NetIQ Access Manager 5.0 Security Guide

  NetIQ Access Manager 5.0 Security Guide
    Deployment Considerations
      Protecting Access Manager through Firewall
      Protecting Access Manager Setup behind NAT
      Protecting Identity Server behind Access Gateway
      Configuring Identity Server to Listen on Port 443
    Securing Administration Console
      Restricting Administration Console Access to only Private Network
      Managing Administration Console Session Timeout
      Securing iManager Login Settings
      Securing Administrator Accounts
      Protecting the Configuration Store
      Securing Configuration Store Using TLS Port
      Running the DHost HTTP Server on localhost
      Preventing the SWEET32 Attack
      Default Security Settings in Configuration Files
    Securing Identity Server
      Disabling Unused Authentication Protocols
      Configuring SSL Communication between Browsers and Identity Server
      Configuring SSL Communication with Identity Server and a Service Provider
      Securing Authentication by Using Strong and Multi-Factor Authentication Methods
      Securing Federation
      Configuring a Whitelist of Target URL
      Blocking Access to Identity Server Pages
      Enabling Advanced Session Assurance
      Securing Identity Server Web Service Interface
      Enabling reCAPTCHA
      Preventing the SWEET32 Attack
      Detecting the Brute Force Attack
      Restricting the Direct Access to Files in the nidp Folder
      Preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks
      Using the Device ID in the URN Cookie
      Configuring the Cookie Secure Flag
      Default Security Settings in Configuration Files
     Securing Access Gateway
      Enabling SSL Communication between Access Gateway and Identity Server
      Enabling Secure Cookies
      Disabling Phishing
      Disabling Weak Protocols between Access Gateway and Web Servers
      Configuring Stronger Ciphers for SSL Communication between Access Gateway and Web Servers
      Enabling Perfect Forward Secrecy
      Preventing Error Messages to Show the Failure Reason on Browsers
      Enabling Advanced Session Assurance
      Preventing the Slowloris Attack
      AJP Communication Setting for Access Gateway
      Using the Device ID in the URN Cookie
      Default Security Settings in Configuration Files
    Securing Analytics Server
      Customizing the Size of EDH Keys
      Configuring SSL in Analytics Server
      Disabling SSL Renegotiations
      Securing Analytics Server Cluster Communication
      Setting Analytics Dashboard Timeout
      Default Security Settings in Configuration Files
    Securing Access Manager on Docker
      Deployment Considerations for Kubernetes
      Securing Access to Access Manager Services in a Kubernetes Cluster
      YAML Best Practices
      Protecting Access Manager Secrets on Kubernetes
    Hardening Appliance
      Disabling Weak MAC Algorithms on a Secure Shell Server
    Configuring Secure Communication
      Configuring SSL in Identity Server
      Configuring SSL in Access Gateway
      Configuring SSL for Authentication between Identity Server and Access Gateway
      Configuring SSL in Analytics Server
      Using Trusted Certificates Authority
    Strengthening TLS/SSL Settings
      Disabling SSLv2 and SSLv3 Protocols
      Optimizing SSL Configuration with Ciphers
      Enabling Perfect Forward Secrecy
      Adding HTTP Strict Transport Security
      Disabling SSL Renegotiations
      Customizing the Size of Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Keys
    Strengthening Certificates
      Key Size and Signature Algorithm Considerations
      Trusted Certificate Authorities
      Certificate Renewal
    XSS, XFS, and Clickjacking Attacks
      Cross-site Scripting Attacks
      Cross-Frame Scripting Attacks
      Clickjacking Attacks
    Getting the Latest Security Patches
    Securing Access Manager Components on Cloud
      Protecting Administration Console on Cloud
    Restoring Previous Security Level After Upgrading Access Manager
      Restoring Previous Security Settings for Administration Console
      Restoring Previous Security Settings for Identity Server
      Restoring Previous Security Settings for Access Gateway
      Default Ciphers for Identity Server
      Default Ciphers for Administration Console
      Default Ciphers for Analytics Server
      Default Ciphers for Access Gateway
    Legal Notice