Dimensions RM
Version 12.10
Readme File

This file contains information on installing and using the current release of Dimensions RM.

·         To check for an updated version of this file, go to:

·         To contact technical support, go to:

Table of Contents

Part 1: Core System Requirements
Part 2: Core Dimensions RM
Part 3: Dimensions CM Integration
Part 4: Prototype Composer Integration
Part 5: ALM/Quality Center Integration

Part 6: Other Integrations

Part 7: Copyrights


Part 1: Core System Requirements

1.0 Supported Platforms

2.0 Hardware Requirements

3.0 Load Balancing Versus a Single Larger Server

4.0 UTF Support

5.0 Unicode and Dimensions RM

5.1 Dimensions RM Database

5.2 Upgrade and Migration


Part 2: Core Dimensions RM

6.0 Security Information

7.0 Upgrade Considerations

7.1 Licensing. As of Dimensions RM 12.10,  AutoPass license server is required

7.2 RM Software Upgrade is not supported.

7.3 Upgrading from 12.8 and lower versions, environment changes required.

7.4 Upgrading the RM Database instances: "Error occurred configuring ICADMIN" [DEF204256]

7.5 ALM/Quality Center Integration. Manual move of registry entries required when upgrading from 12.8 or lower versions

8.0 Installation Considerations

8.1 Licensing. As of Dimensions RM 12.10,  AutoPass is Required

9.0 Usage Cautions

9.1 Do Not Use the QLARIUS, RMDEMO, ALM_DEMO or AGILE_RMDEMO Sample Instances for Production Data

9.2 Reinstall RM after Upgrading Oracle, MS SQL or PostgreSQL

9.3 RM Browser Cookie Requirements

9.4 Users Require DCOM Access in Security Policy

10.0 Documentation Issues

10.1 Documentation Availability

11.0 SSO/CAC Issues

11.1 Disabling SSO Login Source May Not Hide Login Options in Class Definition [DEF201721]

12.0 Microsoft Office/Word/Excel & RM Import Issues    

12.1 RM Import Designer Fails to Load Classes on Oracle Express

12.2 Error Occurs during Import when Cell Containing Specified Keyword is Last Cell in Table

13.0 RM Browser Issues

13.1 RM Browser Login Failure

14.0 Other Known Issues

14.1 New Instance Admin Password Not Verified

14.2 New Passwords set by Administrators Do Not Follow A Password Rule

14.3 Zones

14.4 RM Mail Service Access

14.5 Login Error: "Password May be Incorrect in Security File or Security File May Not be Found"

14.6 Oracle Errors Reported When Restoring or Creating an Instance

14.7 "Requirement Link" Attribute Display Issue

14.8 Backup/Restore schema is not supported with MS SQL Server

14.9 Restore backup to the instance with different name is not supported with PostgreSQL

14.10 DB doctor is deprecated

14.11 IE browser no longer supported

14.12 User permissions in the RM Manage and in Class Def are hidden by default (INT344298)



Part 3: Dimensions CM Integration

15.0 Supported Versions and Platforms

16.0 Known Issues

16.1 CM / RM User Names and Passwords Must Match and are Case Sensitive

16.2 Unicode support for integration


Part 4: Prototype Composer Integration

17.0 Supported Versions and Platforms

18.0 Known Issues


Part 5: ALM/Quality Center Integration

19.0 Supported Versions and Platforms

19.1 Synchronize date attributes from RM to QC

20.0 Known Issues

20.1 Synchronization Errors with Extraneous Quality Center Items


Part 6: Other Integrations

21.0 Supported Versions and Platforms

21.1  Jira integration based on SyncEngine connector is no longer supported, use with Micro Focus Connector for Jira instead


Part 7: Copyrights, Trademarks, and Acknowledgements

22.0 Copyrights, Trademarks, and Acknowledgements


Part 1: Core System Requirements

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1.0 Supported Platforms

For current supported platform information please see the online support matrix at https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/dimensions-rm/drm12.10.

Note: SLM is no longer supported, Micro Focus license management solution Autopass must be used instead.

For AutoPass installation instructions see



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2.0 Hardware Requirements

For hardware requirements please see System Requirements chapter in the drm_support_matrix.pdf at https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/dimensions-rm/drm12.10.

