Integrating Access Manager with Itsme

(Available in Access Manager 5.0 Service Pack 2 and later.)

IMPORTANT:The information in the following sections may get changed and may not match the Social Networking Providers’ interface when you create an application. The following information is only for reference purpose and can vary based on the provider configuration page.

To integrate Access Manager with Itsme, contact Itsme providers and register Access Manager as a client in Itsme. For more information on the process, refer Itsme OIDC Documentation.

You must provide the following details to Itsme to complete the registration:

  • JWKS URL of Access Manager

    https://<idp server >:<port>/nidp/rest/v1/jwks

  • Redirect URI

    https://<idp server >:<port>/nidp/jsp/socialauth_return.jsp

You will get the Project Code and the Service Code from Itsme. These values are used while configuring Access Manager. For more information about integrating Access Manager with Itsme, see Section 5.7.3, Configuring the Social Authentication Class.

  • Integrating Access Manager with Itsme