15.1 Exchange Online Properties

The following table lists the Exchange Online properties that you can manage using the cmdlets indicated in the column heading:

* Read-only attribute; ✓Supported attribute; ✗ Unsupported attribute













MailNickname [<String>]

Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname) for the mailbox.

*Office365UserLicenses [<String>]

Exchange Online license associated with the mailbox.

MailTip [<String>]

Informative message that is displayed to users while they are composing a message.

*ProhibitSendQuota [<Nullable(Of Int32)>]

Mailbox size at which the user is prevented from sending new messages.

*PercentageUsed <Nullable(Of Int32)>]

Percentage of the total mailbox quota that has been used.

*TotalItemSize [<Nullable(Of Int32)>]

Size of all items in the mailbox.

*ItemCount [<Nullable(Of Int64)>]

Total items in the mailbox.

*LastLogOnTime [<Nullable(Of DateTime)>]

The last time that the user signed in to the mailbox.

*LastLogOffTime [<Nullable(Of DateTime)>]

The last time that the user signed off from the mailbox.

LitigationHoldEnabled [<Nullable(Of Boolean)>]

Indicates whether to place the mailbox on litigation hold.

LitigationHoldDuration [<Nullable(Of Int32)>]

Number of days to place the mailbox on litigation hold.

LitigationHoldDurationFlag [<Nullable(Of Boolean)>]

Indicates whether to place the mailbox on litigation hold indefinitely or for a specific duration.

Office365ForwardingAddress [<String>]

Forwarding address for messages that are sent to the mailbox.

Office365ForwardingAddressFlag [<Nullable(Of Boolean)>]

Indicates whether to forward messages that are sent to the mailbox.

Office365ForwardingSmtpAddress [<String>]

Forwarding SMTP address for messages that are sent to the mailbox.

Office365DeliverAndForward [<Nullable(Of Boolean)>]

Indicates whether to send all incoming messages to both the forwarding email address and the mailbox.

RecipientLimits [<Nullable(Of Int32)>]

Maximum number of users to whom the messages can be sent.

Office365FullAccess [<String>]

Allows a delegate to sign in to the user's mailbox and view the contents of the mailbox.

Office365FullAccessAdd [<String>]

Adds the specified delegate to the Full Access list.

Office365FullAccessRemove [<String>]

Removes the specified delegate from the Full Access list.

Office365SendAs [<String>]

Allows the delegate to use the mailbox to send messages.

Office365SendAsAdd <String>] [

Adds the specified delegate to the Send As list.

Office365SendAsRemove [<String>]

Removes the specified delegate from the Send As list.

Office365SendOnBehalf [<String>]

Allows the delegate to send email on behalf of the mailbox user.

Office365SendOnBehalfAdd [<String>]

Adds the specified delegate to the Send On Behalf list.

Office365SendOnBehalfRemove [<String>]

Removes the specified delegate from the Send On Behalf list.

*RetentionPolicy [<String>]

Retention policy applied to the mailbox.

*RoleAssignmentPolicy [<String>]

Role-based access control roles that are applied to the mailbox.

*SharingPolicy [<String>]

Sharing policy applied to the mailbox.

*AddressBookPolicy [<String>]

Address book policy applied to the mailbox.

RejectMessagesFrom [<String>]

List of users who are not allowed to send email messages to the mailbox.

AcceptMessagesFrom [<String>]

List of who are allowed to send email messages to the mailbox.

OutgoingEmailSize [Nullable(Of Int32)]

Maximum size for messages sent by the mailbox.

IncomingEmailSize [Nullable(Of Int32)]

Maximum size for messages received by the mailbox.

RequireAuthenticationToSendTo [Nullable(Of Boolean)]

Indicates whether to accept messages only from authenticated senders.

DisplayNamePrintable [<String>]

Alternative description for the mailbox when only a limited set of characters are permitted.

HideFromAddressLists [Nullable(Of Boolean)]

Indicates whether to prevent the mailbox from appearing in the address book and other address lists.

DowngradeHighPriorityMailX400 [Nullable(Of Boolean)]

Indicates whether to downgrade messages that are set for high priority delivery to an X.400-type e-mail address.