Modifying Service Providers

  1. Click Devices > Identity Servers > Edit > WS-Trust> Service Provider Domains> [name of the service provider domain] > Service Providers.

  2. Click the name of the service provider you want to edit.

    Configuration > Trust

    You can modify the following details:

    Configuration > Attributes

    • Select the Attribute Set and move attributes from the Available list to the Send with Authentication pane. This indicates the attributes that you want sent in an assertion to the service provider.

    Configuration > Authentication Response

    • Specify a value for the name identifier.

      The persistent and transient formats are generated automatically. For the others, you can select an attribute. The available attributes depend upon the attributes that you have selected to send with authentication (see Configuring the Attributes Obtained at Authentication). If you do not select a value for the E-mail, Kerberos, X509, or Unspecified format, a unique value is automatically generated.

      IMPORTANT:SAML tokens with Name Identifier value other than username do not support ActAs, OnBehalfOf and SAML authentication operations.

  3. Click Apply.