3.0 Load Balancing Versus a Single Larger Server

Dimensions RM should work correctly behind a hardware load balancer with the sticky bit set. However, Micro Focus does not test or document the use of Dimensions RM with a load balancer.

Since the Dimensions RM Application Server scales well, Micro Focus recommends that you increase the capacity of the Web Server, if possible, rather than running a load balancer. Given a choice between running four 2-processor web servers behind a load balancer or a single server with 8 processors, it would be recommended to run the single larger server. User experience shows that a single larger server delivers the best performance and is easier to maintain.

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4.0 UTF Support

Dimensions RM supports Unicode characters.

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5.0 Unicode and Dimensions RM

5.1 Dimensions RM Database

To fully store these Unicode characters in the Dimensions RM Oracle database, you MUST configure the Oracle database instance with the UTF8 database character set (Oracle recommends AL32UTF8). Using an Oracle UTF8 database ensures that RM Import can store all the Unicode characters in the Dimensions RM database.

If you use any other database character set (such as Western European [WE8MSWIN1252]), RM Import cannot fully store all of these Unicode characters. Data loss occurs when RM Import attempts to store these Unicode characters in a non-UTF8 database. The non-UTF8 database does not have these characters in its character set, so it substitutes the unknown conversion character, which is usually the upside-down question mark.

5.2 Upgrade and Migration

If you have a Dimensions RM Oracle database that is configured with a character set other than UTF8, and you want to use RM Import without any loss of data, you must convert your existing Oracle database to use a UTF8 database character set. Please see the "Globalization Support Guide" available from Oracle for information and instructions.


Part 2: Core Dimensions RM

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6.0 Security Information

7.0 Upgrade Considerations

7.1 Licensing. As of Dimensions RM 12.10,  AutoPass license server is required

SLM is no longer supported, Micro Focus license management solution AutoPass must be used instead.

AutoPass server should be installed before the Dimension RM 12.10 installation/upgrade.

For AutoPass installation instructions see


You can install AutoPass on the same system as Dimensions RM or install it on a separate dedicated license server. If you have other Micro Focus software products installed on the license server that uses AutoPass, you can use that for Dimensions RM server licenses.


7.2 RM Software Upgrade is not supported.

Upgrade feature of the installer is disabled. The previous release of RM must be uninstalled before installing the new release.


7.3 Upgrading from 12.8 and lower versions, environment changes required.

As of RM 12.8.1, RM is 64 bit application. Following environment changes are required:

Oracle only:

1.    Uninstall the 32-bit Oracle client by executing the steps described in chapter "Uninstalling the 32-bit Oracle Client"  of the Dimensions RM Installation Guide

2.    Install 64-bit Oracle Administrator Client. For installation of the 64-bit Oracle Client, see chapter "64-Bit Oracle Client Installation in an Upgrade Scenario" of the Dimensions RM Installation Guide

     MS SQL Server only:

      A 64-bit ODBC System DSN based on SQL Server Native Client 11 driver must be configured on the Dimensions RM application server. For configuration, see chapter "Configuring the System DSN" of the Dimensions   RM Installation Guide


Note: RM Registry path is changed to  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Micro Focus\Dimensions RM\

7.4 Upgrading the RM Database instances: "Error occurred configuring ICADMIN" [DEF204256]

The error occurs when attempting to upgrade instances with Convert Database. Do the following to avoid this issue:

1.    Go to the root of the new RM installation, typically:
C:\\Program Files\Micro Focus\Dimensions XX.X.X\RM

2.    Rename the security.dat_old file to security.dat.

 You should now be able to successfully upgrade instances.


7.5 ALM/Quality Center Integration. Manual move of registry entries required when upgrading from 12.8 or lower versions

If Quality Center Integration has been in use before the upgrade of versions Dimensions RM 12.8 and below, please apply the following after the upgrade of the RM Server has been completed:

1.      If the  Micro Focus SyncEngine service is running, stop it.

2.      In the command prompt type regedit.  Go to the location:

                 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Serena Software\Service

3.      Export the content to a file. To be safe, save the file to a backup.

4.      Edit file with exported registry entries in any text editor.

Use Find and Replace:

                 find what : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Serena Software\

                 replace with: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Micro Focus\Dimensions RM\

5.      Save the file.

6.      Execute the command prompt as Administrator, run the following command:

                 reg import "path to the file\Name of the exported file with keys.reg" /reg:64

7.      Registry entries will be imported.

8.      Next key can be removed now with all sub-entries in the registry viewer:

        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Serena Software\Service

9.      Start Micro Focus SyncEngine service



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8.0 Installation Considerations

8.1 Licensing. As of Dimensions RM 12.10,  AutoPass license server is required

SLM is no longer supported, Micro Focus license management solution AutoPass must be used instead.

