Configuring HDFS Services to Use Keytabs

To configure HDFS services to use keytabs:

  1. For Datanode

    1. Launch a terminal session and log in to the Kubernetes worker node where the HDFS datanode is active.

    2. Copy the http<DATANODE_HOST>.keytab and hdfs<DATANODE_HOST>.keytab keytab files from the Windows Active Directory domain controller and paste them in the /opt/arcsight/k8s-hostpath-volume/interset/hdfs/keytabs directory of the Kubernetes worker node where the HDFS datanode is active, and then rename them as http.keytab and hdfs.keytab.

    3. Repeat step a and step b for all the HDFS datanodes that are active in the Kubernetes cluster.
    4. For all the keytab files present in the HDFS datanodes of the Kubernetes cluster, provide the permissions of the users who have privilege to NFS, and then navigate to the /opt/arcsight/k8s-hostpath-volume/interset/hdfs/keytabs directory and set:

      chmod 600 *
      chown UID:GID *

      For example:

      chmod 600 hdfs.keytab
      chown 1999:1999 hdfs.keytab
  2. For Namenode

    1. Launch a terminal session and log in to the Kubernetes node where NFS is created.

    2. Copy the http<DATANODE_HOST>.keytab and hdfs<DATANODE_HOST>.keytab keytab files from the Windows Active Directory domain controller and paste them in the /opt/arcsight-nfs/arcsight-volume/interset/hdfs/namenode/keytabs directory of the Kubernetes node where NFS is created, and then rename them as http.keytab and hdfs.keytab

      You must generate the above keytab files for the Kubernetes worker node labeled as intelligence-namenode:yes.
    3. Repeat step a and step b for all the namenodes active in the Kubernetes cluster.

    4. For all the keytab files present in the HDFS datanodes of the Kubernetes cluster, provide the permissions of the users who have privilege to NFS, and then navigate to the /opt/arcsight/k8s-hostpath-volume/interset/hdfs/keytabs directory and set:

      chmod 600 *
      chown UID:GID *

      For example:

      chmod 600 hdfs.keytab
      chown 1999:1999 hdfs.keytab