Reflection Desktop Help & HowTo
- Reflection Desktop Help & HowTo
- Installation
- System Requirements
- Upgrading from Previous Versions
- Install Reflection on a Workstation
- Features Selection Tab
- Set Your User Data Directory
- Advanced Tab
- Get Started
- Connect to Hosts and the Web
- Get Familiar with the Reflection Interface
- Cut and Paste
- Capture Screen History
- Work with More than One Session
- How Do I?
- Set up Sessions and Connections
- Select and Map the Keyboard and Mouse
- Set up Productivity Features
- Change the Look and Feel of a Session
- Set up Custom Controls for your Program Screens
- Record, Run, and Edit VBA Macros
- Set up Actions for Reflection Events
- Customize the Ribbon
- Customize Classic Menus and Toolbars
- Set up Workspace Settings
- Perform Other Common Tasks
- The User Interface
- Configuring Reflection
- Using Layouts
- Layout Settings Dialog Box
- Tab Properties Dialog Box
- Search
- Customize Ribbons, Menu, and Toolbars
- The Classic UI Designer
- About the Ribbon
- Manage Ribbon Dialog Box
- Select a Ribbon File Dialog Box
- UI Designer
- Create a New Ribbon File Dialog Box
- Subitems Collection Editor Dialog Box (UI Designer)
- Built-In Controls Dialog Box (UI Designer)
- Locking Down the User Interface
- How the Permissions Manager Items are Organized
- Permissions Manager Additional security options
- Restrict Actions (actions.access)
- 3270 Items
- Permissions Manager Items: TN3270 Advanced
- Permissions Manager Items: TN3270 Basic
- Permissions Manager Items: 3270 Terminal Configuration
- 5250 Items
- Permissions Manager Items: TN5250 Advanced
- Permissions Manager Items: TN5250 Basic
- Permissions Manager Items: 5250 Terminal Configuration
- Permissions Manager Items: Clipboard
- Permissions Manager Items: IDManagement
- Permissions Manager Items: Hotspots
- Permissions Manager Items: Document Map files
- Permissions Manager Items: Document\Classic
- Permissions Manager Items: Document\ClassicMDI
- Permissions Manager Items: Document\Keyboard
- Permissions Manager Items: Document\Mouse
- Permissions Manager Items: Document\Ribbon
- Permissions Manager Items: Document\QuickPads
- Permissions Manager Items: Document\Theme
- Permissions Manager Items: Productivity\SpellCheck
- Permissions Manager Items: Productivity
- Permissions Manager Items: Productivity\ScreenHistory
- Permissions Manager Items: Productivity\RecentTyping
- Permissions Manager Items: Productivity\Office
- Permissions Manager Items: Productivity\AutoExpand
- Permissions Manager Items: Productivity\AutoComplete
- Permissions Manager Items: Application Workspace
- Permissions Manager Items: Application Access\API Security
- Permissions Manager Items: Application Access\Application Options
- Permissions Manager Items: Application Access\Application Sounds
- Permissions Manager Items: Application Access\Centralized Management
- Permissions Manager Items: Application Access\HLLAPISettings
- Permissions Manager Items: Application Access\InfoconnectPathManager
- Permissions Manager Items: Application Access\PCI DSS
- Permissions Manager Items: Application Access\Privacy Filter
- Permissions Manager Items: Application Access\TrustedLocations
- Permissions Manager Items: Application Access\UX Configuration
- Permissions Manager Items: VT terminal
- Permissions Manager Items: VT terminal\Document\Clipboard
- Permissions Manager Items: VT terminal\Document\Connection
- Permissions Manager Items: VT terminal\Document\Terminal
- Permissions Manager Items: VT terminal\Document\Safeguards
- The User Interface
- Create New Document Dialog Box
- Change the UI Language
- Reflection Workspace Settings Dialog Box
- Configure Workspace Defaults Dialog Box
- Configure Workspace Attributes Dialog Box
- Configure User Interface Dialog Box
- Configure Centralized Management Dialog Box
- Configure Usage Data Dialog Box
- Manage On-Screen Keyboard Settings
- Manage Themes Dialog Box
- Select a Theme File Dialog Box
