Writing Routine Parameters

The linkage of the exit routine identified in the product PDS COPY by the kDCWRTW source includes the following fields.

01  kDCWRT-REC.                                                        
     05  kDCWRT-FLOPER              PIC  X(001).                       
     05  kDCWRT-LREC                PIC S9(009) COMP.                  
     05  kDCWRT-DSNAME.                                                 
           10  kDCWRT-DSNAME-52        PIC  X(056) VALUE SPACE.           
           10                          PIC  X(001) VALUE LOW-VALUE.
     05  kDCWRT-RETCODE             PIC  X(002).                       
01  kDCWRT-RECORD                   PIC  X(16000).                     

These fields are described in the following table:

Field name Input/Output Description
kDCWRT-FLOPER Input Flag describing the action to be performed. Possible values: O - indicates that the call has been performed in the File opening mode C - indicates that the call has been performed in the File closing mode W - indicates that the call has been performed in the File writing mode
kDWRT-LREC Input Length of the record layout that will be written.
kDCWRT-DSNAME Input Name of the output sequential file.
kDCWRT-RETCODE Output Return code. If the return code is left BLANK, it means that the routine has been run successfully.
kDCWRT-RECORD Output File new record.