33.1.13 Unable to Update Access Gateway Listening IP Address in Administration Console Reverse Proxy

Administration Console fails to change Access Gateway listening IP address of the Reverse Proxy. The health status of Access Gateway on Administration Console displays failure to start the protected resource with old Listening IP address. However, when protected resource is viewed (Devices > Access Gateways > Access Gateway or Access Gateway Cluster > Proxy), Administration Console displays the new IP Address has been selected as listening IP address of the Reverse Proxy.

To workaround this issue:

  1. Click Devices > Access Gateways.

    1. Click the Health icon of Access Gateway that has the problem.

    2. Note the Reverse Proxies that have the problem.

  2. Click Devices > Access Gateways > Edit.

  3. For each of the Reverse Proxies that have the problem, do the following:

    1. Click Reverse Proxy.

    2. Select the cluster member from the list.

    3. Select the new IP address on which the proxy service will listen to.

    4. Unselect the old IP address on which proxy service was listening to.

    5. Click OK.

    6. An alert is displayed as "Select at least one listening address for the service."

    7. Click OK.

    8. Again select Listening IP Address.

    9. Click OK.

  4. If the update link is enabled, click it. If not, do the following:

    1. Click Edit for the cluster that has problem.

    2. Click the Proxy name link.

    3. Click Proxy service name in the Proxy Service list.

    4. Enter the description and click OK.

After the device command status moves to Succeeded, verify the health status of Access Gateway.