AutoPass server should be installed before the Dimension RM 12.10 installation.

For AutoPass installation instructions see


You can install AutoPass on the same system as Dimensions RM or install it on a separate dedicated license server. If you have other Micro Focus software products installed on the license server that uses AutoPass, you can use that for Dimensions RM server licenses.

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9.0 Usage Cautions

9.1 Do Not Use the QLARIUS, RMDEMO, ALM_DEMO or AGILE_RMDEMO Sample Instances for Production Data

Do NOT use the QLARIUS, RMDEMO, ALM_DEMO or AGILE_RMDEMO sample instances as a starting point for an actual production instance. Always start with the new instance  or a template of your own that was created from the new instance and then saved (see the Saved Instances tab).

9.2 Reinstall RM after Upgrading Oracle, MS SQL or PostgreSQL

When upgrading the version of database (Oracle, MS SQL or PostgreSQL) used to support Dimensions RM, RM must be uninstalled following the Upgrade Scenarios documented in the Installation Guide.

9.3 RM Browser Cookie Requirements

RM Browser uses session cookies to process your login and recode your session authorization. Your browser and network security should be set at a minimum to "allow session cookies" for RM Browser. RM Browser does not allow you to log in with all cookies disallowed.

RM Browser can also use long-term cookies to store information about your defaults and use of RM Browser features. RM Browser does not require long-term cookies in order to operate correctly, but you have a more user friendly interface if all cookies are enabled for RM Browser.

Cookies can be enabled either in the options for the Web browser or in the settings of an external application that blocks cookies (such as a cookie manager or a personal firewall).

9.4 Users Require DCOM Access in Security Policy

By default, the Security Setting for the DCOM policies in Windows is Not Defined, and that should work with RM. However, RM will not work if the DCOM policies are set to Disabled or if RM users are excluded from using them.

If RM is not working, make sure that the following DCOM security policies are set to Not Defined or to grant local access to RM users:

·         DCOM: Machine Access Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax

·         DCOM: Machine Launch Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax

See the Local Security Policy utility under Administrative Tools. The DCOM policies are in Security Options under Local Policies.

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10.0 Documentation Issues

10.1 Documentation Availability

You can download the latest Dimensions RM documentation from the following location:


The manuals, readme, and release notes are no longer installed with the product.

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11.0 SSO/CAC Issues

11.1 Disabling SSO Login Source May Not Hide Login Options in Class Definition [DEF201721]

Disabling the SSO login source with RM Manage should hide the login options (User Credentials; SSO; Smart Card) in all login dialogs. However, the options are not hidden for the Class Definition tool if SSO is disabled in some databases but enabled in others.

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12.0 Microsoft Office/Word/Excel & RM Import Issues

12.1 RM Import Designer Fails to Load Classes on Oracle Express

With an Oracle Express RDBMS, RM Import Designer returns a Database Read Error when loading classes after you select All in the class rules tab.

12.2 Error Occurs during Import when Cell Containing Specified Keyword is Last Cell in Table

An error occurs in RM Import during import when the cell containing the specified keyword is the last cell in the table. This situation occurs when the template in RM Import Designer has Column next to keyword selected under Attribute Value on the Class Rules tab for the Section or Keyword option.

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13.0 RM Browser Issues

13.1 RM Browser Login Failure

RM Browser login sometimes fails after the RM Server is rebooted, due to a failed connection to the license server. If this occurs, restart Micro Focus Common Tomcat.

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14.0 Other Known Issues

14.1 New Instance Admin Password Not Verified

After installing a new Dimensions RM database instance, when you first create a new RM instance, the instance admin user’s password is not verified with password rules.

14.2 New Passwords set by Administrators Do Not Follow A Password Rule

When administrators define new passwords for users in RM Manage, the passwords do not follow the password rule that new passwords differ by "n" number of characters from the old password. This rule is followed only when users themselves change the passwords.

14.3 Zones

Zones are no longer supported.

