31.1 Add-DRAUser


Adds a user object to an Active Directory domain.


Add-DRAUser -Properties <Hashtable> -Domain <String> [-DRARestServer <String>] [-DRARestPort <Int32>] [-IgnoreCertificateErrors <SwitchParameter>] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-Timeout <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Add-DRAUser cmdlet adds a user to a domain managed by DRA. The requesting user must have the Create User power. Use the Properties parameter to specify the values to use when creating the user. To see the complete list of available properties, perform a Get-Member command on the object returned from any DRAUser command.


Attribute / Description

Parameters / Values



Default Value

Accept Pipeline input?

Accept wildcard characters?

Properties <Hashtable>

A hashtable of property values. The key is the name of a defined attribute in the REST interface. For example: -Properties @{Attribute1DRADisplayName="my value"; Attribute2DRADisplayName=value}

Multiple values are specified as a comma-separated list.For example: -Properties @{Attribute1DRADisplayName=value1, value2}

If the property name contains non-alphanumeric characters it needs to be quoted.For example: -Properties @{"Attribute1-DRA-DisplayName"=value}

If the property value contains a quote it needs to be escaped with a backtick (`).For example: -Properties @{Attribute1DRADisplayName="`"sample`" value"}




true (ByPropertyName)


Identifier <String>

The name or distinguished name of an existing Active Directory object. When the name is specified, an additional call to the DRA Server is needed to obtain the distinguished name for the object.



true (ByPropertyName)


Domain <String>

The domain of the object in FQDN format. For example: mydomain.corp




true (ByPropertyName)


DRARestServer [<String>]

The name of the computer running the DRA Rest Service. The requested DRA operation will execute on this server. If the parameter is not specified, the value defaults to 'localhost'.




true (ByPropertyName


DRARestPort [<Int32>]

The port where the DRA REST Service listens for requests. If the parameter is not specified, the value defaults to 8755.




true (ByPropertyName


IgnoreCertificateErrors [<SwitchParameter>]

Allows the request to bypass any SSL certificate errors, such as the InvalidOperation error that occurs when the REST Service is bound to a self-signed certificate.





Force [<SwitchParameter>]

Suppresses any request for user input and supplies a 'yes' response. For example: -Force with a delete request will perform the delete without presenting the confirmation request to the user.






Timeout [<Int32>]

The number of seconds to wait before the request to the DRA REST server times out. To specify an infinite timeout, you can set this parameter to -1.



100 seconds

true (ByPropertyName)



Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see About CommonParameters.






NOTE:For more information, type "Get-Help Add-DRAUser -detailed". For technical information, type "Get-Help Add-DRAUser -full".

Example 31-1 1

PS C:\>Add-DRAUser  -Domain MyDomain.corp -Properties @{FriendlyParentPath="MyDomain.corp/Accounting";Name="USER123";Description="PS Desc 001";ManagedBy="CN=George,CN=Users,DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=corp";samAccountName="COMP123"}

This example creates the user USER123 in Active Directory using the Name and DRA FriendlyParentPath properties. The user will be created in the domain MyDomain.corp in the Accounting OU. There are three properties set on this user: Description, ManagedBy, and samAccountName.

Example 31-2 2

PS C:\>Add-DRAUser  -Domain MyDomain.corp -Properties @{DistinguishedName="CN=USER123,OU=Accounting,    DC=MyDomain,DC=corp";Description="User for powershell";TrustedForDelegation=$true}

This example creates a user named USER123 in Active Directory using the DRA DistinguishedName property. The user will be created in the domain MyDomain.corp in the Accounting OU. There are two properties set on this user: Description and TrustedForDelegation. The samAccountName defaults to the name. The user principal name defaults to USER123@MyDomain.corp.

Example 31-3 3

PS C:\>Add-DRAUser  -Domain MyDomain.corp -Properties @{FriendlyName="MyDomain.corp/Accounting/USER123";Description="User for powershell";TrustedForDelegation=$true}

This example creates a user named USER123 in Active Directory using the DRA FriendlyName property. The user will be created in the domain MyDomain.corp in the Accounting OU. There are two properties set on this user: Description and TrustedForDelegation. The samAccountName defaults to the name. The user principal name defaults to USER123@MyDomain.corp.

Example 31-4 4

PS C:\>Add-DRAUser  -Domain MyDomain.corp -Properties @{DistinguishedName="CN=myuser03,OU=SOME-OU,DC=DRDOM610,  "DC=lab";CreateEmail=$true;MailNickname="myuser03";EmailAddress="myuser03@Mycompany.corp";LegacyExchangeDn= "/o=First/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=Recipients/CN=myuser03"}

This example creates a mail-enabled user in Active Directory. There are three email-related properties set on this user: CreateEmail, MailNickname, and LegacyExchangeDn. These three properties are required to create a mail-enabled user.

Example 31-5 5

PS C:\>Add-DRAUser -Domain Mydomain.corp -Properties {MailboxStore="LDAP://Myserver.Mydomain.Corp/CN=Mailbox Database 0962326578,    CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=MessageStore1, CN=MicrosoftExchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=Mydomain,DC=corp";DistinguishedName="CN=myuser04,OU=exec,DC=Mydomain,DC=corp";CreateMailbox=$true;MailNickname="myuser04";EmailAddress="myuser04@Mydomain.corp";UseDefaultMailboxStore=$true

This example creates a user named myuser04 with a mailbox in Active Directory. There are 5 email related properties set on this user. MailboxStore is required to connect to the Exchange server. CreateMailbox requests the user mailbox to be created. The MailNickname and EmailAddress are optionally specified. UseDefaultMailboxStore indicates the Exchange server to use the default mailbox store.