Editing Subexpressions

Editing subexpressions consists of two tasks:

  • Grouping and quantifying subexpressions.
  • Providing Scope for recursive regular expressions.
The subexpression for the entity you want to match must either be grouped or an exact match. Any other input is not accepted.
  1. In the Edit Regular Expression dialog, edit the expression manually, or use the buttons to modify te expression.
    1. Click Convert to Exact match to match the Item Value to the Matched Value sample only.
    2. Click Convert to Group if you want to group the expression.
    3. Click Revert Changes if you want to cancel any last changes or Apply Changes to save them.
      Note: The subexpression for the entity you want to match must either be grouped or an exact match. Any other input is not accepted.
  2. If you need to qualify the expression further, edit the regular expression in the Item Value field considering the following:
    • Plus equates to the quantifier +, which denotes one or more occurrence.
    • Star equates to the quantifier *, which denotes 0 or more occurrences.
    • Optional equates to the quantifier ?, which denotes 0 or 1 occurrence.
  3. Click Apply Changes after each modification.
  4. Click OK when you are done editing your entries in Edit Regular Expression dialog.
Architecture Modeler displays the edited subexpression in the expression tree.