- Modify Theme Dialog Box (3270 Terminal Sessions)
- Modify Theme Dialog Box (5250 Terminal Sessions)
- Modify Theme Dialog Box (VT Terminal Sessions)
- QuickPads
- Manage QuickPads Dialog Box
- The QuickPad Designer
- Workspace Settings Dialog Box
- Terminal Sessions
- Session Documents and Related Files
- Context Menu Editor Dialog Box
- Set up ID Management Dialog Box
- Create New Web Session Document Dialog Box
- Terminal Settings
- Configuring Input and Text Handling
- Clear the Clipboard on Close
- Quick Keys
- 3270 Quick Keys
- 5250 Quick Keys
- VT Quick Keys
- Select Action Dialog Box
- Configure Clipboard Settings Dialog Box (3270 and 5250)
- Configure Clipboard Settings Dialog Box (VT)
- Manage Hotspots Dialog Box
- Select a Hotspots File Dialog Box
- Modify Hotspots Dialog Box
- Hotspot Options Dialog Box
- Set Up Hotspot Display Settings Dialog Box
- Create a New Hotspots File Dialog Box
- Specifying a Custom Keyboard Map
- Manage Keyboard Map Dialog Box
- Select a Keyboard Map File Dialog Box
- Keyboard Mapper
- Create a New Keyboard Map File Dialog Box
- Specifying a Mouse Map
- Manage Mouse Map Dialog Box
- Select a Mouse Map File Dialog Box
- Mouse Mapper
- Create a New Mouse Map File Dialog Box
- Productivity Tools
- Configure Office Tools Dialog Box
- Configure Screen History Dialog Box
- Office Tools Dialog Box
- Configure Recent Typing Dialog Box
- Configure Auto Complete Dialog Box
- Configure Auto Expand Dialog Box
- Configure Spell Checking Dialog Box
- Configure Productivity Defaults Dialog Box
- IBM 3270 Sessions
- Connect 3270 Sessions using the Express Logon Feature (ELF)
- 3270 Terminal Document Settings Dialog Box
- Configure Connection Settings Dialog Box
- Set Up Backup Connection Settings Dialog Box
- Configure Advanced Connection Settings Dialog Box
- Select Host Code Page Dialog Box (3270)
- Configure Terminal Settings Dialog Box
- Configure Terminal Attributes Dialog Box
- Set Up Display Settings
- Editing a Host Code Page
- IBM 5250 Sessions
- Input Modes and Special Characters
- Enter Diacritical Characters
- Status Lines
- 3488 Status Line
- 5250 Status Line
- Debug Status Line
- Configure a Device Name
- 5250 Terminal Document Settings Dialog Box
- Configure Connection Settings Dialog Box
- Set Up Backup Connection Settings Dialog Box
- Configure Advanced Connection Settings Dialog Box
- Select Host Code Page Dialog Box (5250)
- Configure Terminal Settings Dialog Box
- Set Up Display Settings
- VT Sessions
- VT Document Settings Dialog Box
- ReGIS Graphics Support
- Configure Connection Settings Dialog Box (VT)
- General Tab (More Settings Telnet Dialog Box)
- Options Tab (More Settings Telnet Dialog Box)
- More Settings Secure Shell Dialog Box
- More Settings RLogin Dialog Box
- More Settings Serial Port Dialog Box
- Advanced Tab (More Settings Telnet Dialog Box)
- More Settings Modem Dialog Box
- Select Terminal Type Dialog Box
- Emulation Tab for VT Terminal Types
- Emulation Tab for IBM 3151 Terminals
- Emulation Tab for Wyse Terminal Types
- Advanced Options Dialog Box for VT Terminal Types
- Advanced Options Dialog Box for IBM 3151 Terminals
- Advanced Options Dialog Box for Wyse Terminal Types
- Keyboard & Mouse Tab (Terminal Setup Dialog Box)
- Keyboard & Mouse Tab for IBM 3151 Terminals
- Tabs Tab (Terminal Setup Dialog Box)
- Graphics Tab (Terminal Setup Dialog Box)
- Set Up Display Settings Dialog Box
- Set Up Safeguards Dialog Box
- Connect to Host Dialog Box
- Reflection for HP
- Installing and Configuring Reflection for HP
- Installing Reflection for HP
- Starting HP Terminal Sessions
- Reflection for HP Settings Files
- For Additional Information about Reflection HP
- File Menu (Reflection HP)
- Export and Transform XML (Reflection HP)
- Layout Files (Reflection HP)
- Logging Settings (Reflection HP)
- Print (Reflection HP)
- Print Setup (Reflection HP)
- Page Options (Reflection HP)
- Send Email (Reflection HP)
- Connection Menu (Reflection HP)
- Connection Setup (Reflection HP)
