24.4 Renewing a Subscription License

NOTE:This information is applicable for only Access Manager 5.0 release.

When the subscription license expires, perform the following steps to renew it:

  1. Download the subscription product license from Software Licenses and Downloads.

  2. Renew the subscription license through REST API using CURL utility.

    Following is a format of applying a license through REST API using CURL utility:

    curl --user <NAM_ADMIN_DN>:<NAM_ADMIN_PASSWORD> -H 'Accept:application/json' -F 'fileContent=@<ACCESS_MANAGER_LICENSE>' -k https://<ADMIN_CONSOLE_IP>:<ADMIN_CONSOLE_PORT>/nps/rest/autopass/uploadLicenseFromFile/nam


    curl --user cn=admin,o=novell:novell -H 'Accept:application/json' -F 'fileContent=@Access_Manager_10_1_1_1_NAM5_05-03-202104-30-39-944.dat' -k