Data Inventory

The information about your data store that is loaded into the Data Express Knowledge Base is as follows:
  • Data store (or table) inventory
  • Type classification (for example, DB2, SEQ, or VSAM)
  • Record number and record length
  • Data store (or table) structure
  • •Application structure

For non-relational data stores, the application structure of the Data Inventory process is organized into two phases:

  • Load and analysis of the copybook that describes the structure of the data stores
  • Load, analysis, and association of the data store
For relational data stores (for example, DB2), the application structure of the Data Inventory process is organized into one phase:
  • Load DB2 tables
For ADABAS data stores, the application structure of the Data Inventory process is organized into one phase:
  • Load ADABAS tables