String Tokens

On Access Gateway Service, you can use the following special tokens to modify the default matching rules. Access Gateway Appliance does not support these tokens.

  • [w] to match one white space character

  • [ow] to match 0 or more white space characters

  • [ep] to match a path element in a URL path, excluding words that end in a period

  • [ew] to match a word element in a URL path, including words that end in a period

  • [oa] to match one or more alphanumeric characters

White Space Tokens: You use the [w] and the [ow] tokens to specify where white space might occur in the string. For example:


If you don’t know, or don’t care, whether the string has zero or more white characters at the beginning and at the end, use [ow] to specify this. The [w] specifies exactly one white character.

Path Tokens: You use the [ep] and [ew] tokens to match path strings. The [ep] token can be used to match the following types of paths:

Search String

Matches This String

Does not’ Match This String






The [ew] token can be used to match the following types of paths:

Search String

Matches This String

Does not Match This String





Name Tokens: You use the [oa] token to match function or parameter names that have a set string to start the name and end the name, but the middle part of the name is a computer-generated alphanumeric string. For example, the [oa] token can be used to match the following types of names:

Search String

Matches This String

Does not’ Match This String



