2. Creating and Using a Maintenance Stream : Performing Maintenance Work

Performing Maintenance Work
Maintenance developers use workspaces based on the widget_maint stream. For instance, to make a maintenance fix, Mary might create a workspace like this:
accurev mkws -w widget_maint -b widget_maint -l <wherever>
When Mary promotes her maintenance work, the changes will go to widget_maint.
All maintenance work is isolated from the main development stream, and vice-versa. Developers working on the next release create their workspaces off the development stream, not the maintenance stream. For example:
accurev mkws -w widget -b widget -l <wherever>
Changes promoted from widget_justine will go to the main development stream, widget. The changes won’t appear in the widget_maint stream.
The Change Palette in the AccuRev GUI makes it easy to migrate changes back and forth between a main development stream (widget) and a maintenance stream (widget_maint).

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