10.2.1 Kubernetes Keywords and Their Usage in Access Manager

The following table includes the basic terminologies that are used in the proceeding sections.




An executable image that contains the Access Manager components (Administration Console, Identity Server, or Access Gateway) and all of its dependencies.


A pod consists of a set of running Access Manager containers that share the same networking and storage resources.

Worker Node or Node

A worker node is a virtual or physical machine where the Access Manager pods run.

Master Node

The master node controls and manages the worker nodes.

Kubernetes Cluster

A set of master and worker nodes to run the Access Manager pods.


An agent that runs on each node in the cluster to ensure that the containers are running in a pod.


Scheduling means assigning a pod to a node. Kube-scheduler is the default Kubernetes scheduler that finds and assigns the optimal node for every newly created pod. It also assigns node for any other unscheduled pod. Kubelet runs the pods in a node. For more information, see Kubernetes Scheduler.


A virtual Kubernetes cluster. For more information, see Namespaces.


An instance of a chart that is running in a Kubernetes cluster. You can install the same chart multiple times to create many releases.


Ingress manages the external access to the Access Manager services in a Kubernetes cluster. For more information, see Ingress.

Ingress Controller

Ingress controller makes the Ingress resources to work. For more information, see Ingress Controllers.


From Access Manager 5.0 Service Pack 2 onwards this additional attribute can be used to configure the ingress controller provider.