14.4 RM Mail Service Access

The RM Mail Service was previously available in the Windows Control Panel. To access the RM Mail Service, from the Windows Start menu, select Programs > Micro Focus > Dimensions RM version and then click RM Mail Configuration.

14.5 Login Error: "Password May be Incorrect in Security File or Security File May Not be Found"

There are situations in which you may receive the "Password May be Incorrect in Security File or Security File May Not be Found" error when logging in to a Dimensions RM tool. The following table describes such scenarios and provides ways you can correct the problem. For more information about database password encryption, refer to the Dimensions RM Administrator’s Guide.


Potential Problem

Troubleshooting Procedure


No Dimensions RM instance exists on the server.

Make sure you have a Dimensions RM instance on the server. You can test for this by selecting your database instance in RM Manage, right-clicking, and selecting Change User from the context menu. If you get the same error message again instead of a prompt to log in, then there is probably no RM instance in the database instance.


You know a Dimensions RM instance exists. The security file could be in the wrong location.

In RM Explorer or RM Manage, select Workspace > Options. Click the Security tab and verify the location and name of the security file.


You know the security file is in the correct location. The database instance could need to be updated to match the current security settings.

In RM Manage, select the database instance, right-click, and select Convert Database. When the database validation tool starts, select your instance and click Upgrade. When it prompts whether you want to recreate the stored procedures, click Yes.


The ICADMIN or ICPROJECT account could be locked.

In SQL Plus, try to log in as ICADMIN by typing the following text:

sqlplus icadmin/<dummy password>@<database instance>

If Oracle returns a message that the account is locked, type the following text to unlock it:

sqlplus icdba/icdba@<database instance>

alter user icadmin account unlock;


Perform the same procedure to check and unlock ICPROJECT.


The Dimensions RM or Oracle path could be wrong.

In RM Explorer or RM Manage, select Workspace > Options. Click the Mandatory tab, and confirm that the RTM_HOME and ORACLE_HOME values are correct.

14.6 Oracle Errors Reported When Restoring or Creating an Instance

As of RM 12.9, ICPROJECTS database user is deprecated and when restoring instance backups from earlier versions, the following Oracle errors may be displayed. These errors appear in a command prompt window that displays with the Oracle IMP command. The errors may also appear in the log, that you can display after creating the instance. These errors can be safely ignored.


. . importing table           "DATABASE_HFVERSION"         30 rows imported

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1917:


IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1917 encountered

ORA-01917: user or role 'ICPROJECTS' does not exist

. . importing table             "DATABASE_VERSION"         88 rows imported

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1917:


IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1917 encountered

ORA-01917: user or role 'ICPROJECTS' does not exist

. . importing table              "DATE_ATTRIBUTE1"         63 rows imported


. importing table   "USER_ATTR_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE"          1 rows imported

. . importing table                 "USER_OPTIONS"        376 rows imported

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1917:


IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1917 encountered

ORA-01917: user or role 'ICPROJECTS' does not exist

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1917:


IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1917 encountered

ORA-01917: user or role 'ICPROJECTS' does not exist

. . importing table                "USER_SESSIONS"          3 rows imported

. . importing table               "WF_CONSTRAINTS"          1 rows imported

14.7 "Requirement Link" Attribute Display Issue

If the "Requirement Link" attribute is set to be displayed in the custom section of a customized Web form, it is not populated with the value. However, it is as displayed correctly in the system attributes section.

14.8 Backup/Restore schema is not supported with MS SQL Server

At present, the Backup/Restore of schemas functionality do not work with MS SQL Server databases. Deploy feature could be used instead

14.9 Restore backup to the instance with different name is not supported with PostgreSQL

Please note, that restore backups to the instances with another name then original instance name are not supported.

E.g. if you created backup of RMDEMO instance, then it can be restored only to instance named as RMDEMO.

14.10 DB doctor is deprecated

As of RM 12.8.1, db doctor tool is deprecated and no longer supported. Please disregard any references in documentation

14.11 IE browser no longer supported 

As of RM 12.9, IE browser no longer supported.

14.12 User permissions in the RM Manage and in Class Def are hidden by default (INT344298)

As of 12.8.1, User permissions in the RM Manage and in Class Def are hidden by default. 

It is not recommended to use permissions on the user level, and that feature will be deprecated in next releases.

