4. The StreamBrowser : Using Stream Favorites : Working with Stream Favorites

Working with Stream Favorites
This section describes common procedures used with Stream Favorites.
Applying a Stream Favorite
To apply a Stream Favorite, double-click it.
In addition to changing the StreamBrowser display itself, AccuRev shows information about the current Stream Favorite in two places:
The Showing Stream Favorite field at the top of the StreamBrowser identifies which Stream Favorite is active.
The Number of favorite streams field at the bottom of the StreamBrowser indicates how many streams were specified as favorites in the current Stream Favorite.
Clearing a Stream Favorite from the StreamBrowser
To clear a Stream Favorite, click the Show All Streams button at the bottom of the Stream Favorites panel.
Depending on the size and complexity of your stream hierarchy, showing all streams can take a long time. AccuRev displays an informational message, which gives you the chance to cancel the operation.
Tip: If you check the Do not show this again check box, you can restore this dialog box by clearing the Skip "Show All Streams" checkbox on the General tab of the AccuRev Preferences dialog box (Tools > Preferences).
Editing a Stream Favorite
You can make the following changes to a Stream Favorite:
To edit a Stream Favorite:
The Edit Stream Favorite dialog box appears.
Deleting a Stream Favorite
When you delete a Stream Favorite that you created as a public Stream Favorite, it will no longer be available to any users who might have added it to their Stream Favorites panel.
To delete a Stream Favorite:

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