Entity Type Properties

The properties of an entity type define its characteristics: its internal and external names, icon in COBOL Analyzer, flags, and so on. The table below shows the properties of an entity type.

Note: Only properties editable in Architecture Modeler are shown in the table.
Property Description
Name The internal name of the entity type: COBOL, for example.
Description The display name of the entity type: Cobol File, for example.
Source Name The name of the entity attribute that holds “reference-resolving” information for an entity: Source, for example. See the subtopics below for more information.
Display Name The name of the entity attribute that holds the display name for the entity. A Java File's display name derives from the value of its ClassName attribute, for example.
Flags Flags that define the nature of the entity type: LEGACY, for example. See the subtopics below for more information.
Registration The name of the class used to perform registration, unregistration, and invalidation tasks. Specify Default, unless the entity type should not have a folder in the project, in which case, specify NoRegistration.
Source Type The type of “reference-resolving” information for the entity: File, for example. See the subtopics below for more information.
Icon The name of the file that contains the entity type’s icon for display: COBOL.gif, for example.