- More Settings – VT-MGR (Reflection HP)
- Connect Macro (Reflection HP)
- Setup Menu (Reflection HP)
- Terminal Type (Reflection HP)
- Terminal Setup - Emulation Tab (Reflection HP)
- Advanced HP Options (Reflection HP)
- Terminal Setup - Keyboard & Mouse (Reflection HP)
- Terminal Setup - Margins Tabs (Reflection HP)
- Terminal Setup - Function Keys (Reflection HP)
- Display Setup - Colors (Reflection HP)
- Display Setup - Fonts (Reflection HP)
- Display Setup - Screen (Reflection HP)
- Display Setup - Options (Reflection HP)
- Event Setup (Reflection HP)
- Hotspot Setup - Settings (Reflection HP)
- Hotspot Setup - Defined Hotspots (Reflection HP)
- Keyboard Map Setup (Reflection HP)
- Mouse Setup (Reflection HP)
- Safeguards (Reflection HP)
- Toolbar Setup (Reflection HP)
- View Settings (Reflection HP)
- Macro Menu (Reflection HP)
- Macros Dialog Box (Reflection HP)
- Recording Macros (Reflection HP)
- Performing a Trace
- Run a Trace for an IBM 3270 or 5250 Session
- Perform an Event Trace (VT)
- Process Event Trace Dialog Box (VT Sessions)
- Secure Connections
- FIPS Mode
- Protecting Data and Information Privacy
- Specify Trusted Locations Dialog Box
- Set Up Information Privacy Dialog Box
- Add (or Modify) Privacy Filter Dialog Box
- Add (or Modify) Custom Detection Rule or Exception Dialog Box
- Set Up API and Macro Security Dialog Box
- SSL/TLS Connections
- SSL/TLS Overview
- Troubleshooting SSL/TLS Error Messages
- Secure Shell Connections
- Secure Shell Overview
- Understanding Secure Shell
- Connect using Secure Shell (SSH)
- Configure Secure Shell Settings
- Authentication
- Server Authentication using Public Keys
- Connection Reuse in Secure Shell Sessions
- Client Authentication Methods
- Public Key Authentication
- Managing User Keys
- Configure Public Key Authentication
- Add Keys to Your User Keys List
- Upload Client Public Keys to the Server
- Change a User Key Passphrase
- Export a User Key
- Managing Host Keys
- Configure Host Key Checking
- Configure the Preferred Host Key Type
- The Known Hosts File
- Host Key Authenticity Dialog Box
- Key Agent
- Start the Key Agent
- Configure Authentication Using the Key Agent
- Managing Keys and Certificates
- Add Keys to the Key Agent
- Upload Keys to the Server
- Import Keys to the Key Agent
- Import Certificates to the Key Agent
- Export Public Keys
- Allow Adding Keys Remotely
- Allow Deleting Keys Remotely
- Confirm Remote Private Key Operations
- Enable Support for SHA256 Signatures
- Generate Key Dialog Box
- Working with the Key Agent
- Key Agent Passphrase
- Change Passphrase Dialog Box
- Lock or Unlock the Key Agent
- Hide and View the Key Agent
- Stop the Key Agent
- View the Key Agent Log File
- Certificate Authentication in Secure Shell Sessions
- PKI and Certificates
- Configure Client Authentication using Certificates
- GSSAPI (Kerberos) Authentication for Secure Shell Sessions
- Enable GSSAPI (Kerberos) Authentication for Secure Shell Sessions
- Use Windows SSPI for GSSAPI Authentication
- Use Reflection Kerberos for GSSAPI Authentication
- Specifying the Service Principals for GSSAPI Secure Shell Sessions
- Kerberos Ticket Forwarding in Secure Shell Sessions
- Port Forwarding
- Local Port Forwarding
- Remote Port Forwarding
- Forward TCP communications
- Configure Multi-hop Secure Shell Sessions
- Reflection Secure Shell Settings Dialog Box
- General Tab (Secure Shell Settings)
- Proxy Tab (Secure Shell Settings)
- Encryption Tab (Secure Shell Settings)
- Tunneling Tab (Secure Shell Settings)
- Local Port Forwarding Dialog Box
- Remote Port Forwarding Dialog Box
- User Keys Tab (Secure Shell Settings)
- User Key Generation Dialog Box
- Host Keys Tab (Secure Shell Settings)
- GSSAPI Tab (Secure Shell Settings)
- Multi-hop Tab (Secure Shell Settings)
- Configure Multi-hop Server Dialog Box
- PKI Tab (Secure Shell Settings)
- Host Data Tab (Secure Shell Settings)
- Getting to the Reflection Secure Shell Settings Dialog Box