Note, that permissions are still validated, just not shown in the UI. 

To change that visibility setting:

·         Go to the RM Manage.

·         Open Workspace -> Options.

·         Go to the Security tab. 

·         Set option "Enable permissions for individual users (legacy mode)".

·         Click OK or Apply. 


Part 3: Dimensions CM Integration

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15.0 Supported Versions and Platforms

For current supported platform information please see the online support matrix at https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/dimensions-rm/drm12.10.

Installation of Dimensions CM client is required on the RM server environment.

NOTE: If there is a patch for your version, it is available in a knowledgebase (KB) article on the Micro Focus Support Web site.

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16.0 Known Issues

16.1 CM / RM User Names and Passwords Must Match and are Case Sensitive

In the ALM integration, the user name and password must be the same for both Dimensions RM and Dimensions CM. The user name and password are case sensitive.

16.2 Unicode support for integration

If you intend to use Dimensions RM/CM integration with non-English characters please sure that Windows locale on RM server is set to that language.

(e.g. set Japanese locale to support transfer data with Japanese symbols).

 Note that for CM product, stream/project names you still should use ASCII characters



Part 4: Prototype Composer Integration

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17.0 Supported Versions and Platforms

For current supported platform information please see the online support matrix at https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/dimensions-rm/drm12.10.

18.0 Known Issues


Part 5: ALM/Quality Center Integration

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19.0 Supported Versions and Platforms

For current supported platform information please see the online support matrix at https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/dimensions-rm/drm12.10.

ALM OTA API is not compatible with 64-bit applications by default since ALM OTA API is a 32 bit COM component. Since RM 12.8.1 there are additional steps should be performed on the ALM QC server:

1.    Install the OTA client (http://<server_name>:<port>/qcbin/start_a.jsp?common=true)

2.    Open the OLEView tool (OLE/COM Object Viewer) for Windows. Located under \Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\<x.x (depends on OS)>\bin\x86\ folder (NOTE: Manually install OLEView tool for windows if OLEView.exe is not available under Windows Kits.)

3.    In the left pane of the viewer, under “Object Class”, expand “All Objects” and select “Mercury OTA Client”. The implemented interfaces are displayed in the Registry tab in the right pane

4.    Click the Implementation tab and select the “User Surrogate Process” checkbox


19.1 Synchronize date attributes from RM to QC

Please note that for synchronization of date attributes synchronization config file (that used with Dimensions RM versions below 12.10) should be edited, and the classpath value should  be changed for proper log4j version and have path to both log4j-api-2.17.1.jar and log4j-core-2.17.1.jar

Example of classpath param value:

<Param name="classpath" value="-Djava.class.path=C:\\Program Files\\Micro Focus\\Dimensions 12.10\\RM\\bin\\SyncEngUtilsJava.jar;C:\\Program Files\\Micro Focus\\Dimensions 12.10\\RM\\bin\\log4j-api-2.17.1.jar;C:\\Program Files\\Micro Focus\\Dimensions 12.10\\RM\\bin\\log4j-core-2.17.1.jar" /> 


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20.0 Known Issues

20.1 Synchronization Errors with Extraneous Quality Center Items

IMPORTANT! If the synchronization fails for any reason, extraneous issues starting with the text NewRequirement may appear in Quality Center, and attempts to synchronize requirements linked to these items may fail. If you encounter these items in Quality Center, delete them and run a fresh synchronization.



Part 6: Other Integrations

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21.0 Supported Versions and Platforms

For current supported platform information please see the online support matrix at https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/dimensions-rm/drm12.10.

21.1 Jira integration based on SyncEngine connector is no longer supported, use Micro Focus Connect for Jira instead

Based on ease-of-use,the Micro Focus Connect application is now the integration tool of choice.

As of Dimensions RM 12.10, integration with Jira is no longer supported with SyncEngine connector. Consider using MF connect and Micro Focus Connector for Jira instead.


Part 7: Copyrights

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22.0 Copyrights

© Copyright 2022 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates.

The only warranties for products and services of Micro Focus and its affiliates and licensors (“Micro Focus”) are as may be set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Micro Focus shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Except as specifically indicated otherwise, this document contains confidential information and a valid license is required for possession, use or copying. If this work is provided to the U.S. Government, consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed under vendor's standard commercial license.

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End Readme