20.1 Upgrading Access Manager Containers

  1. Get a list of all the helm deployments present in your kubernetes cluster using the following command:

    helm list –A
  2. From the list displayed, select the Access Manager deployment release name as relevant and the deployed namespace. This information will be used during the upgrade.

  3. View history of upgrades done on the selected Access Manager release deployment using the following command:

    helm history <release_name> --namespace <namespace>
  4. Download the latest Access Manager helm chart, example, AM_50_HelmChart-1.0.x.tgz, to the master node from the Software License and Download portal.

  5. Unzip the helm chart by using the following command for Access Manager:

    tar -xzvf AM_50_HelmChart-1.0.x.tgz
  6. Copy all the values from existing Access Manager deployments values.yaml file to the recently downloaded access-manager-1.0.x/values.yaml.

  7. Open the access-manager-1.0.x/values.yaml file and edit the following values:

    • am-ac.primary.mode=upgrade

    • If a secondary Administration Console is deployed, then set am-ac.secondary.mode=upgrade

  8. Run the helm chart to upgrade the deployment, the sample format is as follows:

    helm upgrade --namespace <name-of-the-namespace> <release-name> access-manager-1.0.x --reuse-values
  9. Use the following command to verify if all the pods are in ready state after upgrade:

    kubectl get pods -o wide --namspace <namespace>
  10. The Helm history is also updated after a successful upgrade. To view the updated data, use the following command:

    helm history <release_name> --namespace <namespace>