3.1 Understanding Trigger Operators

An operator is a complex rule that ties other rules together and governs how they are related. Workflow Automation provides the following default operators.

Has All of the following

Requires one or more events to match all rules. For example, the following combination of rules on the Initiate New Work Item If tab tells the trigger to initiate a work item only if both descendant expressions are TRUE:

Has All of the following
     Expression 1
     Expression 2
Has Any of the following

Requires one event to match any of the rules. For example, the following combination of rules on the Block New Work Item If tab tells the trigger to block a new work item if either of the descendant expressions is TRUE:

Has Any of the following
     Expression 1
     Expression 2

Operators can have other operators as descendants, creating unlimited “nested” levels. For example, the following combination of rules on the Append to Previous Work Item If tab tells the trigger to append matching events to a work item only if Expression 1, Expression 2, and either Expression 3 or Expression 4 is TRUE.

Has All of the following
     Expression 1
     Expression 2
     Has Any of the following
          Expression 3
          Expression 4