- Secure Shell Configuration File Reference Topics
- Secure Shell Client Configuration Files
- SSH Configuration Schemes
- Sample Configuration File
- Configuration File Keyword Reference - Secure Shell Settings
- Configuration File Keyword Reference - Terminal Emulation Settings
- Deploy Secure Shell Settings with a Companion Installer
- Command Line Utilities
- ssh Command Line Utility
- ssh Command Line Utility
- ssh-keygen Command Line Utility
- scp Command Line Utility
- Troubleshooting Secure Shell
- Troubleshooting Secure Shell Connections
- Use the Secure Shell Log File
- Certificate Authentication (PKI)
- PKI and Certificates
- Enabling and Disabling Use of the Windows Certificate Store
- Configuring Certificate Revocation Checking
- Distributing Intermediate Certificates using an LDAP Directory
- DOD PKI Information
- Reflection Certificate Manager
- Open the Reflection Certificate Manager
- Opening the Windows Certificate Manager from Internet Explorer
- Opening the Windows Certificate Manager from the Control Panel
- Opening the Windows Certificate Manager from a terminal session
- Server Certificate not Found
- Personal Tab (Reflection Certificate Manager)
- Trusted Certification Authorities Tab (Reflection Certificate Manager)
- LDAP Tab (Reflection Certificate Manager)
- Configuring the LDAP Server for CRL Checking
- OCSP Tab (Reflection Certificate Manager)
- PKCS#11 Tab (Reflection Certificate Manager)
- PKCS#11 Provider Dialog Box
- SOCKS Overview
- Socks Configuration Dialog Box
- Set up a SOCKS or HTTP Proxy Server Session
- HTTP Configuration Dialog Box
- Routing Filter Dialog Box
- Kerberos Connections
- Kerberos Overview
- Connect Using Kerberos
- Kerberos Initial Configuration Dialog Box
- Kerberos Manager
- Starting Kerberos Manager
- Kerberos Authentication
- The Kerberos Authentication Process
- Authenticate to the Host
- Authenticate Dialog Box
- Configuring and Managing Kerberos Realms
- Add or Remove a Realm
- Specify the Default Realm
- Add or Remove a KDC from a Realm
- Specify the Administrative KDC for a Realm
- Add or Remove an Application Server from a Realm
- Configure a Realm to Use Windows Logon Credentials
- Disable Pre-authentication
- Change your Password
- Add Realm Dialog Box
- Add Host to Realm Dialog Box
- Add KDC Dialog Box
- Configuration Tab (Configuration Dialog Box)
- Realm Defaults Tab (Realm Properties Dialog Box)
- KDC Tab (Realm Properties Dialog Box)
- User Defaults Tab (Configuration Dialog Box)
- Hosts Tab (Realm Properties Dialog Box)
- Obtaining and Managing Kerberos Tickets
- Kerberos Tickets
- Set Values for Ticket-Granting Tickets
- Renew a Ticket-Granting Ticket
- Obtain a Service Ticket
- Delete Tickets for Principal Profiles
- Challenge/Response Dialog Box
- Ticket Encryption Types Dialog Box
- Credential Properties Dialog Box
- Get Service Ticket Dialog Box
- Configuring Encryption
- Encryption Types
- Checksum Types
- Specify the Encryption for a Realm
- Specify the Checksum
- Add Encryption Type Dialog Box
- Encryption Tab (Realm Properties Dialog Box)
- Principal Profiles
- Configuring Principal Profiles
- Create a Principal Profile
- Import a Principal Profile
- Change the Default Principal Profile
- Add or Remove Principal Names from a Profile
- Managing Multiple Principal Profiles
- Storing Principal Profiles and Credentials
- Specify the Default Storage Medium
- Specify the Default Credential Folder
- Add Principal Dialog Box
- Enter Principal Dialog Box
- Create New Principal Profile Dialog Box
- Create New Profile Browse Dialog Box
- Import Profile Dialog Box
- Import Profile Browse Dialog Box
- Modify Principal Profile Dialog Box
- Change Password Dialog Box
- Hidden Profiles Tab
- User Preferences Tab (Preferences Dialog Box)
- Exporting Kerberos Settings
- Export Kerberos Settings
- Configure Kerberos from a Settings File
- Deploy Kerberos Settings with a Companion Installer
- Export Kerberos Configuration File Dialog Box
