URL Query String Parameters

The following table lists query string parameters and their descriptions:




While defining an Intersite Transfer Service URL, you can define an id and target for the SAML service provider being accessed.

For example, if you defined the id as testsaml and TARGET as URL of service provider, the login URL is https:// <identity provider server >:<port>/nidp/saml/idpsend?id=testsaml&TARGET=<URL of service provider>.

If TARGET is not specified, the login URL is https:// <identity provider server >:<port>/nidp/saml/idpsend?id=testsaml.


Use this parameter when another provider is added and an Intersite Transfer Service id is not defined.

For example, the login URL in this case can be https:// <identity provider server >:<port>/nidp/saml/idpsend?PID=<https://identity provider server>:8443/nidp/saml/metadata&TARGET=<URL of service provider>.


Specifies the idpsend URL with a contract ID.

If authentication with a particular contract is enabled in the Intersite Transfer Service URL, you are redirected to the default target URL.

Use the following format: http(s)://<$idp_host_name>/nidp/app?id=<$contract_to_be_executed>&target=http(s)://<$idp_host_name>/nidp/saml2/idpsend?id=<$saml_sp_identifier>.

For example, https://www.idp.com:8443/nidp/app?id=npbasic&target=https://www.idp.com:8443/nidp/saml2/idpsend?id=serviceprovider1.


Specifies URL of the final destination. Format of the URL: <identity provider URL>?PID=<entityID>&TARGET=<final_destination_URL>

For example, https://<identity provider url/nidp/saml2/idpsend?id=testsaml2&TARGET=http://www.google.com. Here http://www.google.com is the destination.