The URL to be Used for Populating the Content Area

The goal of the nidp_latest.jsp implementation is to display the current activity to the end user. The current activity can be an authentication, a confirmation, or a user message. This activity is loaded into the <div id="<%=NIDP_JSP_CONTENT_DIV_ID%>">…</div> area using a JQuery AJAX HTTP call to Identity Server. The HTML returned from this request is “set” into the content div.

To go to the correct activity, nidp_latest.jsp must build the correct URL for the call to getToContent(strUrl, strTargetDivId) JavaScript Function.

NOTE:The nidp_latest.jsp implementation includes a JavaScript function with signature getToContent(strUrl, strTargetDivId) that makes a JQuery AJAX HTTP Get request to the URL supplied in the parameter strUrl, and then writes the returned HTML to the <div> element identified by the parameter strTargetDivId.

The content_latest.jsp implementation also uses this JavaScript function for the same purpose.

GenericURI builderContentDivUrl = 
new GenericURI(handler.getJSP(handler.isJSPMsg() ?
handler.getJSPMessage().getJSP() :

A GenericURI Java object wraps a standard URI allowing easier creation and editing of URLs.

If Identity Server specifically indicates that a particular JSP must be displayed by returning true from handler.isJSPMsg(), then that JSP name is used to build the URL. Otherwise, the system JSP content_latest.jsp is used.

The handler.getJSP() method creates a URL formatted similar to the following:

[IDP domain]:[IDP port]/nidp/jsp/[JSP Name].jsp?sid=[session data id]

The query string parameters from the current HTTP request (the request that invoked nidp_latest.jsp) are copied to the content <div> url, then the current Authentication Card identifier is added to the query string.


This ensures that the identity provider is executing the correct authentication method.

Lastly, the JavaScript getToContent() function is called to invoke the JQuery AJAX HTTP call:

getToContent('<%=strContentDivUrl%>', '<%=NIDP_JSP_CONTENT_DIV_ID%>');