Dimensions RM
Version 12.5.1
Release Notes

This file describes the new features and functionality available in the current release of Micro Focus Dimensions RM.

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Table of Contents

Part 1: What's New?
Part 2: What's Fixed in 12.5.1?

Part 1: What's New?

1.0 What's New in Dimensions RM 12.5.1?


Part 2: What's Fixed in 12.5.1?

2.0 Fixes in 12.5.1

Part 1: What's New?

1.0 What's New in Dimensions RM 12.5.1?

Dimensions RM 12.5.1 addresses various enhancement requests and issues that were submitted by customers:

·       Document Enhancements:

o    New free-definable Document workflow including progress bar and state change history.

o    Document content overview with requirement workflow status and class types in document view.

o    Cross-references to a requirement, chapter, image or table can be used within a document.

o    Document can be locked/unlocked manually.

o    Ability to create a copy of an existing document with copies of the contained requirements.

o    Reminder for unsaved changes in full document view.

o    New and harmonized document settings dialog

UX Improvements in Agile:

o    New action bar is available on a story board to support fast access to actions like coloring, copy, delete.

o    Custom attributes can be configured to be shown on cards/badges.

o    New „Ranking“ functionality for stories.

o    Stories show references to linked Epics or Features on board cards.

·       Attribute Calculation:

o    Added ability to define calculation for a numeric attribute based on other attribute values.

·       Workflow Enhancements:

o    Workflow can be defined for containers, like documents, collections and baselines.

o    New workflow automation: workflow transition can be automatically executed based on attribute constraints or based on states of linked requirements.

o    „Null“ and „Not Null“ constraints are available for transitions.

o    User can use arrow keys to move objects in workflow diagram.

·       Improvements in Quick Search:

o    Chapter class can be used as Quick Search filter.

o    Added filter for container type.

·       Linking:

o    Suspicion can be raised also manually for a linked requirement.

o    Simplified deletion of baselined links.

o    Warning message is shown in case when requirements can’t be linked in Split View.

·       Other UX Improvements:

o    User can define favorite reports.

o    Container names in report results have a clickable link which opens the container.

o    Columns in Matrix View are sizable.

·       Graph Editor:

o    Improved MS Visio import functionality.

·       Change Proposals:

o    „Propose change“ is available for non-current requirements.

o    Requirements which have change proposals are highlighted in document tree.

·       Import:

o    RM Import supports Office 2016.

·       Security:

o    New project administrator can be defined to manage all access rights for a certain category.

o    Added ability to configure who can edit or see a dashboard.

o    „Secure Flag“ option is used in session cookies.

o    Forced file attachments to be written to the file system prior to being opened by the user.

·       Performance Improvements:

o    Enhanced performance of category assignment in RM Browser.

o    Enhanced performance of user list loading in Manage Users dialog.

2.0 Fixes in 12.5.1

Defects from customers:


Tables and Images  overrun Page size when published to Word


‘Inherit All’ from ‘Definition of Class’ can show (although not assign) incorrect permissions


Expiration screens are not using SSO Login


Request for Difference view to be laid out in a more readable format


12.5 /  Graphical Report and Quick search don't return the same number of requirements


Scrolling when editing chapter or requirements in document scroll view does not move tiny mce menu


Unable to publish document if it has a 'slash' or 'tab' symbol in document name


Group Attribute: OR condition for script reports in Runtime Execution


Some documents cannot be completely loaded in scroll view


When Reply to a comment in classic comment section it is not shown as reply in document view


Automatic Transition


Cells in a new Table should have usefull size when inserting

Non-customer defects:


merge is not working in Firefox


Publish from Home View is not working


Drilldown on group attribute value is not working correctly when value contains '-'


After replacing root requirement in Show links the last version of requirement should be shown after refresh


Products cannot be deleted


Agile - should be possible to disable HTML option for text attribute


Wrong tablespace location


Multiselect in Categorie tree on Agile View


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