Creating Users

After creating users, you can assign the role of a delegated administrator or policy view administrator.

  1. In Administration Console Dashboard, click <user name> at the top right of the page > Manage Roles & Tasks > Users > Create User.

  2. User Name: Specify the user name. This is a mandatory field.

  3. (Optional) First Name: Specify the first name of the user.

  4. Last Name: Specify the name of the delegated administrator user. This is a mandatory field.

  5. (Optional) Full Name: Specify the full name of the user.

  6. Context: Specify the context as delegated administrators.This is a mandatory field.

    1. Click the object selector icon.

    2. Click Browse. Select delegated users option from the Contents list. The delegatedusers.novell or policyviewusers.novell is displayed in the context field based on the selection.

  7. Password: Specify the password and retype the password to confirm it.

    NOTE:Failure to enter a password will allow the user to login without a password.

  8. (Optional) Simple Password: Select this option to set a simple password.

    NOTE:Simple Password is not required for normal eDirectory access. The Universal Password feature supersedes Simple Password. For information about Universal Password, see Netware 6.5 Documentation.

  9. (Optional) Copy from Template or User Object: Copies attributes from a user template that you've created.

  10. (Optional) Create Home Directory: You can create a home directory for this new User object if you have sufficient eDirectory rights.

    1. Volume: Applies only to NCP-enabled volumes.

    2. Path: You must specify a valid, existing directory path. The last directory typed in the path is the one that is created. All other directories in the path must already exist. For example, if you specify the path corp/home/sclark, the directories corp and home must already exist. The directory sclark is the only directory created.

  11. (Optional) Specify title, location, department, telephone number, fax number, and email address of the delegated user.

  12. (Optional) Specify the description. You can add, remove, or edit the information as per the requirement.

  13. Click OK.

After creating a user, assign rights to this user. For information, see Policy Container Administrators.