1. Designate a directory that is above the top-level directory of the workspace tree as a Windows “shared directory”. For example, if the workspace tree for workspace widget_maint_derek on machine derekpc is located at C:\widget\workspaces\maintdrp, you could set the shared directory as follows:Note: The workspace tree’s top-level directory itself (maintdrp in the example above) cannot be designated as the shared directory.
2. Determine how AccuRev records the workspace tree location, using the command accurev show wspaces. (The pathname will always use forward slashes, even if it’s a Windows pathname.)... you must use the chws command to change the recorded location to a pathname that incorporates the share name. This involves mapping a network drive to the shared directory:> net use K: \\derekpc\widgwork
The command completed successfully.
> K:
> cd \maintdrp
> accurev chws -w widget_maint_derek -l . (“dash-ell dot”)
Changed location.
Changed machine name.
> accurev show wspaces
widget_maint_derek /widgwork/maintdrp derekpc ...
3. Now, all users on Windows client machines can access the workspace tree by mapping a network drive to the shared directory. Even the user on the machine where the workspace tree is located (derekpc in our example) must use a network drive to access the workspace tree.> net use P: \\derekpc\widgwork
The command completed successfully.
> P:
> cd \maintdrp
> accurev info
Workspace/ref: widget_maint_derek
Basis: widget_maint
Top: P:/maintdrp
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