Assertion Validity Window

You can configure the assertion validity time for WS Federation Provider (SP) to accommodate clock skew between a service provider and a SAML identity provider.

To set the assertion validity for WSFed configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Devices > Identity Servers > Edit > Options, and click New.

  2. Configure the following property:


    Property Value: Specify the assertion validity time in second

  3. Restart Tomcat by using the following command:

    /etc/init.d/novell-idp restart

    For the Docker deployment, perform the following steps:

    1. Run the kubectl get pods command to view the Access Manager pods.

    2. Go to the Identity Server pod by running kubectl exec --namespace <name-of-the-namespace> -it pod/<name-of-the-identity-server-pod> -- sh.

    3. Run the /etc/init.d/novell-idp restart orsystemctl restart novell-idp.service command.