Setting Impact Pane User Preferences

Use the Interactive Analysis > Impact tab of the User Preferences window to control the level of detail provided in the label for each relationship type in the trace: whether to show or hide the locations of variables in source, their memory offsets and sizes, and so forth. You can also use these options to specify the level of detail to include in an Impact Subtree Report.
  1. Choose Tools > User Preferences. The User Preferences window opens. Click the Interactive Analysis > Impact tab.
  2. Click the tab for the type of object whose relationship labels and report attributes you want to specify.
  3. In the Root field, edit the template for the startup item label. Items preceded by a backslash are replaced with attributes reported in the Subtree Report. You can modify unescaped text as necessary.
  4. In the Relationship pane, select a relationship, then edit the template for its label in the Backward Analysis or Forward Analysis fields as appropriate. Items preceded by a backslash are replaced with attributes reported in the Subtree Report. You can modify unescaped text as necessary.
  5. Click More in the Report Attributes pane. In the Report Attributes dialog, select the attributes you want to include in the Subtree Report.
  6. Choose Display Business Names if you want to display business names in the impact trace rather than original identifiers.