
Following a verification of the source files, run to create relationships between COBOL programs and C programs, as well as between C programs and JCL programs.

Before the script is run, calls from COBOL to C functions appear as calls to unresolved program entry points. The calls from C functions to COBOL programs appear as calls to unresolved functions. The batch process scans the repository for these relationships and when it locates an appropriate match, it replaces the existing relationships with new ones that link the COBOL and C entities. For calls from COBOL to C there is a "Calls Program Entry Decision" relationship from the calling program to a new decision entity and the decision entity has a "Resolves to Function" relationship to the C function called from the COBOL program. For calls from C to COBOL there is a "Calls Decision" relationship from the calling C function to a new decision entity and a "Resolves to Program Entry Point" from the decision to the COBOL program called from the C function. generates relationships between C and JCL programs in a similar way.

There are two options under Options > Workspace Options > Verification > Settings > C File that are related to this process.

The first option is called Generate program entry points for main functions. When checked, any C function with the name "main" will now generate an associated program entry point object whose name is the last component of the file name.

The second option is Generate program entry points for filename functions, which works in a similar way and is for C modules that do not have a main function.

Note: needs to be re-run if any of the C, COBOL or JCL source files are modified and require verification.


MFCobolCLink LogFile Workspace
Required Parameters Description


Output log file generated when the batch script is executed.


Workspace file (.rwp).