24.3 Applying License

  1. Download the full or subscription product license from Software Licenses and Downloads.

  2. In Administration Console, click Licenses under Administrative Tasks.

  3. Click to upload the license file.

  4. Click Browse and select the license file.

  5. Click OK.

    NOTE:You must upload the full product license in the secondary Administration Console while installing, upgrading, or promoting secondary Administration Console both in upgrade and fresh install scenarios.

    Applying the Full or Subscription License After Evaluation License Expiration

    NOTE:This information is applicable for only Access Manager 5.0 release.

    This section is applicable only for customers using Access Manager 5.0.

    If you are applying a full or subscription license after the evaluation license expiration, you must only do it through the REST API. Following is a format of applying a license through REST API using the CURL utility:

    curl --user <NAM_ADMIN_DN>:<NAM_ADMIN_PASSWORD> -H 'Accept:application/json' -F 'fileContent=@<ACCESS_MANAGER_LICENSE>' -k https://<ADMIN_CONSOLE_IP>:<ADMIN_CONSOLE_PORT>/nps/rest/autopass/uploadLicenseFromFile/nam


    curl --user cn=admin,o=novell:novell -H 'Accept:application/json' -F 'fileContent=@Access_Manager_10_1_1_1_NAM5_05-03-202104-30-39-944.dat' -k