- Export Kerberos Settings Dialog Box
- Troubleshooting Kerberos
- Diagnosing Problems
- Problems Getting Ticket-Granting Tickets
- Problems Caused by Multiple Installations
- Resolving Telnet Connections
- Logon Problems Using a .k5login File
- Configure the IP Address Used in the TGT
- Set the Maximum UDP Packet Size
- Diagnosing Error Messages
- Checksum Type Not Supported
- Client Principal Not Found in Kerberos Database
- Client's Entry in Kerberos Database Has Expired
- Configuration File Import Failed
- Decrypt Integrity Check Failed
- Difference Between Expected and Actual KDC Reply Time Too Great
- Difference Between Expected and Actual Ticket Time is Too Great
- Encryption Type Not Supported
- End of Tag Expected
- Generic Error
- Incorrect Network Address
- Invalid or Incomplete Host Name
- KDC Unreachable
- Password has expired (KDC023)
- Pre-authentication Failed
- Pre-authentication Method Not Supported
- Reflection Kerberos Has Not Been Configured Properly
- Security Mechanism is Invalid or Unsupported
- Server Principal Not Found in Kerberos Database
- Server's Entry in Kerberos Database Has Expired
- The KDC Reply Was Modified
- Ticket Not Yet Valid
- Unknown Realm
- Security Properties Dialog Box
- Firewall Tab (Security Properties Dialog Box)
- Proxy Tab (Security Properties Dialog Box)
- SSL/TLS Tab (Security Properties Dialog Box)
- SSL/TLS Tab (FTP Options)
- Kerberos Tab (Security Properties Dialog Box)
- Secure Shell Tab (Security Properties Dialog Box)
- PKI Configuration Dialog Box
- Printing
- Printing from IBM Sessions
- 3270 Printer Emulation
- Create a 3270 Printer Session
- Associate a 3270 Printer Session with a Terminal Session
- Session Setup Dialog Box (3270 Printer Sessions)
- IBM 3270 Printer Panel
- Status Messages (3270 Printer Sessions)
- Advanced 3270 Telnet Dialog Box (Printer Sessions)
- Printer Session Setup Dialog Box (3270 Printer Sessions)
- 5250 Printer Emulation
- Create a 5250 Printer Session
- Session Setup Dialog Box (5250 Printer Sessions)
- IBM 5250 Printer Panel
- Status Messages (5250 Printer Sessions)
- Exception Messages (5250 Printing)
- Advanced 5250 Telnet Dialog Box (Printer Sessions)
- 5250 Printer Device Initialization Dialog Box
- Printer Session Setup Dialog Box (5250 Printer Sessions)
- Font Mapping (5250 Printer Sessions)
- Fonts Dialog Box
- Configure Printer Session Settings
- Enter Host (or System) Name or IP Address Dialog Box
- Choose Template Dialog Box
- Page Setup Dialog Box
- Page Options Dialog Box
- Page Scaling Dialog Box
- Print Setup Dialog Box
- Printing to a Form or Label
- Reset Printer Session to Defaults
- Run a Trace (Printer Sessions)
- Save Changes on Exit (Printer Sessions)
- Printing IBM Host Terminal Screens
- Print a Terminal Screen
- Print Dialog Box (Terminal Screen Printing)
- Printing from VT Sessions
- Print from a VT Session
- Printing Batch Print Jobs
- Prevent Character Translation
- Logging Data
- Log Data from a VT Session
- Logging When Reflection is in Protect Mode
- Enabling Serial Device-to-host Communications
- Automatically Enable Serial Device-to-host Communications
- Manually Enable Serial Device-to-host Communications
- Logging Dialog Box
- Configure Serial Device Port Dialog Box
- Configure Printing Options
- Print Dialog Box
- Print Setup Dialog Box
- Page Setup Dialog Box
- Page Options Dialog Box
- View Settings Dialog Box (Printer Sessions)
- Printer Emulation Settings
- AS/400 Host Name
- Assigned AS/400 Host
- Assigned Device Name
- Assigned Encryption Strength
- Assigned Host Name
- Assigned LU Name
- Auto Connect
- Auto Reconnect
- Bypass Windows Printing
- Bypass Windows Printing in Transparent Mode
- C/370 Character Set
- Caption
- Command Line Switches
- Confirm on Exit
- Country Extended Graphics Code
- Create Settings File Shortcut
- Current Display Height
- Current Display Width
- Current Locale
- Current Trace Record
- Default Printer Copies
- Device Name
- Enable Asynchronous Transport Behavior
