32.4.6 Access Manager Dashboard Does Not Display Graphs, but Displays the Health Status of Devices

When you launch Access Manager Dashboard, the graphs are unavailable, but Identity Server, Access Gateway, Access Gateway Clusters, and Identity Server Clusters graphs display the health status of all devices.

All the services run properly, but the graphs are not generated. This issue occurs when Analytics Server does not receive the required events.

Use the following three different ways to validate the issue:

Using ElasticSearch query

  1. Log into Access Manager dashboard.

  2. Navigate to Devtools.

  3. Type the following commands for each query:

    1. To verify if index contains any data: GET realtime/_count

    2. To check the count of login events:

      GET realtime/_count
                                                     "query": {"match": {
                                                                  "eventID": "002E000A"
    3. Verify the event fields:

      GET realtime/_search
                                                     "query": {"match": {
                                                                  "eventID": "002E000A"

    Logstash Print Statements

  4. Launch Access Manager Dashboard using SSH client.

  5. Navigate to /etc/logstash/conf.d/events.

  6. Using vi editor, open the 02-01-output.conf file.

  7. Uncomment "stdout { codec => rubydebug }" in each if/else conditional block.

  8. Save the file.

  9. Restart logstash using systemctl restart novell-logstash.service.

  10. Monitor the incoming events in the log file named tailf /var/log/logstash-stdout.log. After the events reach dashboard, logstash parses the sends them to the console named logstash-stdout.log file. The events are also sent to ElasticSearch.

  11. In the console, the parsed events are in the following format:

          "loginCount" => 1,
             "authsid" => "2aa85a63c5df1cac21da72c8fbd08d83b4df3e09220c45850bbc3f3bf719397b",
         "browserName" => "Firefox",
         "countryCode" => "GB",
        "contractName" => "PostAuthentication Login",
          "deviceName" => "Windows",
         "failedCount" => 0,
             "eventID" => "002E000A",
            "deviceID" => "idpBD772894488FE113",
        "update_event" => "true",
           "sessionID" => "043111f04425f7a086e8abb7507299531df6b34c470494b7ccd491e4cac94da3",
          "createDate" => "2020-06-21T11:34:15.747Z",
            "sourceIP" => "",
            "userName" => "user0",
           "eventType" => "null"
  12. Verify the Connectivity

    Check the connectivity using the command:

       netstat -na | grep 1468
       tcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED