8. Version Control of Namespace-Related Changes

8. Version Control of
Namespace-Related Changes
AccuRev SCM includes both management of changes to the contents of files and changes to the pathnames of files and directories (folders). During the course of development — and in particular, during periodic “refactoring” of the source code base — developers may make several kinds of namespace-related changes to the pathnames of version-controlled elements:
Changing the names of files (for example, from framework.java to gizmo_arch.java)
Moving files and directories to different locations in the source tree (for example, moving file commands.java from directory gizmo_src to a subdirectory named gizmo_src/lib)
AccuRev records each change to the pathname of a file or directory element as a new version of that element. As with content changes, all such namespace-related changes originate in workspaces, and are subsequently promoted up the stream hierarchy.