- Enable Host Alarm
- Font Character Set
- Fully Qualified Remote LU Name
- Generate Device Names
- Host Communication Timeout
- Host Name
- Host Network Address
- Host Print Timeout
- Hosts File Name
- Icon Title
- Language Override
- Locale
- Manufacturer Type
- Maximum Internal Trace File Length (MB)
- Menu Visible
- Message Library
- Message Queue
- National Character Set
- New Session Uses Current Session's Settings
- New Window on Open
- OLE Application Name
- Path and Name of Executable
- Path to Executable
- Print at End of Document
- Print at Start of Document
- Print Auto Orientation
- Print Auto Word Wrap
- Print Compress Font Vertically
- Print DBCS:SBCS in 2:3 Ratio
- Print DBCS with a Smaller Font
- Print Destination
- Print Device ASCII 899
- Print Device Envelope Source
- Print Device Font ID
- Print Device Forms Mode
- Print Device Paper Source 1
- Print Device Paper Source 2
- Print File Exists Action
- Print File Name
- Print Fit Form Size
- Print Fit Form to Page
- Print Fit to Page
- Print Fit User Form Length
- Print Fit User Form to Page
- Print Fit User Form Width
- Print Form Feed on End of Job
- Print Hook Enable
- Print Honor Form Feed Only in First Column
- Print Override Host Format
- Print Override Orientation
- Print Overstrike
- Print Proportional Chars per Inch
- Print Retain Host Format
- Print Suppress Blank Page
- Print Suppress Initial Form Feed
- Print Suppress Newlines
- Print Suppress Null Lines
- Print to File
- Print Transform
- Print Translate EBCDIC in TRN
- Print Transparent
- Print Transverse Orientation
- Print Proportional Lines per Inch
- Printer Case
- Printer Chars per Inch
- Printer Chars per Line
- Printer DBCS Character Rotation Angle
- Printer DBCS Horizontal Font Size
- Printer DBCS Vertical Font Size
- Printer Default Font
- Printer Default Horizontal Tab
- Printer Default Vertical Tab
- Printer Emulate FF with LF
- Printer Flush on End of Job
- Printer Flush on End of Media
- Printer Flush on Form Feed
- Printer Host LU Name
- Printer Line Spacing
- Printer Lines Per Inch
- Printer Lines Per Page
- Printer Margin Bottom
- Printer Margin Left
- Printer Margin Right
- Printer Margin Top
- Printer Maximum Chars per Line
- Printer Maximum Lines per Page
- Printer Orientation
- Printer Output Reduction
- Printer Paper Size
- Printer Paper Source
- Printer SO/SI Presentation
- Representation of Unmapped DBCS Character
- Save Changes on Exit
- Save Window State
- Settings Changed
- Settings File
- Settings Update Type
- Shortcut Folder
- Show Status Bar
- Show Title Bar
- Startup Settings
- Startup Working Directory
- Status Bar Text
- Support 3270 Partitions
- Support Asian Double-byte Features
- Telnet Average Keep Alive Roundtrip
- Telnet Encryption
- Telnet Encryption Disable CRL Checking
- Telnet Encryption Strength
- Telnet Encryption Use OCSP
- Telnet Encryption Verify Host Name
- Telnet Environment
- Telnet Keep Alive Packets
- Telnet Keep Alive Timeout
- Telnet Location
- Telnet Port
- Telnet Protocol
- Telnet Response Mode
- Telnet Use HTTP Proxy Server
- Telnet Use Reflection Security Proxy
- Telnet Use SOCKS Proxy Server
- TN Association Use TerminalCx
- TN3270 Primary Same as Alt
- TN3287 Connect Type
- TN Association
- Toolbar Mode
- Toolbar Tether
- Toolbar Visible
- Trace Buffer Size (KB)
- Trace Compression Type
- Transport Name
- Use Internet Protocol Version 6
- Use Printer Fonts Only
- Use Windows Crypto API
- User Data Directory
- Version String
- Workstation Customizing Object Library
- Workstation Customizing Object Name
- Creating and Using Macros
- Creating, Editing, and Running Express Macros
- Recording a VBA Macro
- Recording Complete Dialog Box
- Using Legacy Macros
- Legacy Reflection Macros
- Adding Macro Data
- Editing Legacy Reflection Macros <User Guide>
- Run External Legacy Reflection Macro Dialog Box
- Run Embedded Macro with Data Dialog Box
- Run Script Dialog Box
- Legacy EXTRA! Macros
- Editing Legacy EXTRA! Macros
