Transfer Types

The file transfer type determines the way the file is saved and any data manipulation that should be performed during the transfer. You can select from the following file transfer types: ASCII, Binary, Labels (HP 3000 host only), Auto-Detect, or Image (VMS host only). For protocols other than WRQ/Reflection, you can only select from Binary (the default), ASCII, or Auto-Detect.

NOTE:If you are transferring a file that contains double-byte characters, select ASCII or Binary, not Auto-Detect.


Use to transfer text files with no special formatting.

Data is transferred according to parameters set on the Translation tab in the Transfer Settings dialog box.


Use for program files and other types of files that should not be translated, such as files that have already been formatted for a particular type of printer or files with application-specific formatting. Binary files contain non-printable characters; using this method, a file is not converted or translated during the transfer.


Use to cause Reflection to determine the file type and select the transfer type for you automatically (or to use your explicit association; see below).

This option is especially useful when transferring mixed file types. Reflection uses the Auto-detect tab from the Transfer Settings dialog box to detect your preferred associations between file type (by its extension) and transfer method. The Transfer Settings dialog box contains common file type associations, any of which you can delete or move to another transfer type list.


Use to transfer a VMS or UNIX program file between two hosts via the PC. When receiving files, attribute information is appended to the file stored on the PC; this information is then used to create the file when it is transferred back to the host. Therefore, when sending files, the file must first have been received on the PC from the host using the Image transfer type.

In the case of VMS, the Image transfer type preserves the file's Record Management Services (RMS) attributes, such as the file's organization and record type. VMS files that are re-created correctly when transferred as image files include:

  • .obj files

  • .exe files

  • .mai files

  • Indexed files

    For UNIX, this preserves the UNIX file's user, group, and mode information.