for a specific unit of time (1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, or 12 months). The Value axis displays the number of cached sessions. If no sessions have been cached, the value axis is not meaningful.

Cached Ancestral Sessions

The number of cached ancestral session IDs. An ancestral session ID is created during the failover process. When failover occurs, a new session is created to represent the previous session. The ID of the previous session is called an “ancestral session ID,” and it is retained for subsequent failover operations.

Cached Subjects

The number of current cached subject objects. Conceptually, the cached subjects are identical to the cached principals.

Cached Principals

The number of current cached principal objects. A principal can be thought of as a single directory user object. Multiple users can log in using a single directory user object. Multiple cached sessions would exist sharing a single cached principal.

Cached Artifacts

The number of current cached artifact objects. During authentication, an artifact is generated that maps to an assertion. This cache holds the artifact to assertion mapping until the artifact resolution request is received. Under normal operations, artifacts are resolved within milliseconds of being placed in this cache.