- Rumba Macros
- IBM Personal Communications Macros
- Brandon Systems\Jolly Giant QWS3270 Macros
- Hummingbird Basic Macros
- File and Data Transfer
- IBM File and Data Transfer
- Mainframe File Transfer
- Send Files to a Mainframe
- Receive Files from a Mainframe
- Mainframe Transfer Method Options
- Use File Transfer Naming Templates
- Create a File Transfer Template
- Test a File Transfer Template
- Default File Transfer Templates
- File Transfer Template Syntax
- Send.exe and Receive.exe
- DBCS File Transfer Settings
- AS/400 Transfer
- Send Data to an AS/400
- Drag-and-Drop Options for Sending to an AS/400
- AS/400 Field Description Files
- Receive Data from an AS/400
- Drag-and-Drop Options for Receiving from an AS/400
- Create an SQL Query
- AS/400 Transfer Method Options
- Configure File Transfer
- Transfer Settings Dialog Box
- Protocol Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Mainframe Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- CMS Advanced Options Dialog Box
- TSO Advanced Options Dialog Box
- CICS Advanced Options Dialog Box
- Translation Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Templates Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- New Transfer Template Dialog Box
- Template Properties Dialog Box
- Test Template Dialog Box
- AS/400 Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Advanced TCP/IP Dialog Box
- Database Field Options Dialog Box
- Options Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- SQL Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Select Dialog Box
- Where Dialog Box
- Order By Dialog Box
- Group By Dialog Box
- Having Dialog Box
- Join By Dialog Box
- FTP Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Transferring Files with FTP
- Use Integrated FTP Transfer
- Launch the FTP Client from a Terminal Session
- Transfer Dialog Box
- Saving and Repeating Transfers
- Transfer Request Files
- Create a Transfer Request File
- Open a Transfer Request File
- Batch Transfers
- Save a Batch Transfer
- Run a Batch Transfer
- Batch Tab (Transfer Dialog Box)
- Batch Wizard
- VT File Transfer
- Transfer a File
- Transfer Protocols
- Transferring Existing Files
- Transfer a File with Kermit
- Transfer Types
- Filenaming and Wildcards
- OpenVMS Host Filename Switches
- Transferring Files with FTP
- Launch the FTP Client from a Terminal Session
- Transfer Dialog Box (VT and HP)
- FTP Log In Dialog Box
- Confirm File Replace Dialog Box
- Select Transfer Type Dialog Box
- Auto-Detect Ask User Dialog Box
- Add Auto-detect Extension Dialog Box
- Configure File Transfer
- Protocol Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- General Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Translation Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Auto-Detect Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Logging Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Filter Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- WRQ Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Transfer Link Options
- Configure Record Separator Dialog Box
- HP Advanced File Transfer Options Dialog Box
- HP File Attributes Dialog Box
- MPE File Names, WRQ protocol
- OpenVMS Advanced File Transfer Options Dialog Box
- OpenVMS File Attributes Dialog Box
- UNIX Advanced File Transfer Options Dialog Box
- UNIX File Attributes Dialog Box
- Zmodem Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Kermit Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Xmodem Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- FTP Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)
- Reflection FTP Client
- Introducing Reflection FTP Client
- Connect to FTP Site Dialog Box
- View the Local PC Files
- View the Server Files
- FTP Client Settings Files
- Options for Automating FTP Client Transfers
- Connecting to an FTP or SFTP Server
- Connect to a Site
- Add a New Site to your Connection List
- View Connection Information
- Preserve a Connection to a Server
