Reflection for Secure IT Gateway - Administrator’s Guide
- Reflection for Secure IT Gateway - Administrator’s Guide
- Introduction
- Jobs
- Transfer Sites
- Job Components
- Transfer Site Components
- Comparing Jobs and Transfer Sites
- Reflection for Secure IT Gateway Architecture
- Installation and System Requirements
- Server System Requirements
- Transfer Client Requirements
- Reflection for Secure IT Gateway Components
- Installing Reflection Gateway
- Ports and Firewall Configuration
- Initial Reflection Gateway Configuration
- Initial Configuration Steps for Using Jobs
- Initial Configuration Steps for Using Transfer Sites
- How To...
- Logon to the Gateway Administrator
- Add File Servers to Gateway Administrator
- Set Up Directory Access on your SFTP Servers
- Add Hubs to Gateway Administrator
- Configure Email Support in Gateway Administrator
- Enable Reflection Gateway Connections in the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy
- Set Up the Transfer Site File Server
- Configure Server Certificates
- Managing Users and Groups
- Add Users to the Default User List
- Delete or Disable Users
- Provision Users from an Added LDAP Server
- Add LDAP Users to the Administrators Group
- Creating and Editing Groups
- Roles in Reflection Gateway
- Configure Certificate User Authentication
- Set Up PKI Services Manager
- Managing Jobs
- How to Create and Test Jobs
- Connect to Gateway Administrator
- Create a Job
- Configure a Job Action that Transfers Files
- Configure a Job Action that Executes a Command
- Notes for Testing Job Actions
- Job Tokens
- Tokens for Job Actions that Transfer Files
- Tokens for Job Actions that Execute Commands
- Managing Transfer Sites
- How to Create Transfer Sites and Transfer Files
- Connect to Gateway Administrator
- Create a Transfer Site
- Start the Transfer Client
- The Transfer Client User Interface
- Use Quick Add to Add Transfer Sites and Users
- Transfer Files using an Alternate SFTP Client
- Post Transfer Actions
- Configure Post Transfer Actions in Gateway Administrator
- Define a Post Transfer Action in Gateway Administrator
- Add an Action to a Transfer Site
- Configure Post Transfer Actions in Reflection for Secure IT
- Define a Post Transfer Action in Reflection for Secure IT
- Post Transfer Action Tokens
- Gateway Administrator User Interface
- Transfer Sites
- New/Edit Transfer Site
- Jobs
- New/Edit Job
- Transfer File (Job Action)
- Execute Command (Job Action)
- Users
- New User
- Edit User
- Groups
- New Group
- Edit Group
- Add Members
- Actions
- New/Edit Action
- System
- LDAP Servers Tab
- New/Edit LDAP Servers Tab
- Email Server Tab
- Email Templates Tab
- File Servers Tab
- New/Edit SFTP Server
- File Server Groups Tab
- New/Edit File Server Group
- Hubs Tab
- New/Edit Hub
- Authentication Tab
- PKI Servers Tab
- New/Edit PKI Server
- Troubleshooting
- Log Files
- SFTP File Server Configuration Troubleshooting
- Hub Configuration Troubleshooting
- Job Troubleshooting
- Transfer Client Troubleshooting
- Password Troubleshooting
- Gateway Administrator Login Page Troubleshooting
- Email Troubleshooting
- Post Transfer Action Troubleshooting
- Server Certificate Troubleshooting
- Reflection Gateway System Administration
- Email Administration
- Initial Email Setup
- Transfer Site Email Notifications
- Customize Transfer Site Email Templates
- Transfer Site Email Tokens
- Configuration and Data Files
- Gateway Administrator Properties File
- Transfer Server Properties File
- Hub Properties File
- Reflection Gateway Data Files
- Backing Up Gateway Administrator Data
- Changing the Gateway Administrator Database
- Job Administrative Topics
- Configure Preset Actions and Email Notifications using a Job Template
- How Reflection Gateway Determines if Files have Changed
- Transfer Site Administrative Topics
- Change the Transfer Site Directory used by the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy
- Use an Added SFTP Server as the Transfer Site File Server
- Configure Connections to Remote SFTP Servers from the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy
- Customize the Look of the Transfer Client Web Pages
- Security Recommendations for the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy
- Server Certificate Management
- Replace the Default Server Certificate
- Install a New Server Certificate: PKCS#12 File
- Re-encrypt a PKCS#12 file to Use a FIPS-Compliant Algorithm
- Install a New Server Certificate: Java Keystore
- Configure Your Browser to Trust a Self-Signed Certificate
- Using the Keytool Utility to Manage Keystores
- Run the Keytool Utility
- Generate a Key Pair and Create a Keystore
- Create and Submit a Certificate Signing Request
- Import Certificates from a p7b package into your Java Keystore
- Import Individual Certificates into your Keystore
- Import a PKCS#12 File into a Java Keystore
- Managing the Reflection Gateway Services
- Start and Stop the Reflection Gateway Administrator Service
- Start and Stop the Reflection Transfer Server
- Start and Stop the Reflection Hub
- Reset Server Authentication on a Reflection Hub
- Start and Stop the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy
- Reset Gateway Administrator to All Defaults
- Ensuring High Availability of Reflection Gateway Services
- Configure Duplicate Gateway Administrator Systems
- Configure Duplicate Reflection Gateway Proxy Systems
- Sample HAProxy Configuration
- Create an Audit Log of File Transfers
- Change the JRE
- Glossary of Terms
- Copyrights and Notices