21.12 Sample Queries for Analytics Dashboard

You can run these sample queries using Analytics Dashboard > Dev Tools.

  • To get Elasticsearch version and other details use GET /.

  • You can retrieve data from Elasticsearch using an event ID. For example if you want an Identity Server login event, the sample query will look similar to the following:

    GET _index_name/_search
     {"match": { 
    "eventID": "002E000A"  
  • To retrieve data from Elasticsearch based on time such as events added in last 15 minutes, you can use the below query:

    GET _index_name/_search
     "query": {        
         "range" : { 
            "createDate": {                
                    "gte" : "now-15m",                
                     "lt" :  "now"            
  • To retrieve all the Analytics Dashboard events except the given Event ID, use the below query:

    GET _index_name/_search
    {  "query": {    
           "bool": {      
            "must_not": {       
               "match": {          
                 "eventID": "002E000A"        
  • To retrieve Identity Server login event added in last 15 minutes, use of below query:

    GET _index_name/_search
    {  "query": {    
          "bool": {      
            "must": [{          
              "match": {           
                 "eventID": "002E000A"          
             "range": {            
                "createDate": {              
                    "gte": "now-15m",             
                    "lt": "now"            
  • To retrieve matching any one of the Event ID in the list, use the below query:

    GET _index_name/_search
    {  "query": {    
          "bool": {     
            "should" : [        
               { "match" : { "eventID": "002E000A" } },        
               { "match" : { "eventID": "002E000C" } }     

NOTE:The _index_name can be realtime (7 days of data) or historic (6 months of data).