- Secure FTP Client Connections
- Connect Using a SOCKS Proxy Server
- Connect via a Firewall
- Firewall Authentication Styles (FTP Client)
- SITE Servername Authentication Command Sequence
- Username@servername Authentication Command Sequence
- USER-PASS-ACCT Authentication Command Sequence
- Transparent Authentication Command Sequence
- Challenge/Response Authentication Command Sequence
- FirewallUser@FTPServer Authentication Command Sequence
- FTPUser@FTPServer FirewallUser Authentication Command Sequence
- Kerberos Connections (FTP Client)
- Configure Kerberos for FTP Client
- Configure Kerberos (SFTP Connections)
- Secure Shell Connections (FTP Client)
- Connect Using Secure Shell (FTP Client)
- Forward FTP communications
- SSL/TLS Connections (FTP Client)
- Configure SSL/TLS (FTP Client)
- Working with FTP Client Settings Files
- Save your FTP Client Settings
- Load Saved FTP Client Settings
- Import FTP Client Settings
- Import WS_FTP Settings into FTP Client
- Save Changes on Exit Dialog Box
- Export FTP Settings Dialog Box
- Configuring Site and Global Properties
- Change Global Settings for the FTP Client
- General Tab (Options Dialog Box)
- File Types Tab (Options Dialog Box)
- Preferences Tab (Options Dialog Box)
- File Attributes Tab (Options Dialog Box)
- Change Settings for an FTP or SFTP Site
- General Tab (Site Properties Dialog Box)
- Connection Tab (Site Properties Dialog Box)
- Directories Tab (Site Properties Dialog Box)
- Translation Tab (Site Properties Dialog Box)
- Transfer Tab (Site Properties Dialog Box)
- Information Tab (Site Properties Dialog Box)
- Transferring Files
- Transfer Files with FTP Client
- Set the Transfer File Type (Transfer Method)
- Add a Smart File Transfer Type
- Specify a Default Smart File Transfer Type
- Handle Existing Files (Transfer Mode)
- Set Time and Date of Downloaded Files
- Transfer Files between Two Remote Sites
- Change the Filename when Downloading
- Change the Filename when Uploading
- Resume an Incomplete Server File Download
- Character Sets Dialog Box
- Add Smart File Type Dialog Box
- Smart Transfer File Type Dialog Box
- Confirm File Replace Dialog Box
- Managing Files and Folders
- Working with Files
- Working with Local Folders
- Create a Shortcut to a Local File or Folder
- Working with Server Directories
- Set Default Home Directories
- Working with Filename Characters
- Filter the Server File Listing
- Run the Directory Definition Wizard
- Set File and Directory Permissions
- Server View Filter Dialog Box
- Server File Properties Dialog Box
- Go To Folder Dialog Box
- Customizing FTP Client Startup
- Create a Shortcut to Load a Settings File
- Create a Shortcut to Connect to a Site
- FTP Client Startup Switches
- Startup Command Examples
- Run a Script File at Startup
- Example of Starting the Client with a Script File
- FTP Client Troubleshooting
- Identifying the Source of the Problem
- Troubleshooting FTP Client Connections
- Troubleshooting FTP File Transfer Problems
- Troubleshooting FTP Directory Listing
- Secure Shell Log File
- Troubleshooting FTP Site-to-Site Transfer
- FTP Client Error messages
- Windows Sockets Error Messages
- Error Messages
- Using the FTP Command Window
- The FTP Command Window
- Clear the Command Window
- Use the FTP Command Line
- FTP and SFTP Command Syntax
- Quotation Marks in FTP or SFTP Commands
- FTP Scripting
- FTP Client Scripting
- Record a Script
- Run a Script
- Edit a Script
- FTP Client Script File Format
- Which Actions Are Captured by the Script Recorder?
- Password Security within Scripts
- Commands for Error Handling
- Running a Script as a Background Task
- Creating Script Log Files
- Command Reference
- FTP commands
- CD
- LS
- MD
- RD
- SET Parameter Reference
- SET Parameters and Equivalent Interface Settings
- Site-Specific File Transfer SET Parameters
- ASCII-SERVER-TYPE SET Parameter Values
- ABORT-ON-ERROR Script Sample
- SFTP commands
- CD
- LS
- RM
- Glossary of Terms
- Copyrights and Notices